Separated from Mayumi and the others in the student union room, Nie Kong and Morley teamed up to the campus.

Seeing the playground filled with tents, I can see from the windows on the first floor of the teaching building. The billboards filled the front and back passages between the school buildings, just like the vendors on the day of the school festival. Although the entire playground is full of stalls, it is confined to the “playground” after all. Various dedicated arenas are used for public performances by clubs that usually use the venues, as are the gymnasiums.

And Morley still has the leisure to visit the club, or the plan to watch the excitement, and does not take the task of maintaining the Academy’s discipline seriously. To be honest, Morley thought it was nothing. I think that even if it is described as “unparalleled turmoil”, it is only a high school club recruitment activity, but I found that things are not very simple.

“Enough for your mountain club, he is the first thing that our sword dao club fancy.”

“hmph, there are too many second-degree students in your sword dao club, right? , Let him learn useless sword skills is a waste of his magic talent! People who want to become magician will hardly practice sword dao in high school.”

“You guys in the mountain club Knowing a fart, our club also teaches the sword technique. The magician uses not the sword dao, but the sword technique that uses both the sword and the art. Many children will practice the sword dao until elementary school in order to learn basic sword skills. Anyway. He was our first fancy.”

The booth that filled the playground was suddenly filled with people, and it could be seen that the two clubs had a dispute. One is the sword dao club holding a bamboo sword, and the other is the strong mountain club. The fuse of the conflict, a freshman of a college student was caught between their two teams. Although his skills are quite flexible, he seems unable to fight against the violence of the numbers, because there are simply too many associations that target outstanding talents.

A terrible thing happened inside the human wall. Anyway, it should be grabbed by his shoulders or hugged from behind. Even the same sex cannot be judged as harassment. .

It might be a bit hesitant to say that the other party is a girl, but a lot of Lords dont need to care about physical contact.

“You…stop it, my pants are about to be taken off. Oh, where are you going to touch.”

The newborn boy gave a panic cry, but didn’t Can stop their behavior. Because the scene is full of medicinal smells, it seems that it has really evolved into a situation where you can’t joke.

Some people in the sword dao club used magic to strengthen their bamboo swords. The Mountain Society is good at hardening and defense, arming itself to the teeth.

“Nie-san, don’t patronize, let’s stop them quickly.” Morley urged as he watched Nie Kong look at the crowd with a funny expression.

“I intend to let you come forward, Morley, please let me appreciate your heroic posture from behind.” Nie Kong said with a smile.

“What?” Although Morley complained in a low voice, it was clear in his eyes that he was eager to have a try. She took out the CAD of her wrist and pointed it at the men in front.

“The Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline, you guys stop me!!” Morley ran to drink, but no one could hear her in the chaotic scene, and was even pushed by the crowd. butt.

Seeing that he hadn’t listened to his advice, Morley stomped his feet. When she waved her right hand, she saw three slender cylindrical containers sandwiched between her fingers, which contained turbid liquids.

Morleys strength does not lie in the powerful magic or magic activation speed that others cant match. Combining all kinds of magic in a variety of ways, and activating most magic breakthroughs at the same time, the combat technology of the opponent’s defense is her characteristic. Especially using the senses that are exposed to the outside world at any time-hearing and smell to stifle the opponent’s battle strength, is the magic she is particularly good at.

The volatile medicine splashed from the three containers, under the magic of Morley’s manipulation of the airflow, mixed into a scent of people, spread directly into the crowd, and passed to their nasal olfactory organs.

The two parties that originally planned to release magic illegally, because of the lack of gas, only half of the members have become drunk old men, shaking their bodies constantly. If Moroccan poison qi is used, then all of them will be destroyed.

“Idiots, do you want to be punished by the school.” Morley walked towards the crowd, making everyone’s eyes focused on her. The first thing I saw was Zuo Huong’s leaves, and then I noticed her badge of the commissioner of discipline.

“Don’t think that the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline is great, it is clear that the group of simple-minded idiots is the first to cause trouble.” The chief of the sword dao community stood up and said.

“Shut up!” Morley was like a majestic queen. She held the bamboo sword that she picked up and swept at the master in a flash. The main general used his sword to block, but found it was cut into two sections.

“Is it actually Chiba Ryu’s crush?” The main general exclaimed, and the members of the mountain society on the opposite side didn’t dare to mess with Morley’s strength.

“The two parties who are trying to cause riots, please come with us.” Morley put on a cold expression, seeing her look completely integrated into the identity of the commissioner of discipline.

“Why, it was the mountain club who came to provoked first.” A member of the sword dao club stood up and said.

“Who is and who is unnatural will be handled impartially, you better not resist.” Nie Kong stood beside Morley and glanced at them.

The faces of the people around became ugly, but they all stopped obediently. As Nie Kong said, no one dares to openly violate the ethics committee.


Solved a sudden occurance, Morley looked very happy, and continued to pull Nie Kong to patrol.

“Aiya, Mori sauce’s magic is too powerful, and the sword technique is very similar to Chiba Ryu’s.” Nie Kong asked casually.

“Well, of course. I was in the third grade of elementary school. I was a student of Qian Ye Family’s gym for several years. I learned a lot of sword techniques from Qian Ye Family. “Morley heard Nie Kong’s praise, and said happily.

“Really, didn’t you meet Chiba Shuji from Qian Ye Family a long time ago?” Nie Kong continued to ask.

“Yes, it’s a pity that I know him, he doesn’t know me, but he is a genius called Qian Ye Family.” Morley whispered.

so that’s how it is, it’s no wonder that on the day of the 9th school battle, Morley would go to watch the Chiba Slim game.

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