“Morley- chan , are you not going to stop those freshmen, there may be riots.” In the shooting drill field, several third-grade students were watching a good show, and the speaker was Mayumi . Because there are the chairmen of style and the student council, there is no need for other students to come forward.

“Nothing will happen, you see Nie Kong watching from behind. In fact, he should be our chairperson of style. I just helped him manage it when he was not in school. “Morley said softly.

She wanted to abdicate to Nie-san yesterday and act as Nie-san’s assistant by herself. Unfortunately, he was lazy and said that he did not intend to take over the chairmanship.

Mayumi’s eyes scanned the periphery of the exercise field and quickly saw the eye-catching Nie Kong. But seeing Shen Xue hugging Nie Kong, Mayumi pouted.

“Nie-san is naturally very difficult to deal with, but new students who recognize him. And I worry that he patronizes the Yotsuba Shiba Miyuki and misses business.”

It seems that Mi’s crow mouth has come true. The male student of Huaguansheng moved towards the distance that he can’t reach, and he stretched out CAD. Perhaps based on the conditioned reflex action, the distance of three meters is actually faster. Right.

According to the characteristics of appearance, it seems that his specialized CAD is mostly used to store attack magic activation.

“Leo, be careful!!” Another second-degree boy around him shouted vigilantly.

With the screams of onlookers as the background sound effects, the specialized CAD muzzle that simulates the appearance of a pistol is aimed at the strong man of the second-degree student. From the point of view of size, Leo’s magic characteristic may be hardened magic.

Unfortunately, a student in a major is worthy of a major, and they are talents who can enter the discipline committee. It is not just a good word.

“Specialized CAD?”

However, if it is used on other students, it is an unusual situation. No, it should be an emergency.

If the CAD used is a specialized type that emphasizes attack power, not to mention, the speed of pulling out the CAD and the speed of aiming are obviously accustomed to fighting with other magicians.

Magic power is greatly affected by talent, but also by bloodline. Since entering this school with excellent grades to become a student, even if they have not received any magic education in the school, there must be many students who have accumulated practical experience in the process of helping their family, family business or relatives.

Leo turned upside down, holding the palm of the sandbag and hitting a student.


However, the one who made the cry was a student aiming at the CAD gun.

The pistol-shaped CAD flew out of his hand. Behind him, Erica was holding a telescopic baton that appeared from nowhere, standing in the posture of pulling it out, smiling In front of male students.

Her smile did not waver or worry at all. I just saw her even dazzling demeanor moves, and understood that she didn’t feel afraid of playing from the very beginning.

Its no wonder that the second year of junior high school was able to ride alone to the opening hotel of the Nine Schools Battle to avenge the big brother.

Even if the same thing is repeated a hundred times, Erica’s baton will surely destroy a student’s CAD a hundred times. Erica has that strength! Qian Ye Familys sword dao magic is no joke.

“With this distance, it will be faster to move your body, right?”

“Although I feel the same way, you originally wanted to hit my hand with my hand? “

Leo just reached out to grab the opponent’s CAD. He saw the baton at the crucial moment and pulled his hand back.

“Aiya, Im helping you! If you dont thank me, Ill be thats all. I dont know how to blame me.”

“Come on, I can do it myself Deal with him.”

“Im serious. If you dont have time to dodge, you can tell by looking at your skills. Dealing with him is a very powerful magician. Oh, I forgot that your brain is a brain. Jin, don’t understand Morizaki’s instant magic is very famous.” Erica lightly said with a smile.

Listening to the conversation between the two, the student named Morizaki was ashamed and angry, and his eyes were full of anger.

“Damn it, trifling second-degree student, don’t be too arrogant.”

A male student behind him can’t help but quarrel with each other, so that he can use general-purpose CAD. The built-in system starts to operate, and the startup mode is launched.

I want the wavelet to surround him, and the simple start-up style that emphasizes speed is immediately unfolded, and the speed is almost instantaneous and ready to use magic.

Leo seemed to be hit by a powerful force, and he flew a few meters away.

That is the movement magic of a basic single system. The object captured by magic will definitely be shaken by ten meters and cannot continue to fight because of the impact.

Although they dare to use magic, they do not dare to use magic with strong power. Otherwise, even if you are a member of the ethics committee, you will be punished by law if you know the law and break the law.

The control of magic is very strict. You can’t use it on others without permission. Only the military’s non-commissioned officers and the magic families enjoy those privileges.

Nie Kong didn’t mean to stop it,

“Nie Kong brother.” Shenxue didn’t finish, Nie Kong smiled and shook his head slightly, not planning to take action for the time being.

“Its okay. Keep watching. Ill see how they can do it.”

One party is two first-degree students with CAD, and the other There are four second-degree students. Nie Kong felt that Ericas sword technique was enough to solve the problem at hand.

“Assholes, you dare to use magic on campus!” Miku Yoshida, a second-degree student, supported Leo who was knocked down, and looked at Sen Qi and the others coldly.

“Yes…you did it first. As a second-degree student, you…why do you dare to resist us.” The first-degree student who used magic looked a little ashamed, but soon disappeared Up.

“Don’t talk nonsense with them, get rid of them.” Although Hayao Morizaki has lost his CAD, the Morizaki family is quick and famous. After gaining momentum for dozens of seconds, Morizaki’s signature magic shot at the woman Erica who humiliated him.

His partner have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, he is not in that mood.

The strong wind swept the sand and dust on the ground, rolling across the four students of the second major.

Among them, Leo was defeated, and Erica, Yoshida Gambigu and the useless eye mother were left!

Yoshida Gambigu complexion changed, he emitted a green light from his hand, blocking in front of the dust. The ancient magic of Yoshida Mibi belongs to ancient magic, and naturally does not need those CAD.

With the cover of Gambigu, Chiba Erica jumped forward and hit Sen Qi’s head with a short stick fiercely.

Morizaki’s partner was ready to help, but Erica jumped vigorously, and Qian Ye Family’s sword dao formidable power knocked him down before he could use magic.

In almost less than two seconds, a student in the first department was knocked down by the second student in trifling.

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