“You are just a clown that’s all!” Originally, Nie Kong asked the commissioner to search for his news and control the development of the future chapter. Now that he ran out, Nie Kong also saved a lot of effort.

“haha, but Nie Kong Teacher, now you are trapped by clown.” Chuanping smiled.

“Trifling illusion, you think you can trap me? Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you.” Nie Kong’s mental power spread out, and the environment in front of me was broken. Hidden in the gloom, Chuanping finally showed his figure in embarrassment.

Kawahira looked at Nie Kong and was shocked. He found that the opponent’s eyes contained terrifying power, so powerful that he shuddered!

“Die.” In Chuanping’s horrified eyes, terrifying mental power blasted.

Nie Kong doesn’t care how the future chapter will develop without Kawahira, but after changing the plot, it is impossible to say without the future chapter.

However, it changed the direction of the plot, but Nie Kong would like to see it, and the faith would be absorbed.

When Nie Kong came back, it was already dark outside. There were few shiny stars hanging on the night. In the room without lights, except for the weak moonlight that penetrated outside. , There is no more light source.

Nie Kong got up, didn’t turn on the light, and walked to the window in the dim moonlight. Looking into the distance, his complexion was faint, and he couldn’t see any expressions or thoughts.

Although Nie Kong is not so delicate, he still enjoys Kyoko and the others caring about him with peace of mind.

Because there is no reason to eat dinner, Nie Kong feels a little hungry and rushes to find Kulom and Enzo. Instead, he went to the kitchen first and made himself a few fillings. Food.

Soon, after sensing the movement, Kulom and Enzo rushed over after hearing the news.

“Master Nie Kong, are you going to listen to the report now or?”

Enzo faced Nie Kong nodded and said straight to the point after being regarded as a question mark Own purpose.

“No hurry, it doesnt matter if the big brother is finished eating and then report.”

It was Kulom who helped Nie Kong to answer directly in advance. By the way, he is very familiar. Nie Kongs help lined up with Nie Kongs food and tableware arrangement.

Nie Kong looked at Colom with a gentle smile, with a gentle face.

Seeing the appearance of Colom and Nie Kong, Enzo probably understands the reason why he is not comparable to Colom.

He has to work hard for cultivation too!

Nie Kong eats very elegantly, but not slow at all. In Enzo’s opinion, Nie Kong was eating a very elegant gentleman’s meal, but before a while, he had eaten all the food on the table.

“Kulom Young Lady, I will clean up the tableware. You are still with Master Nie Kong. Lets report the information we got before!”

See Kulo When Mu got up and was about to clean up, Enzo, who was on the road, got up quickly and politely confronted Kulom nodded, and then packed up while talking.

“Ah, okay, then trouble Mr. Enzo.”

Kulom was shocked, but not at all went to object, and after a smile, Walked towards the study room upstairs with Nie Kong, who had finished the meal and got up to go back.

Enzo watched Kulom and Nie Kong leave, looking at the background of the two walking side by side, the harmony was like a beautiful painting, and Enzo’s eyes were confused.

When going up the stairs, Nie Kong was still holding Coloms hand gently, while Colom was slightly red with his face, very well-behaved, being taken care of by Nie Kong. Follow step by step.

At that moment, Enzo seemed to feel that what he saw before his eyes was not a pair of siblings, but a pair of very loving young couples.

However, Enzo quickly recovered his mind and tidied his hands and feet neatly.

He also knows the charm of Lord Nie Kong. If there are any girls who are not attracted by Lord Nie Kong, Enzo will be surprised.

“big brother.”

After returning to the room, Kulom took out a folder very dedicatedly and handed it to Nie Kong.

“According to Vittorio’s information, we sorted out where Kawahira might be and his identity information.”

“Well, these are indeed that guys Information.”

Nie Kong was nodded while looking at the information.

“It seems that this Kawahira should have the ability similar to immortality, so he can only use different backgrounds to change his identity, but his name rarely changes.”

The reason for changing places often is because others are getting older. If a person has been looking like a day for ten years, it will naturally attract the attention of many people. Therefore, after a certain period of time, Chuanping must get Change places to live again.

“Kulom, how old do you think this guy is?”

While looking at Kawahiras previous information, Nie Kong suddenly asked suddenly who had a thought One question for Kulom.

“Um…” Kulom hesitated for a moment. After taking a close look at the previous photos of Ping Ping, he said uncertainly, “Uh…that… probably a living A hundred-year-old… guy…”

I originally wanted to talk about people, but when I thought that people dont have such a long lifespan and still have a permanent appearance, Kulom hesitated for a while, and then said ” “People” changed to “Guys”.

“Maybe it’s older than this, maybe!”

Currently, only a small part of them are found, and most of them are not found because they are too old. However, To be sure, the person in this information is indeed the person Nie Kong is looking for.

“Actually, I saw this guy just now!”

Nie Kong remembered the unpleasant “meeting” with Kawahira before, shrugged and expressed It doesn’t matter.

“Now there is no need to continue to investigate his news, when the time is right, he will naturally come out!”

Nie Kong has now been determined, and Chuanping is in On Mori Ting’s side, he has been using methods he didn’t know, watching their every move.

Because Nie Kong teamed up with Arya, who is the son of Rainbow in the sky, and planned to start the curse of the nipple, Kawahira couldn’t stand his temper and jumped out in advance to test Nie Kong’s attitude.

If it’s normal, Nie Kong may not mind having a good chat with that guy.

However, because Nie Kong wanted to take a break as soon as possible, he directly rejected the faintly discernable gestures and temptations of the other party. If it is necessary to discuss cooperation again, it is still difficult.

Of course, this does not rule out accidents.

“Huh? Have you seen the big brother?”

For Nie Kong’s words, Kulom was surprised and immediately remembered the experiment that Nie Kong had said before.

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