Those first- degree students are completely blown up, especially classmates who are close to Sen Qi. Even Shen Xue’s two girls’ attendants were planning to help.

Major chaos appeared, and dozens of first-degree students aggressively rushed to Erica. Although there is no CAD, it is very scary in the imposing manner. It seems that Erica and the others are obviously guilty of the anger of the students.

Obviously, Miyani and Erica didn’t expect that the situation would get out of control to such an extent, especially Miyuki Shibata was trembling with fear.

The large-scale melee is about to start, no, it has already happened. Many second-degree students saw Erica and the others being besieged,

Suibo Mitsui looked at Nie Kong dumbfounded, thinking that Nie Kongs confident look would prevent chaos from happening, didnt Nie Kong Senior Are you planning to intervene?

Mayumi laughed. Nie-san looks very gentle on the surface, but her personality is a bit bad.

Morley was also very speechless, didn’t expect Nie-san really didn’t plan to accept the job of the chairman of style.

Although this is the case, the expansion of the situation is really bad, but the two women did not take the current situation seriously. Perhaps in their opinion, the current melee situation is too pediatric.

The melee without weapon CAD can only be said to be ordinary fighting. Moreover, the location of the exercise field ensures that the impact of fighting can be minimized.

“Brother Nie Kong, we…what should we do?” Shen Xue pushed Nie Kong’s back and asked in a low voice.

“Aiya, it’s a rare opportunity to see second-degree students fighting with first-degree students. It seems that this year’s freshmen are more lively.” Nie Kong laughed, still watching his eyes leisurely Melee.

“Yes… but Nie Kong Senior, our first-degree students don’t seem to be opponents of second-degree students. They were bullied so badly.” Mitsui Suibo said nervously.

It is true that the number of students in the first and second subjects is equal, and the fighting ability of the second subjects is obviously stronger than that of the spoiled and noble students.

In other words, Erika, Leo, and Yoshidas Gambigu have three powerful outputs to defeat them.

Erica’s proficient thousands of Ye Family sword technique, Leo Robust Man’s own physique is very powerful, one can play three. And the last main force is Biko, who can summon out elves to fight for them, even if they do not use high formidable power magic to hurt people, otherwise the Yoshida family will not be able to bear the consequences.

Magic control is strict, especially in schools, never carrying CAD can explain everything.

There were more than 30 freshmen in the field. Fortunately, because of the different uniforms, they could distinguish friends and enemies. So I saw that Hungary was wearing eight flowers and one after another. He was knocked down. .

In a blink of an eye, those second-degree students stared fiercely at the first-degree students Nie Kong and Shen Xue who were still standing in the field. No way, they are too conspicuous.

The two students who have a deep grievance seem to have burst out of all anger, and because of Nie Kongs “fresh face”, they think that Nie Kong is also a freshman, Shen Xue, and a group of women. .

It’s just that Nie Kong is handsome and Shenxue is beautiful, which invisibly puts a lot of pressure on them.

“Come on, there are only three of them left, and there is nothing remarkable about a college student.” Robust man Leo, who was covered in bruises, seemed to have a simple mind, and remained unmoved and issued a charge horn.

Suddenly the air suddenly became cold, no, Shen Xues eyes felt colder than the surrounding temperature.

“Divine Realm!” Shenxue used a large-scale vibration deceleration magic, and controlled the range within a few meters of Leo’s group. The cold white ice mist blew towards Leo, his feet could be seen in naked eyes, and his skin was condensed with white frost, like a snowman.

Mori and Mayumi, who were about to show up, were taken aback for a moment, and their faces appeared a little unnatural. They were full of surprises. Shenxue, who had no CAD, could release a High Rank magic so quickly, she was indeed a candidate for the Patriarch of the Four Ye Family. The coexistence of strength and beauty made Mayumi envy.

“Erica, I haven’t seen your temperament as wild as before in two years. I ignored the school discipline and led the second-degree students to make chaos.” Nie Kong stood up, calmly and calmly. Quietly accompanied Shen Xue behind her and walked to Erica and the others.

“hmph! Don’t talk coldly, it’s obviously your first-degree students are wrong, and you are the one who did it first.”

Erica has actually discovered Nie Kong. Leo shot him, shouting inwardly and making a bad voice. Sure enough, without waiting for Nie Kong to make a move, the new generation watch of the Kesheng “killed” Leo. Her open cheeks are a bit ugly at this time, but in fact she intends to take advantage of the chaos to knock down Nie Kong, hoping that she has lost the shame of defeat one or two years ago.

At this time, Erica felt that if Nie Kong had no CAD in his hands, and no phalanx of ten characters, her sword dao would be enough to beat Nie Kong to the ground! !

“Miki, help me hold the new generation list of that one-time student.” Erica whispered to Yoshida.

“My name is Miku!”


Yoshida Mikiko asked for correction quite unhappily, Erica just Responding casually, he turned his gaze back to Nie Kong.

“Erica, what the hell are you doing?” Gambigu couldn’t help asking.

“Prove that our second major did not lose, remember to say that you will help me stop the new generation watch.” Whispering in a low voice, Erica swooped forward three meters with a self-protection baton. Nie Kong.

Shen Xue is angry, didn’t expect the beautiful girl who can burn people in front of her, a trifling second-degree student, dare to shoot in front of her.

Gambigu instilled magic power in his spell and cast spell. A flash of light appeared at Gambigu, and electrons gradually gathered in front of Shenxue, as if echoing each other.

Shenxue can only use interference magic to eliminate Gambigus magic first, and cannot intercept Erica with magic. No, even Shenxue can’t cast magic when Erica has run two meters away, unless she laments Netherworld River with the spirit magic that comes with her talent.

At the same time, Erica stepped over a distance of more than two meters and appeared on the side of Nie Kong in a daze. The baton moved towards Nie Kong’s waist sharply.

Although Shen Xue could not make a move, she sneered instead, “Nie Kong’s physical skills are much better than the big brother, and her sword dao is also worthy of showing off in front of Nie Kong?”


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