In the five-digit five-four-five-four-five outer sect’s northern boundary wall, it belongs to the domain of the dominator of the Fire Dragon banner. Luos, who had just arrived, received the gift of the game contract document issued by Nie Kong, and his face was ugly!

“Bonus game name: the battle of vampires.”

List of participants: game organizer Nie Kong, contestant Perseus community!

Crack the conditions: No restrictions on the use of any conditions, grab the vampire Ji Leticia from Nie Kong! !

Conditions of defeat: When the contestant cannot complete the victory condition within three hours, when the contestant is in a situation where it cannot solve the condition.

Stage supplement: The stage limit of the area within one kilometer radius of the vampire.

The organizer’s iron rule: must ensure that the competition for the vampire is launched within the game range, and the participants do not limit life and death!

Oath: Respect the content written above, based on the trial of glory and courage-hereby Perseus participates in the gift game, the organizer community MIC leader Nie Kong Demon King! !

Bargaining Chip: Pure Blood Vampire Ji Leticia, Demon King Nie Kong! !

After reading the contents of the parchment contract, Luos looked irritable, “Thinking that he could easily fight with the lower community, so he left it alone, but the Demon King actually liked her!”

Loos’ displeasure has reached its peak, and I think it is the ghost of Bai Yaksha. But seeing the name of the unfamiliar Demon King in the contract, he had never heard that Bai Yaksha had a Demon King friend, and the name of the MIC community was also very strange!

“Well, this Uncle will waste some time playing with them, let those believe oneself infallible communities understand how much weight they have, I will completely… completely destroy you! Then, go back Lets sell that Vampire outside. I hate cold women, especially the loli who has the same body shape as a kid! Luos announced angrily with his gorgeous jacket.

“Sir, they are currently living in the Salamandra reception room, one of the community dominators in the North District.” Commander Knight asked cautiously.

“The Demon King who tramples on the many rude acts of our community, we dont need to say any more and we must teach him a lesson. MIC and Perseus will distinguish themselves with a gift game! Wear your armor and Weapons, all go up to me and defeat them.” Luos issued a charge horn.

“Yes, Lord Louos, in order to defend the glory of our banner!” More than a hundred armored Knights suddenly buttoned their helmets, and a magical scene appeared. The one hundred unexpectedly disappeared!

With the ear-splitting sound, their gang of Knight kicked through the white door of Nie Kong. A game stage has been formed around within one kilometer, even if it belongs to the domain of the ruler Salamandra, they have no right to interfere there.

“Master Nie Kong, listen to the vibration of the surrounding air, the enemy should be at least dozens of scales. Well, they are so rude, they kicked the door directly.” Aixia reader said.

“And their invisibility effect is great, it’s hard to imagine that that kind of gift can be produced in large quantities.” Jack said applauded.

The invisible Knight used Hades’s replica helmet to completely cover his movements. In order to assassinate the gods and Buddhas, the blessing is created, which can completely isolate the user’s heat, taste, and even voice. Even the heat-detecting organs possessed by snakes with insensitive vision, things like heat-sensitive organs cannot catch him.

Letica’s back is tied to Nie Kong. She feels that the enemy can only shoot in three angles, left and right. Unfortunately, because as a reward for the game, she failed to make Nie Kong improve her facial features and wait for the enemy to arrive. Vera used Space Jump to leave the battlefield. As always, she didn’t like boon games.


Nie Kong, who seemed to see through everything, showed a smile at the corners of his mouth. Although Nie Kong did not use Spiritual Consciousness to scan, he has control of the surrounding space. Any fluctuations Can’t avoid his detection. What’s more, his ears and eyes are many times sharper than Aixia and the others!

Perhaps because the ability to find petrification is ineffective against Nie Kong, they attacked directly with weapons.

“Half of them raided them from the left and right, 30% went to snatch the vampire, and the rest charged them from the front!” Luos, who was hiding behind, ordered his companions to announce .

He squinted his eyes and looked towards Nie Kong. When he saw the beautiful, curvaceous Vera, his eyes were straight. As for the slightly flat Aixia Lolita, let him ignore it directly.

I was inexplicably surprised at Nie Kong, and then became jealous. Didn’t expect that there will be such a handsome man.

He decided that he didn’t plan to recruit Nie Kong into his organization, so he would steal his limelight and feel uncomfortable inexplicably.

There was a slight sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he planned to destroy Nie Kong directly. The MIC community, which I have never heard of, seems to be mixed in the 6th floor of Trifling North District from the banner. Luos did not take seriously, but was complacent because he was ready to get the beautiful and flowery Vera.

In an instant, the more than one hundred Knights of Perseus and Nie Kong shortened the distance and raised their sharp weapons to Nie Kong.

“Master Nie Kong, please be careful, the enemy is already within the range of ten meters!”

Nie Kong, who responded to Aixia’s voice, immediately attacked, and the space seemed to appear A wave of ripples spread out three meters from Nie Kong and the others.

The space is strangely still and frozen, and everything is silent.

Aishia, Jack, and Leticia’s eyes widened, their movements and the static outside formed a strong contrast, feeling very strange and gloomy.

“Turn it into dust.” Nie Kong shook his palm, and the frozen space made a “bang”, breaking into palm-sized pieces.

The invisibility of the more than one hundred Knights failed to show up, and all became blood and some fleshy, including the invisibility gift helmet and armor.

“Do you control Space Power?” Vera stared at Nie Kong blankly, eyes full of shock.

Don’t look at her being able to use Space Jump, but it’s already considered the maximum limit. Like Nie Kong, when she destroys the stable space, she admits that she can’t do it.

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