Although Alu disseminated the imposing manner of his whole body, he did not seem to have any influence on Fighting Wolf.

I glanced at the side Fighting Wolf and knew that The child in the wolf belly is about to be born!

The angry roar of Hulu also received the shouts of the surrounding audience. It was so exciting to be able to see the battle of Hulu, one of the Four Heavenly Kings! !

“Luck Wow!! Great! I bet on Luck to win!!”

He got the highest popularity immediately! !

Looking at the fighting wolf next to him, he thought secretly in his heart: “It can’t be wrong! It can’t be wrong!! Fighting wolf is by no means a social creature, but lives alone, for the sake of his child. When we live together, it will only happen at that time! It is the fighting wolf who survives in a lonely fighting career, the only day to put away his fangs and tell love!”

“So, this The guy at first never planned to fight with eyes, his eyes were full of kindness, and he didn’t respond to my deterrence at all!”

Alus imposing manner deterred, Fighting Wolf did not respond, so its okay. It is understood that there is no opponent worthy of vigilance for Fighting Wolf, but Alu believes that the reason for the pregnancy of Fighting Wolf is… the unique hormonal smell of scum, the faint amniotic fluid, comes from the unique animal odor of wolf. odor! !

“It is incomprehensible that the pregnancy has been cloned all the time! Will large-scale breastfeeding be parthenosexual?”

This question is also plagued by the discovery of this.

The Torri sitting next to Mansam stood up directly, loudly said: “Director Mansam, please stop the game immediately and let them release the calming perfume and dilute the battle perfume in the arena!”

Mansam is not a fool either. From the moment when Fighting Wolf was indifferent to the threats of the warriors, he also felt strange, not because he picked up the phone directly and contacted Ling in the control room, “Ling , Let them calm down immediately!”

But a woman in the control room over there was already panicked looking at the arena. She was in a daze. She sprayed a high-concentration battle perfume again and made her The machine is out of control!

“What’s going on! Director Mansam!”

Looking at those rare beasts in the court not only didn’t calm down, but worsened than before!

Aru closed his eyes and the “super touch” and “super smell” immediately spread out, and suddenly he opened his eyes suddenly! !

“Not good! Director Mansam, the gate of gate number six over there is out of control, and the devil snake is about to come out of the cage. This is bad! Speed presides over all the evacuation here!”

While he was panicked, he said to Little Pine next to him again: “Little Pine, take care of yourself!”

At Nanas request, Nie Kong and the others Also came to the Colosseum.

Nana walked directly to the fighting wolf who was already lying on the ground without saying a word, extend the hand gently stroking the fighting wolf: “Dont be nervous, we wont hurt you! Fighting wolf, everything is happening here. Will you give it to me?”

After Nana said this, Fighting Wolf suddenly fell down amidst the surprise of the others!

Exposing the soft abdomen to Nana, the king known as the ancients actually put down her dignity in front of Nana! This directly made Alu and Mansam in the distance dumbfounded! !

Although Mansam loves to drink and his face looks drunk at the moment, he knows exactly how proud Fighting Wolf is.

“That girl, what is the origin of those people.”

Aru also said to Wukong beside him, “Wukong, the other four heads are handed over to you. ! These guys have become frenzied because of the battle perfume, and their capture level has risen sharply! Don’t be careless!”

Goku nodded, “Okay!”

Push it afterwards At the Silverback Prophet who was blasting with a punch, the Silverback Prophet was directly blown up with a bang! At the same time, Ling and Mansam are rushing in the direction of number six!

At the same time, Mansam asked people to organize everyone to evacuate, not only to ensure their safety, but also to protect the safety of other wild beasts in the arena!

“Once the king on the mainland, now the king! Your child is a precious gift from nature. This is the greatness of nature! Now please borrow our human hands to let This new life is reborn in this era and continues the prestige of ancient times! Please accept our sincere help!!” Alu was also standing behind the fighting wolf, eagerly planning to watch the she wolf give birth.

At the same time, Goku who was resisting the wild beast over there also exclaimed excitedly, “Let me also express a warm welcome to the new life! Haha!”

Wukong’s imposing manner completely broke out again, but the dinosaur elephant roared, and he was not afraid of the threat of Toriko! He used a pair of sharp ivory to madly attack the Toriko!

These guys who are maddened by fighting perfume are really difficult to deal with! !

Wukong was not afraid at all, and loudly shouted, he hugged the ivory directly, and then suddenly used force to throw the 10-ton dinosaur elephant into the air!

The dinosaur elephant was just thrown onto the small hole. This time the entrance of the hole was smashed and finally completely shattered. The fragments were scattered, and it looked very dazzling under the sunlight!

With their help, the fighting wolf has successfully produced a little male wolf in this brief moment. The female wolf is still licking the little wolf and is still whispering something in her ear!

At the same time, a huge demon snake appeared on the Colosseum.

After seeing the fighting wolf, the demon snake moved frantically towards them.

Nana and Alu were surprised, when they planned to help kill the demon Orochi.

Fight Wolf, who had finished childbirth, stood up again. She looked at the demon Orochi proudly.

Then in everyone’s astonished eyes, Fight Wolf moved towards the demon snake and rushed away. The devil snake almost had no time to react, and his neck was bitten by the wolf.

The fighting wolf bites its neck, and then eats its flesh and blood to restore its own weakness.

“Sure enough, it is a fighting wolf, the devil serpent can’t stop it.” Alu’s face was shocked, and his eyes beamed at the born little fighting wolf.

“It’s really good, but the bloodline has degraded.” Nie Kong glanced at Fighting Wolf and said regretfully.

The cloned Fighting Wolf has never been able to compete with Ancient Eras mention on equal terms.

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