There are many rumors about Nie Kong. Some say it is fierce, by fair means or foul, and some say it is approachable, rare and good, and there are different opinions.

However, Enzo has always felt that no person with status would just sit in front of a sinner so casually, sitting on the floor so naturally, without any pretensions at all.


Nie Kong chuckled, “How can it be so easy to make a fuss about nothing? Where is the calm before?”

Although Enzo has always tried to show a mature and calm look, in the final analysis, he is actually just a young man with more potential that’s all.

“Mr. Enzo, you don’t need to care.”

At this time, Kulom also walked slowly in front of the two of them, pressed the skirt with his hand, and squatted down.

“Mr. Enzo, there seems to be something wrong with your body, do you need me to clean it up for you?”

At first, Kulom hadn’t noticed it yet. When Zo was describing the whole sequence of events, Kulom discovered that Enzo’s body had been moved.

“I also noticed that my body was being touched, but I didn’t do it at all.”

Enzo was hearing this, with a helpless smile, Although he wanted to be optimistic, the bitterness at the corner of his mouth revealed his true feelings.

“Then trouble Kulom Young Lady!”


Kulome nodded, touched the one he was wearing ring.

“It may be a little bit painful, please bear with me.”

Although Kulom said something is wrong with the body, in fact, the problem is the body The soul inside.

If there is a problem with the body, it is easier to remove it, and it is also more convenient and simple. Now Kulom can make the opponent complete the removal without feeling pain.

However, if something goes wrong with the soul, it will be more troublesome.

If accidentally, the soul will be hit hard and it will be difficult to recover.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Enzo shook the head, saying that he can hold it.

Culom raised his head and glanced at Nie Kong. After receiving his signal, he raised his hand, pointed the finger with the ring to Enzos forehead, and closed his eyes. Launch ability.

Nie Kong allowed Kulom to mobilize his ability to understand Enzo’s problems, but he was looking thoughtful and considered his next plan.

Nie Kong chooses people, although there may be people with insufficient capabilities, but at least, not betrayal is the first requirement of Nie Kong when choosing people.

No need for suspects, no doubt about employing people. Nie Kong has never suspected that there are traitors inside, but at first locked the target outside.

Although it is different from the scheduled conjecture, from the conclusion, it is almost the same as Nie Kong’s conjecture.

It seems that the family information is also from the very beginning. It was the people over there, deliberately revealing it for temptation.

If you get the information too simply, it will inevitably be suspicious. If you can do that, it seems that the characters over there are not simple.


Nie Kong chuckled.

“Finally, some interesting family has arrived!”

It is not simple to play, it will not be boring!

Compared with the cookie-cutter battle strength, Nie Kong prefers people with various special abilities


The removal of the soul is far more painful than imagined. Enzo endured to the end, but still did not hold it back. If it werent for Nie Kongs help to calm down, could he survive this level? Not necessarily.

And Kulom was also brow beaded with sweat. After completely purging Enzo’s soul, he retracted his hand somewhat collapsed, panting for breath, even speaking with difficulty.

“The other party… is… stronger than… I… imagined…”

“It is indeed a bit difficult.”

Even Colom can only do this. It seems that the other party really should not be underestimated.

Nie Kong gently helped Kulom follow her breath and help her regain her strength by the way.

“Kulom, you have worked very hard. Next, I’ll be there. You can take a good rest!”

“It’s okay.”

Nie Kong thoughtfully wanted Colom to rest, but didn’t expect Colom to shook the head, supporting her body, “It’s just that I’m a little overdrawn, I just need to take a break.”

“If you insist, then okay.”

Nie Kong tilted his head and thought about it, did not refuse, just sent his power continuously to Colom to help She regained strength as soon as possible.

Although it will be faster to complete the plan by yourself, if someone can take care of it, maybe there will be twice the results for half the effort.

Because of the help of Nie Kong, Enzo, who fainted after his soul was cleared, also woke up leisurely at this time.

Enzo’s confused eyes opened, when he saw Nie Kong, he suddenly woke up and became very energetic.

“Many thanks to your help from Lord Nie Kong this time! And Kulom Young Lady, thank you very much for helping me clear my body from my body!”

The feeling of Enzo without being bound by the soul The whole body was relaxed, and he began to recover his usual calm and calm character. After thanking him, he silently closed his mouth and waited for Kulom to recover.

At the same time, I am also thinking hard about the entire process of development and analyzing the process.

“Seeing Mr. Enzo you are back to normal, I will feel relieved.”

Seeing Enzo returning to normal, Kulom sighed in relief because of Nie Kong Because of the strength, she quickly recovered her strength, and the strength she lost was also replenished.

“Enzo, this incident was caused by your reasons. Therefore, you have the responsibility to make up for your mistakes again to make up for your demerits!”

After watching Kulom’s recovery, Nie Kong retracted his hand and looked towards Enzo.

“Yes…Yes, Lord Nie Kong.” Enzo gratefully looked towards Nie Kong and Kulom, and didn’t expect Lord Nie Kong to reuse himself.

At the end of the removal, a cloud of black mist ran out of Enzo. Although he successfully avoided Enzo’s attention, he couldn’t escape Nie Kong’s observation.

Its just that, Nie Kong not at all beat the grass to scare the snake, but quietly tracked down on the black fog, and then waited for the other side like an okay person. The two people really came back to life.

Regardless of whether the black mist intends to return to the original owner, or automatically find the target, and flow to the body of the next victim, Nie Kong is very interested to know.

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