On the night of the ninth day of the Nine Schools Battle, Mayumi won the illusion star-catching rookie championship as he wished, making the first high school secure the position of the championship, and the second place three The difference between Gao is 120 points.

Nie Kong and their secret monument decoding also aggressively advanced to the final with four victories. The tournament held on the last day was the final of the secret monument decoding single elimination finals for the nine-school battle.

The Battle of Nine Schools also welcomes the arrival of the last day. There is only one kind of secret tablet decoding in the competition held today. The first stage of the single elimination finals starts at nine o’clock, the second game at ten o’clock, the third place match is held at one o’clock in the afternoon, and the championship final is held after two o’clock.

The award ceremony and closing ceremony will be held at 3:30. The nine-school battle on the arena ends at five o’clock, and the nine-school celebration party will be held at seven in the evening. Different from the social gathering before the opening ceremony, the banquet after the closing ceremony is the real friendly exchange occasion for each school. Not only the exchanges between the nine high school students, but also the opportunity to meet powerful people in the magician society, so the third graders are especially looking forward to the banquet. However, for the four schools that qualify for the knock-out competition, all of that must wait until the end of the competition.

The losing schools are no longer in a hurry. Players and logistics personnel have done their best, quietly waiting for the decisive moment to come.

The tabernacle of No. 1 High School is no exception, centered on Nie Kong, who sits as stable as Mount Tai lazily. The players and logistics staff are nervous and only people are desperately suppressing impetuous mentality, waiting for the order of the game. .

The four colleges and universities that were soon promoted were divided into winners and losers. The final of the secret tablet decoding was the first high school versus the third high school. The rookie match and the regular match of the senior group are both the same opponent. In various senses, it is a matchup of new hatred and hatred. In other words, it is a destined matchup. But it has to be said that the overall strength of the three highs is indeed comparable to the first few years. And this year, with the support of Nie Kong and their freshmen, the gap between the two was opened.

The newcomer match secret monument decoding final began. Nie Kong and Kotaro stood on the plain battlefield a few kilometers away. Because there is no cover in the plain battlefield, the test is the accuracy of magician’s long-range magic.

Looking at Toru Raiyama and Shingo Yoshida on the opposite side, Nie Kong’s eyes were a little surprised. He could see the confidence of winning from the expressions of the three-high trio. It is likely that they are hiding some cards or methods.

As soon as the signal rang, the two camps began to bombard each other with Primordial Demon.

For long-range magic attacks, the distance between the two positions is about six hundred meters. Even though the sniper rifles are a little strenuous, it is not a problem for magicians who are good at long-range magic.

The strange thing is that Shingo Yoshida did not use CAD, but used a spell similar to talisman, which should be the “Shinto” magic of their Yoshida family. Nie Kong’s eyes could see his summon’s weird spiritual object.

In the face of the weird Shinto magic, Shiwenkeren, as always, blocked all kinds of attacks, and was blocked by layers of protective walls that were deployed for this. No one can stop the advance of the Ke people, multiple mobile wall defense magic-phalanx. The Kren actually walked towards the enemy line step by step in the wide arena. The third high school player cannot be ignored or avoided. As for Thunder Elements release of magic, the formidable power is amazing, but it cant help you. With the increasing pressure on their footsteps, they forced them to continue to attack. An impenetrable attack should have consumed the strength of both the attacker and the defender at the same time, but compared to the third high school trio who were completely gasping for breath, Ke Ren was not at all tired.

Nie Kong thought the battle was over, he found Toru Raiyama and Shingo Yoshida looked at each other.

“Quicksand hell!” When the Shiwenkeren was only 50 meters away from them, Shingo Yoshida shot out a green light.

The ground made a “bang bang!” trembling sound, and I saw the mud under the feet of Shiwenkeren, and suddenly a large sinkhole with a width of 3 meters and a depth of 6 meters appeared. Shi Wenkeren was careless for a while, failed to bless the flying magic and suddenly fell in.

The quicksand hell is a kind of “elf” of the independent intelligence entity under the ground, compressing and fixing the sand in the ground, and digging holes in the ground to form a hole in the ground. The ancient magic that allows the foot to stand on the ground to cause the hollow trap to fall.

Since they couldn’t break the magic of ten characters to defeat people, they simply changed their minds to hinder the actions of ten characters to defeat people. Just like Old Ox with brute force, if you sink into the quagmire, it will only sink deeper and deeper. Especially the elves magic of the Yoshida family is very weird. Only people with radiant light allergies can see the hidden elves in the soil. It is not surprising that the Shizijike people are pitted by the Yoshida family.

After submerging the Shijikiren in the deep soil, Toru Raiyama and Shingo Yoshida rushed to the Nie Kong camp at the fastest speed. It seems that they have already planned, bypassing the ten characters and killing people and targeting Nie Kong.

Gantaro was startled and kicked the ground suddenly. Like a huge rock flying horizontally, trying to stop them.

“hmph, I don’t have time to play with you.” Toru Raiyama’s equally strong body collided with Kotaro head-on, but unlike Kotaro’s hardening magic, Toru Raiyama’s body was covered with lightning.

Gantaro was paralyzed, only to realize that his hardened magic could not defend against Thunder Mountains lightning magic. He felt very frustrated. He thought he had won a few games, very difficult to deal with, but he was contented, didn’t expect to be the enemy of Thunder Mountain. He squeezed out a bit of strength and looked towards the last defensive fortress, Nie Kong. Now he can only hope that Nie Kong can stop them for a while, dragging them out of the soil.

“Yoshida, go and read the secret monument. Let me deal with him alone. I said that I will defeat him.” Lei Shanche said with a smile arrogantly.

“Well, you have to be careful yourself.”

Yoshida was nodded with a smile, because the incident left for him is not too much, and his quicksand hell can’t trap a ten-word-killer How much time. Splitting up is indeed the best way to ensure victory.

Nie Kong still laughed with ambition. He originally sat on the secret tablet and watched the show gracefully and jumped down slightly. It seemed that there was no tension at all.

Yoshida Shingo was affected by Nie Kong’s nervousness, and a cold sweat appeared on his palms. He was very jealous of Nie Kong, because he practiced “Shinto” magic since he was a child and was very sensitive to the outside world.

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