” Big brother, I’m back.”

Coulom just returned as she said herself, not long after.

It’s just that the Hayato in Prison Temple did not come back at all.

“Welcome back.”

After hearing the sound, Nie Kong turned around while responding conditionedly, and took the food box of Kuloms food box smoothly. It was discovered that she came back alone.

“Where’s the Hayato?”

“Um…the words of Prison Temple Lord…”

Kulome frowned slightly, seemingly embarrassed , “Prince Temple is still with Lord Mukuro.”

“Oh? What happened?”

Nie Kong raised his eyebrows, a little curious.

The Falcon of the Prison Temple went out together to protect Kulom’s safety, and it is unlikely that Kulom will be allowed to come back alone.

“Prison Temple-kun and Inu are not…harmonious. Master Mukuro proposed to play. I want to help my big brother with official duties, so I will come back first.”

“Well… also, after all, according to Hayato’s character, it is normal to argue with the Jojima Dog starting point.”

If Nie Kong is nodded, “It’s just that because of my own relationship, I forget After the initial task I had to perform, it seems that Hayatos cultivation is not enough!”

“Lee…Master Leo asked me and big brother to tell you…He will help and take good care of…”

Kulom looked at Nie Kong, who was feeling a little unhappy. He didn’t know if it was because he felt guilty for leaving the Hayato in the prison temple, or because of some other reason, his voice was getting softer and lighter. He lowered his head and did not dare to look towards Nie Kong at all.

“Since Mr. Mukuro said that, then I don’t have to worry about it!”

Nie Kong has a faint smile on his face, but there is no temperature in his eyes. However, when looking towards Kulom, he was still very gentle.

“Lets go, Kulom, Im probably going to be very busy tonight!”

Finally, I got the address ten years later from the girl Yiping, Nie Kong impossible To search on this alone, you have to do many preparations.

“By the way, Kulom, tell Liudao Mukuro to help me find someone named Kawahira.”

Nie Kong moved towards himself with Kulom. As he walked in his room, he told Kulom about Kawahira’s basic characteristics.

“Secret search, better not beat the grass to scare the snake.”

Nie Kong remembers that the so-called Kawahira Uncle can be regarded as the founder of this World, he is not young Know how big it is, and how powerful it is.

I dont know what kind of sparks would come out of a match between myself and such a guy!

Nie Kong suddenly looked forward to it.

Nie Kong can process files very fast. Of course, Kulom has become more and more familiar with it.

Compared with the rush of at first, it has improved more than a little bit.

“Kulom, do you have a bathrobe?”

While preparing for the fireworks display, Nie Kong suddenly thought of a question.

“No, because it’s not very useful, so I don’t buy it at all…”

Kolom was shocked and looked up at Nie Kong, shook the head.

“The fireworks display is coming soon. When the day off, Kulom, call Kyoko and the others, I will take you to choose the right yukata!”

Nie Kong Hand over the processed files to Kulom for sorting out, “How can girl not have a yukata that can be obtained at the fireworks event! And I would like to see how you look like in yukata.”

“Got it, big brother.” Kulom nodded said he knew it, and then shyly lowered his head to process the information.

However, Nie Kong stopped her and said, “Colom, you should go to rest!”

The hour hand is about to point to the eleven o’clock position, “No more rest If you do, be careful to be late for school tomorrow!”

“Well, then I will go to wash and rest.”

Kulom looked at the documents that had been processed almost, He didn’t say much, he stood up obediently and faced Nie Kong nodded.

“Big brother also pay attention to rest early.”

Nie Kong nodded, and then watched Kulom leave.

When Nie Kong had processed all the documents, it was late at night and almost everyone had already rested. When Nie Kong was about to take a rest, he noticed a few strands outside. killing intent.

Shrinking fingers inadvertently, Nie Kong walked to the window and looked at the dozens of people who were still wearing black suits outside in the night, with a bad expression.


A soft sneer sighed from Nie Kong’s mouth, looking at the few guys who were hiding their heads and tails outside, the face revealed disdain.

“act recklessly.”

“It’s so late, do you have anything to do?”

Nie Kong walked out of the house with a smile on his face Asked the mafia killer who hadn’t had time to react in front of him, but the smile on his face made people look inexplicably cold.

The few people suddenly became vigilant. They looked defensively at the seemingly weak spot in front of them, but in fact they weren’t at all at any weakness. Nie Kong could not help but looked at each other in blank dismay while being vigilant. It seems to be discussing countermeasures.

“I was found, retreat.”

“Do you think this is a place where you want to come and go!”

“You Hurry up, Ill stay behind!”

A man who looked like a Captain immediately turned around, facing Nie Kong, while giving orders to his companion, while glare like A tiger watching his prey’s defense against Nie Kong’s actions.

“For your bravery, I want to commend you first, even if your courage is commendable, it’s just a pity. I don’t plan to let anyone spy on me! Grisly Wing.”

tone barely fell, without even giving the opportunity to scream, the mafia killers were suddenly swallowed by the bats that appeared, and then they all disappeared in place.

According to their souls, they are a small mafia under the Pengley family. Although I dont know if there is a shadow of Penglai, it seems that Penglai also harboring malicious intentions.

The Sasakawa family is developing too fast, especially since Nie Kong controlled those Avengers to go to Italy. I don’t know how many mafia was destroyed in the name of the Sasakawa family. v

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