The experience of being chased by a large group of soft girls , Nie Kong once again tried it. Fortunately, Nie Kong was agile and avoided them many times. That’s the case, the school building, which was filled with girls, blocked Nie Kong in a surrounding manner.

Nie Kong feels a little headache. As a teacher, letting students catch up with thieves is really not know whether to cry or laugh.

Now there are two solutions Nie Kong can solve. One is to teleport and leave the school directly. The other is the ability to transform, transforming into a school girl, they can’t recognize it anymore. Nie Kong chose second because of the lunch box in his hand.

When Nie Kong, who was hiding in a corner, was about to transform, two small hands that appeared from behind suddenly grabbed his shirt, and his body was pulled back.

With a “boom”, Nie Kong was instantly pulled into a room, and then the sound of closing the door and the sound of hurried footsteps outside were heard.

Nie Kong thought he was spotted. He turned around and saw that there were two identical loli behind him. It turned out to be Axiang and Rika, and finally saw them. At this time, they were wearing pure white clothes, underneath was a pair of black boxer shorts, only covering the hips, and their slender legs exuded a white and smooth luster. It’s hard for them to wear so little on cold days.

The place where Nie Kong is located is a female bathroom. No wonder there are no two girls in the classroom, because they are already in the bathroom.

“Nie Kong Uncle, we saved your life, how do you plan to repay us.” Yaxiang said playfully.

“Yes, otherwise Nie Kong Uncle will be taken to the police station as a pervert.” Rika hugged Nie Kong’s arm and showed a sweet smile.

“I will be like this, not because of you.” Nie Kong raised the bento box in his hand angrily. I knew it would be better to let Nanako come.

“Rika, let me just say, Nie Kong Uncle is not such a person.” Yaxiang said to Rika.

“But ah, Nie Kong Uncle can be chased by that many girl. It must have done something “wrathful and angry” in our school.” Lixiang looked at harboring malicious intentions with her big cute eyes. With Nie Kong.

“Who knew that the next class in your class was physical education. I gave you the lunch and accidentally saw them changing clothes in the classroom.” Nie Kong said embarrassedly.

“Eh, Nie Kong Uncle peeked at others changing clothes?” Ya Xiang exclaimed.

“Hush, elder sister, keep your voice down.” Rika was frightened and immediately covered Yaxiang’s mouth, but it was a little late.

In the corridor outside the toilet, I suddenly heard a call and immediately followed the sound to the toilet.

“What’s the matter, I seem to hear a female classmate’s cry in the toilet.”

“I didn’t see any abnormalities in the whole building, and I probably hid in the toilet. “

The sound of the door opening scared Axiang and Rika and grabbed one of Nie Kong’s hands and pulled him to the toilet room.

Its just that I was speechless to find that another person was hidden in the toilet in the single room.

She has short, ear-length hair and a spectacles girl with black glasses. Those big cute and pitiful eyes under the glasses looked towards Nie Kong them. And what makes Aka and Rika jealous the most is that the other party has cheating-like huge breasts. From the outline of the loose uniform, it can be seen that they are much larger than Nanako! !

She took off half of her skirt at this time, and she hung her white fat on her knees. Seeing that she is sitting on the toilet, she should be preparing to go to the toilet, but she is not sure whether it is big or small. After all, a girl is different from a male child, no matter how big or small it must be solved in a single bathroom.

“wu wu…” Seeing Nie Kong and they broke into their “room” without permission, she called out in shock.

“Hush, don’t move! Don’t be discovered by anyone.” Rika covered her mouth.

She was crying and speechless, originally she just wanted to go to the toilet.

“Is there anyone inside?” The person outside knocked on the toilet door where Nie Kong was, and the girl trembled with fear.

“Of course there is, what are you knocking outside.” Yaxiang replied in a dissatisfied voice, not chaotic.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” After speaking, the young girls outside safely left. After hearing the sound of footsteps getting farther and farther, Yaxiang sighed in relief. The girl sitting on the toilet twisted her waist and looked at the three of Nie Kong eagerly, as if urging them to leave.

Its just that Rika ignored her existence, and the cute little body moved towards Nie Kong and pressed it up: “Nie Kong Uncle, now we should talk about how to reward us, otherwise, Rika will have to They called back.”

Originally, a small single room toilet was cramped. After four people were packed, the limbs of Nie Kong and the three women came into contact with each other at zero distance. Rika’s body is in close contact with Nie Kong.

“What reward does Rika plan to ask for?” Listening to Rika’s “threat”, Nie Kong retaliated and pinched her nose. If it weren’t for giving them lunch, could something like this happen?

“I…I want Nie Kong Uncle to kiss me.” Rika suddenly blushed and pointed to her cute cheek that was tightly pressed against OK.

“Really, she is already a third-year girl in middle school, and now she is like a little child.” To her request, Nie Kong amusedly agreed. Nie Kong leaned over, lowered his head and kissed Rika.

However, what made Nie Kong too late to react is that Rika suddenly turned defensively. While she hugged Nie Kong’s neck, her cherry-colored lips snapped Nie Kong’s mouth.

“Tweet”, the two touched at a negative distance, and the sound of gu lu lu swallowing came out. By the way, although Nie Kong can confirm that Rika is the first to pick up, his proficiency is max!

Axiang was stunned, and the other girl in the toilet was also blushing. Rika ignored everyone.

“Rika…Rika, it’s damned, I was one step ahead of you. No, it’s not fair, I want Nie Kong Uncle to thank me too.” The jealous elder sister Axiang hugged Rika from behind With a small waist, the tug-of-war generally requires Rika and Nie Kong’s negative distance contact to be positive.

Rika didn’t let go, until… until, almost stopped breathing, she reluctantly let go of Nie Kong.

“hu hu.” Li Xiang’s face was pink, showing a satisfied and intoxicated expression, and there was still a trace of elongated saliva hanging from the corner of her mouth.

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