After setting up her own residence, Nie Kong is ready to learn about the surrounding environment in the small town and buy some necessities of life by the way.

Judging from the sky just now, there are several schools in the town. Although the school is divided into elementary school, junior high school, and high school, there is currently more than one college in the town.

On the other hand, what makes Nie Kong strange is that the area of the small town is indeed relatively large, comparable to a county in Japan.

Thats why Nie Kong has a headache. Considering his career, I dont know the plot or which school Im going to be a teacher.

“Forget it, let’s get acquainted with the surrounding environment first, and talk about it after you understand it.” After all, Nie Kong has gone through many dimensional adventures after all. He walked from the residential area to the commercial street.

It seems that because of school time, the street has become a lot of lively, and you can see many girls in cute sailor suits.

After going around a few times, Nie Kong probably understands the geographical environment of the town.

Nie Kong was about to shop back when she suddenly heard the girl’s cry in the park 100 meters away from the street.

In any case, Nie Kong is not a man who is indifferent to hearing a girl cry.

He was frowned and followed the sound to the park. However, Nie Kong saw a scene that left him speechless. It was not the old story of a girl being bullied by a bad boy, but an unexpected unfolding.

In his eyes, Nie Kong first saw a big dog. When he stood up, it was estimated to be 1.5 metres high. I don’t know who raised the big dog, but the leash around his neck was broken off and ran to the park. The big dog’s eyes were fierce, showing sharp fangs, and moved towards the front step by step.

On the opposite side of the big dog, there are two lovely twin loli limp on the ground. They are about eight-nine years old, wearing cute schoolboy uniforms, and looking at the vicious big dog with fear.

The only thing that can tell the difference between the two women is the hairstyle. The one in the front is the hair clip in front, and the one hiding behind is probably the younger sister, with long hair and a pony tail! !

Two loli are crying in weeping beauty, looking at the big dog in fear. Probably can’t run, two loli curled up into a ball. Especially for the younger sister behind, her lovely cheeks were bruised by rocks.

Nie Kong doesn’t know why a big dog will chase two loli, right? But seeing the buns in the hands of the two women, Nie Kong showed a dazed expression.

The big dog seems to have come from coveting the food in the hands of two loli.


When he noticed the arrival of Nie Kong, the big dog suddenly looked up. Nie Kong barked fiercely fiercely and stared at him unexpectedly. That damn big dog seemed to warn Nie Kong not to be nosy.

And the two lovely loli saw the appearance of Nie Kong, as if they saw a hero, hiding behind Nie Kong in fear.

Seeing that evil dog regardless of the law and of natural morality bullied himself, Nie Kong was really speechless. He picked up a stone and threw it at the vicious dog.

dong! The vicious dog that pounced on Nie Kong was hit by a stone in the head and fell into the air. A big bag grew out, and his eyes turned into the shape of XX. I cant wake up!

Nie Kong squatted in front of two loli and asked concerned: “Little Sister, you are all right Right.”

“Woo, thank Big Brother for helping us beat the big dog. Just now… it was too terrifying.” The elder sister sucked her nose cutely, looking at Nie Kong with big teary eyes .

The younger sister also relaxed from the tension and fear, and wa’ed crying.

For the big dog, it seems that the two sisters will have a shadow in the future.

Nie Kong took a look, and her lovely cheeks were bruised. Although there was no bleeding, it seemed to be painful.

“Don’t cry.” Nie Kong gently put her hand on Loli’s head, and gave a voice of comfort.

“But…but, it hurts.” Little Loli looked at Nie Kong with tears.

“Hey. Let Big Brother blow for you, the pain will blow away soon.” Nie Kong used to take care of her daughter or Dong Xiangs little loli, comforting Loli It’s a familiar road.

“hu hu!” moved towards Nie Kong with his cheeks leaning towards him, thinking that he was going to play a kiss game, little loli closed his eyes.

But I found that I just blew a few breaths on that lovely cheek. The cool breeze relieved the hot pain. As if he was comforted by Nie Kong’s gentleness, little loli also stopped crying, looking at Nie Kong curiously with big eyes.

The warm smile seemed to melt the guards of the two loli.

And her side elder sister took out the ok stretch from her schoolbag, “younger sister, I will help you to paste…put the ok stretch on it, and it will be done tomorrow.”

“The elder sister is big-handed, I…I don’t want elder sister to post it.” After speaking, she grabbed the ok stretch and put it on Nie Kong’s hand.

“Okay, Big Brother will help you paste it.” Looking at them, Nie Kong took the Ok bandage amusedly, lightly uncovered a layer of tape, and stuck it on the cute face.

“It doesn’t hurt.”

“Well, thank you Big Brother.” Lori seemed to touch her cheek, showing a sunny smile, making Nie Kong hate Hold her in his arms.

“By the way, what are your names and where do you live.” Nie Kong didn’t worry about the two loli running outside, so let’s just send them back. It just so happened that Nie Kong took them to the commercial street, anyway, he also has something to buy.

“I…My name is Onodera Aka, and I am nine years old this year. I am an elder sister.”

“My name is Onodera Rika.” Two Lori Jiao, voice It should be said, because of twin, they are all very cute. Compared to his own two goddaughters in the ghoul, it’s not too much.

Soon, according to two loli, their family opened a shop in a commercial street, and mother was a shop specializing in cute accessories. As for their father, they seemed to have died a long time ago, so the two sisters took their mother’s Onodera surname.

They were originally after school and were going to “help” in Mother’s shop, but didn’t expect to run into a big dog in the park and chase them unreasonably.

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