In an instant, Wukong disappeared. The powerful explosive power of incomparable, and the lightning speed will make the GT robot fly!

The speed of the attack, naked eye can hardly be seen, at most only a little afterimage can be seen! ! The gt robot hasn’t come back to his senses at all, and has been beaten to fly more than ten meters to support it! !

The GT robot on the opposite side obviously slowed down, and then I heard something cracking!

Then the GT robot immediately exploded violently, which caused the food arena to make Heaven and Earth turning upside down. The GT robot was actually killed by Wukong! !

“How is it possible.”

Whether it is the captive or the director, they are all stunned! ! How powerful this is. I originally thought that Wukong was very strong, but he didn’t expect so deep and unmeasurable.

Goku walked to the GT guy, the smoke cleared, but the manipulator could still hear his own voice!

“Hey! Can you still hear my voice? It’s a winner! Stop the engine and go to a review meeting! I’m seriously fighting the inedible machine and it’s almost over. Next time the manipulator himself dignified is coming over!” Wukong said.

“hmph, Sun Wukong, our food will remember you.” The machine cracked cracked and made a self-destructed sound.

After the battle, the female fighting wolf bit the best piece of snake meat from the corpse of the demon snake and put it in front of Nana and the others.

“The meat of the devil snake is going to thank me as a gift?”

Nana slowly squatted down, looking at the fighting wolf in front of her, “Your mother and daughter It’s safe.”

Then, the little fighting wolf, who has never been close to humans, was infected by Nana’s tolerance and was willing to accept Nana’s kindness.

“It’s still pretty cute. Nana, it looks better than the tentacle octopus you used to subdue.” Mengmeng didn’t tease and bully her younger sister, and she was a little satisfied watching Fighting Wolf.

Although it is not too strong, the potential of Fighting Wolf is huge.

“Brother-in-law, what do you think.” Nana looked at Nie Kong with gleaming eyes.

“You can ask him if he wants to follow you.” Nie Kong said with a smile.

“Well, thank you brother-in-law.” After speaking, Nana squatted in front of Little Fighting Wolf.

Nana, who can communicate with animals, is indeed qualified to be good friends with Fighting Wolf. However, the arrogant Fight Wolf actually did not look down upon Nana. He came directly to Wukong.

“Aiya.” Wukong scratched the back of his head, then kicked it in front of Ayao.

Little Fighting Wolf looked at Wukong with a full face of grievance, and seemed to blame him for not wanting herself

“Woo!” Nana was a little disappointed, but not sad. Although Fighting Wolf is cute, it is not necessary.

In the room of the director of the First Research Institute, in a large room, I saw a round table with a diameter of more than 20 meters full of various cuisines! And the weight is scary! ! The variety of dishes is also dazzling!

Little Pine looked at this scene, and was not surprised: “What ahhhh! Is this a feast?”

Looking at the center of the round table, it is even more There is a huge roasted dragon, but it exudes bursts of wine! !

Mansam looked surprised at Little Pine and couldn’t help but say: “hahaha! There are so many more, you can provide unlimited amounts, so rest assured to eat more!!”


Looking at the grilled giant dragon in the middle, Little Pine was slightly surprised, “Oh…that is indeed, [Divine Dragon] is right!”

Introduction: Domination The Master of Bacchus Island sings for the paradise of wine. Its meat contains alcohol and is famous for its mellow brandy taste. By the way, because Bacchus dragon contains alcohol all over its body, it is forbidden for people under 20 to consume it. It is indeed an ingredient that echoes the “smell of an adult” that children don’t understand.

“It’s super high-quality ingredients!! This is the first time I saw it…”

To the side looked at [Divine Dragon] and said, “The paradise of wine , The overlord of Divine Island [Divine Dragon]! The alcohol contained in the meat is considered to be aromatic and mellow brandy! Its deliciousness is also quite famous, and this is also the main dish of the director!”

Shou also nodded and said: “It’s also the first time I have seen a meal like Divine Dragon!”

Mansam raised a big wine glass and drank a glass of wine, said with a big smile: “hahaha!!! These wines are okay to drink, kid!! Take out all my luxury packages tonight!!”

Mansams luxury packages are as follows:


Appetizer: Wine Pirate Snail (Hunting Level: 28)

Soup: Wine Shell Soup (Hunting Level: 25)

Fish: Bacchus (Hunting) Level: 31)

Meat: Divine Dragon (Hunting Level: 30)

Main Course: Divine Dragon (Hunting Level: 37)

Salad : Bacchus Onion (Hunting Level: 15)

Dessert: Jiuhao Bailangua (Hunting Level: 19)

Drink: Bacchus Whale Tide (Hunting Level: 33)

Goku finished reading Mansam’s life menu, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, all containing alcohol! How much does Mansam love to drink!

Little Pine over there is also embarrassed: “Then…I dont drink very well!”

Although Wukongs drink volume is not good, it is not too bad to drink. , I tore open the shell of a beer lobster, dug out the shrimp meat, and sent it to the mouth, “Yes, this beer lobster, the more chewed, the more vigorous, the bitterness of the beer further enhances the sweetness of the shrimp, which is rare. Delicious!”

Nie Kong did not refuse anyone’s request to taste his menu, he just wanted to taste all the delicious food of this World.

And Little Pine couldn’t help the temptation of being okay in front of him. He checked a piece of “meat” and put it in his mouth to eat!

“What’s the matter with this meat? It’s cut and soft like tofu!” After Little Pine ate the food, his face was full of surprised look!

“It’s really delicious! The deliciousness of fat is gradually spreading. This is not the beginning of the production of the world’s close to three-story gourmet research institute!! And the ingredients are the first time I saw it!” Little Pine was excited, and was about to turn his head to say to Agao.

But when he saw Alu and Wukong pushing the mountain of plates, he was just stunned!

“Wow!! They all ate so fast!!!”

Only girls like Dong Xiang and others are not good at drinking, so they just ate some main dishes.

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