Kulomm was already rested and energized . He happened to be in the living room when he saw the embarrassed and poor boy coming in, he was slightly stunned.

“Ah, welcome back.”

After reacting, Kulom immediately ran to Nie Kong’s side, helped him take out his home shoes, and looked curiously. Guliyan took a real look.

Gu Liyan really didn’t have much contact with girls. Now, when he meets a quiet and beautiful girl at close range, his face suddenly turns red.


Looking at the girl who was holding home shoes for herself, Gu Liyan really unnaturally lowered her head, using the mosquitoes and flies. Thank you.

Kulom lifts the head, giving Gu Liyan a confused look, slightly frowned, not sure if he really heard the sound just now.

“Colomb, help me call Ping over.”

After Nie Kong changed his shoes, he ordered Kolomb.


Kulom was nodded, so he went to call someone nicely.

“Ah hahahaha ~Lambo is the best talent!”

Nie Kongs tone barely fell, followed by Lambos loud laughter, accompanied by the wind The too anxious “Lan Bo don’t run around in the living room” sound came over from moved towards Gu Li Yanzhen.

Guliyan really didn’t realize what happened, so he saw a fluffy cow-like thing, moved towards and rushed over.


Nie Kong smiled and extended the hand, before the blue wave, who was too late to brake, was about to hit Gu Li Yanzhen, he intercepted it in the air. , Held it in the air and placed it in front of him.

“Have you forgotten?”

“What kind of punishment will a disobedient child have?”

Look at the person in front of you clearly, I heard Nie Kong’s words, Lan Bo, who was still mad, suddenly started crying “Wow” after being stunned for a while.

Lambo is not afraid of anything, just that Nie Kong will never give him a snack again.

“I, I’m okay!”

Looking at Lan Bo crying heartbreakingly, the gentle Gu Liyan couldn’t help but feel a little anxious.

“Don’t punish him.”

Looking at the way Lan Bo was crying, Gu Liyan reflexively thought that Nie Kong was going to beat him.

“Well, since classmates Guri have interceded with you, then, let’s halve your punishment!”

Nie Kong looked at Guri Yan in a real anxiety, lightly Laughed, “You are only allowed to eat half of the snacks after dinner. If you dare to ignore the punishment, you will confiscate your snacks!”

Seeing Nie Kong’s heart softened, Lan Bo burst into laughter, but again Afraid of being too smug and being punished by Nie Kong, cautiously checked Nie Kong’s face and saw that he was not angry. This was sighed in relief.

Only then did I realize that Gu Liyan, who had misunderstood him, was really embarrassed, so sorry he lowered his head.

This is Gu Li Yanzhen’s most true thought at this moment.

“Kulom said he was injured, where is it?”

With a very vigorous voice, he just entered the living room and screamed carefree.

“Why was beaten like this?”

Originally, Sasakawa thought that Nie Kong had brought it, but someone who suffered minor injuries, saw Kuriyan really embarrassed It looked like the original sunny face could not help but gloomy.

“Come on, I’ll take care of it. I will bandage it for you.”

Nie Kong gently patted Gu Li Yanzhen’s shoulders to signal him not to be afraid.


Kuri Yanzhen gently complied, and then cowardly moved to the front of Sasakawa Rahei, cautiously glanced at the one in front of him that looked very strong Tough boys.

Kuriyan was really nodded, and laughed gently at Nie Kong, and then followed Sasakawa and left.

“Big brother.”

After calling Sasakawa, he went to the room and took the materials from the room. With a stack of documents in his hand, he came to Nie Kongs Around.

“The situation on the Bruno family’s side has been dealt with, and the rest, as long as it is handed over to the family members to deal with the aftermath, it will be fine.”

Pass the document to Nie Kong, “big brother, this is the report document passed over there. I have sorted it out. You can take a look.”


Nie Kong flipped through the files in his hand at random, and scanned the past ten lines. After a short time, he had read the files in his hand. After confirming that there was no problem, he handed the files in his hand to Kulom.

“I can rest assured that Vittorio and the others handle it.”

After all, someone who can be a child of the rainbow!

“Kulom, please explain, let Vittorio and the others cooperate with Bermuda to complete the task.”

After a pause, Nie Kong suddenly remembered Kulom shouldn’t know who Bermuda is yet, so he added.

“Bermuda is the boss of the Avengers Prison, that is, Vittorio and their former boss. Now it is determined to cooperate with us, and when he is asked to complete the task, you are completely welcome! “

“Okay, I get it.”

Kulom secretly took what Nie Kong said in his heart, nodded.

“That’s right!”

Nie Kong suddenly thought of something, “How is Enzo over there?”

“Mr. Enzo is ready I left and came to our side. I contacted me before departure. It should be almost there now.”

There was no expression on Kulom’s face. After speaking seriously, he tilted his head slightly and thought about it. , Looked at Nie Kong, blinked, and asked, “Should I pick up Mr. Enzo?”

Culom is not very clear about Enzos ability, nor does he know his language ability. , Naturally worried about Enzo’s language barrier.

“It’s not necessary.”

Nie Kong waved his hand, indicating that Kulom doesn’t mind, “If he can’t even find a place, there is no need to continue. Stay here.”

For the staff who can stay with him, Nie Kong’s requirements are relatively high.

This is why Enzo was ecstatic when he knew he could follow Nie Kong.

This is equivalent to, my ability is generally recognized by Nie Kong!

“By the way, what about Xiaojing?”

Compared with Enzo, Nie Kong is more curious and more curious about Kyoko.

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