Loos confidently showed off the golden ornament that hung on his neck choker. It has a skull-shaped ornament and is owned by the Perseus community, which is strong enough to rival the Demon King. The strongest gift.

“Alger? Did you bring it out?” Bai Yaksha said condensedly.

The Protoss Argel, and Bai Yaksha are the same demons of the Protoss!

The so-called Argel refers to the star with the Arabic word ra’sal-gh_l, which means demon head. At the same time, it is also the star of the head of Banshee in Perseus.

Having a big demon named after the star, the Protoss of the strongest race in the box court, is the trump card of Perseus.

“Yes, yes, as long as she is willing to be honest, we dont have to suffer any loss to each other. After all, we are also a community that upholds the double Goddess flag. Even if we really get lost in the end, and With ThousandEyes as the backer, who would dare to provoke me outside the Hakata 5-Layer community?”

“Asshole.” Bai Yaksha cursed. Although the boy Luos had a bad personality, he had to say he was very Of caution.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill her. I will only moderately train her so that she never dared to resist.” Luos put on a snakeskin shirt, grinning on a straight face A smile appeared.

“Master Bai Yaksha, don’t stop me, otherwise I’m not sure what I will do to her.” Saying goodbye to Bai Yaksha, Luos left the branch with a frivolous pace and stayed Bai Yaksha who was angry and waiting for him under.

At the same time, more than a dozen Knights belonging to Perseus have arrived in the North District, and within half an hour of meeting Nie Kong in Leticia.

Waiting for Nie Kong and they were about to return to the inside of the museum, a mutation happened suddenly. Nie Kong and Vera noticed the brown rays of light coming from high above. In the direction where the light was shining, a large group of men wearing flying shoes with wings on their feet appeared, and men who looked like Knight came in groups.

Leticia suddenly yelled in surprise: “That… isn’t that the majesty of Banshee! It’s not good, I…I was discovered!”

Mixing with anxious shouts, Leticia hurriedly stood in front of Nie Kong and the others, as if to protect them from the rays of light.

“The banner depicting the head of the snake-haired Banshee, is the community of the descendants of Demi-God Perseus?! so that’s how it is, you belong to Perseus,” Shirayuki said suddenly. .

“It seems that you are running around without the Masters consent, and we cant defend it at all. In particular, Perseus is a community that serves as the 4th floor ThousandEyes cadre. If a dispute arises, the consequences must be difficult to resolve. Yelled Jack Pumpkin Head.

“Sorry for causing you trouble.”

Leticia smiled bitterly. As the royal family of Vampire, I wanted to show some face in front of Nie Kong, so I didnt feel embarrassed to say it. .

“hmph, since I promised to take you in, I didn’t intend to worry about those trivial matters.” Looking at the petrified light beam shaped like Medusa, Nie Kong hugged Lori Leticia in front of him In the arms.

In the face of the petrified light, Nie Kong sneered disdainfully. As Myotismon’s Certain Kill Skill, Nightmare Claw can be strengthened many times, and the petrochemical ability is many times stronger than them.

The surrounding trees irradiated by the brown rays of light turned into a stone statue in a blink of an eye, and the light hit him without any reaction.

“I have seen all the products of our organization, Vampire, immediately catch her, Master Luos is waiting for us to return to our lives!”

“Those insignificant The guy is there, what should I do? And the petrification gift seems useless to him, he should have the gift of being able to defend.” With the speech of more than ten flying Knights, they surrounded Nie Kong.

Nie Kong, whom Lan Dao identified as the person who was in the way, the men returned with obviously hostile eyes, but Nie Kong didn’t mind their attitude at all.

Knights stared indifferently, using their winged shoes to float and look down at Nie Kong. They held high the banner of the Snake Hair Banshee and spread them around, as if they were about to form a battle formation.

Axia looked at the Knights with a dangerous smile that didnt fit her style, and scolded each other: “hmph, huh, really courageous!! It seems that you are equipped with the gift of some fame, but it shouldnt be because You think youre stronger if you hold that kind of copy?”

“Report your name and banner, do you really intend to fight against our Perseus for the vampire that belongs to us? “The leader Knight asked coldly.

“Yes, I like her, so you can roll.” The surrounding air instantly produced a heavy pressure, and an imposing manner that made people unable to breathe smoothly spread out. The knights in the sky fell down one by one like birds with folded wings.

“Wh…what.” The Knights were shaken, their faces pale. Nie Kong’s suppression of imposing manner alone has left them breathless.

“Just…what are you kidding about, obviously Vampire is our item, why should I let it to you?”

“Really. Okay, I officially announce to you The community proposes a duel.” Nie Kong said aloud and immediately launched the right to host the gift game. At this time, Nie Kong is facing a community, not a single game.

“He…he actually has the host authority? No, it’s important to report to Lord Luos.” They completely didn’t expect a mission to capture the vampire, which would provoke a demon King The role of level.

Now there is no way to end the matter by talking. They can only challenge, but they need to wait for the arrival of all the battle strengths of their community, and Lord Luos will make his own decision.

Up to now, they have no right to take responsibility.

“Temporarily… Give up the goal temporarily, go back… and report to Master Luos.” The headed Knight said, the gift of activation disappeared in front of Nie Kong and the others, and then disappeared one by one.

“Hey, is it a gift of invisibility? Didn’t expect that their craftsmanship will be so exquisite and mass-produced the gifts of invisibility and petrochemical.” Jack and Aixia were amazed. They are both manufacturing communities, of course. That type of technology is very high-end.

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