“Nie Kong, I won’t lose to you again, Divine Realm!” There was no extra nonsense to waste time, Lei Shantou instantly released his magic.

The blue and white divine light, like a 100-watt light bulb in the dark, illuminates the plain battlefield for several kilometers. And within a dozen meters of Lei Shantou, the harsh wind and thunder and hot air waves covered Nie Kong. A discerning person can tell at a glance that Lei Shan Teru used a large-scale High Rank domain magic. He should have read the CAD start-up, so he ran in front of Nie Kong and Lei Shanche could instantly cast an A-level magic.

Divergence and release complex magic, which decomposes gas into ions, and then forcibly separates the cations and electrons of the electronic clock, thereby creating the magic of the release field of high-energy electromagnetic fields. If Nie Kongs icy fog Divine Realm is the freezing of a blizzard, then his lightning release magic is a hot lava. In fact, the attributes of the two magics are just the opposite.

Although ancient element magic has withdrawn from the mainstream stage of magic in history, the magic formidable power of Thunder Element and Fire Element is indeed overbearing. Covering a radius of 50 meters from Nie Kong, the lawn and soil on the ground are all burned into coke.

Yoshida complexion changed, Lei Shantous magic has obviously violated the rules. In the secret stele decoding game, the use of deadly high formidable power magic is prohibited.

Lei Shanche smiled. It turned out that he had a plan to meet force with force with Nie Kong Divine Realm at first, just and honorable to defeat Nie Kong. Even if not, Lei Shan Toru felt that his magic could delay Yoshida’s time and let him read the secret tablet to win.

Leishan was so shocked and at a loss that Nie Kong did not resort to the Divine Realm that once crushed him, but instead stretched out his hand like a ten-character-killing person. The CAD on his wristband sent a gentle light of thought.

“Lian array square wall.” Only four unbelievable words came out from his mouth, Lei Shantou saw a closed defense layer centered on Nie Kong. The hot plasma was actually blocked in front, and the high-temperature voltage plasma actively bypassed Nie Kong.

Even if the flames and thunder formed by the high temperature and thunder cannot break through the barrier, his shield looks exactly the same as the ten characters who were trapped in the pit.

How is it possible, how can he learn the iron wall secret technique of the ten characters? Lei Shan’s face was unbelievable, as if he had seen a ghost. If it weren’t for seeing the Shiwenkeren who fell into the pit just using the square wall, Lei Shantoru would have thought that Nie Kong on the opposite side was the civet cat for the prince who was transformed by magic by the Shiwenkeren.

“Archer, try to hold him for ten seconds, I’ll help you!!” Shingo Yoshida, who was supposed to unlock the secret monument, stopped, horrified at the magic of Nie Kong, and whispered Sing for a while before shooting a few green lights to the ground. It’s the same as the way to deal with the ten-character killer. The only way to break the defense is to trap Nie Kong.

Nie Kong thought that Yoshida would send out a quicksand hell, but he seemed to underestimate Yoshida’s IQ. He didn’t use the same trick a second time.

And here, the confrontation Lei Shan Toru rushed towards Nie Kong holding a short stick CAD.

“Lightning blade!” He roared, and the short stick in his hand flashed with blue electric current, which stretched out to form a light blade. If the high-frequency blade of the vibration system is a high-speed vibrating blade, it conducts vibrations that exceed the binding force of molecules when it comes in contact with an object, and cuts the magic after the solid is partially liquefied. The lightning blade transforms the lightning into a sharp blade, which has strong destructive power. But he knew that he couldn’t break Nie Kong’s defense, he could only listen to Yoshida’s arrangement to delay the time. When he thought that he would not be able to defeat Nie Kong in actual combat, he felt ashamed and unwilling.

“Phonon shoots!” The frequency of ultrasonic vibrations rose suddenly, barely forming a hotline in Nie Kong. Mayumi, who is familiar with magic, discovered that Nie Kong used counter-magic to interfere with the blazing Divine Realm’s heat wave, condensing all its remaining power into a hotline for phonon shooting. That was the A-level magic of the vibration department released by the Yotsuba Research Institute. The start-up was not made public. Nie Kong was not expected to use it in the Battle of Nine Schools.

The ultra-high temperature hotline moved towards Lei Shan Torus lightning blade, and the hot air around it also cooled.

Lei Shan was horrified, didn’t expect Nie Kong to use the square wall to fight back, but Nie Kong could control two A-level magic at the same time! ! Can you be familiar with a High Rank magician who has been respected by thousands of people? Is he strong enough? He and he are not at the same level.

Leishan was helpless, so he could only forcibly block the lightning CAD in front of him. Only a loud bang of hong long long was heard, thunder and fire instantly collided fiercely, and the mutual interference of the two magics exploded.

The phonon shot is originally an A-level magic. It integrates a bit of destructive power. How powerful is it. As for the lightning blade, it belongs to the B-level melee magic, which is naturally unstoppable.

First of all, the short stick CAD was burned into coke, and the phonon shot through his shoulder without reducing its prestige, leaving a burnt wound the size of an egg, and the painful thunder mountain fell to the ground. Scream! !

“Archer!” Yoshida face changed, and then fiercely glared at Nie Kong, “Damn it, let you taste the power of our Yoshida family.”

Yoshida Shingo released After preparing for a long time of magic, eight faint green lights suddenly appeared in several directions of Nie Kong, encompassing Nie Kong’s ten-meter range.

“Formation?” Nie Kong said softly.

“Yes, ordinary Formation can’t help your defenses, but its role is to disrupt the spirit.” Although even the square wall can defend against the magic of almost eight systems, it is powerless against magic outside the system. . For example, the lamentation of the Netherworld River in the middle of the night, the poisonous bee of the Black Feather and so on.

Formation in ancient magic is an ancient magic that uses elves, shikigami, charms, seals, etc. as a medium to produce effects defined by the operator in a specific area. The effects include thick fog, phantoms, driving out the crowd, cognitive obstruction, etc., and Nie Kong can see that the Formation in front of him is an illusion effect that hinders his cognition.

Outside Yoshida saw that Nie Kong was covered by Formation and couldn’t help but sighed in relief. Even if Nie Kong still has the physical strength to use against the interference in the magic field, he can’t break the Formation for a while.

Yoshida was planning to walk to a high secret monument, but suddenly his face turned pale, spurt a mouthful of blood. He suddenly looked back towards Formation, he found that the eight elves of the servant had lost contact!

The sound of Formation “pu” was shaken to pieces.

“We lost.” Yoshida smiled wryly.

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