Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 100 - Battle Of Mons

Ying stares at all of the pale skinned individuals with red glowing eyes and asks.

"are they the vampire lords?"

I answer.

"no, those are their underlings."

Celeste asks.

"how can you tell?

I respond.

"well these guys are running around with regular clothes, the Vampire lords will most likely be wearing hooded black robes."

"vampires you say? I thought they were just a fairy tale?"

I reply.

"let's help the dwarf soldiers clear them out first, and then after it's done I'll give you a proper explanation, so for now believe me when I say that they are vampires."

he grumbles something to himself and then asks."

"alright, so how do we defeat these things?"

I respond.

"it's simple, just destroy their heads."

Master Valtak replies.

"okay I'll go and give this piece of advice to the defending soldier."

"let's all split up and help out as much as we can."

they all reply.


and right before we split up, I add on.

"oh before I forget, don't let them bite you, because they will drink your blood."

they all nod and we go on our separate ways, I then chant.

"silver eyes."

I look around so that I can find their heat signatures, but to my surprise, I notice that the vampires are not giving off any and I ask myself.

"does this mean that they are dead?"

"here I come!"

I grab it's face, to get a good grip on it, and with all my might I slam the back if it's head to the pavement and quickly stomp on it's head in, just to make sure that I killed it, I then say to the demi human child.

"leave, it's not safe to be out here."

the child whimpers with her ears lowered.

"thank you sir."

she them makes a run for it, while I look around for more vampires, And then I spot a few more fighting a group of dwarf soldiers, so I quickly head towards them so that I can lend them a helping hand, and as I get closer to them, I shout.

"body hits won't take them down, aim for the head!"

after hearing that they change their fighting style to a defensive type style, and they quickly dispose of the vampires, the dwarf soldiers then say.

"thank you human."

"hey where are you going, they are still more running around the city."

one of them shouts back.

"to protect the mega stairs, to prevent them from going to the upper levels of the city!"

I click my tongue in frustration, and As I continue to take down many vampires, saving many demi humans and dwarf civilians, I think to myself.

"are they only using underlings, to attack the city?"

I continue thinking as arrive at the thirty foot statue of the dwarf.

"if that is the case then clearing them from the bottom floor of the city should be simple."

my thoughts by a familiar voice screaming in terror.

"someone help me please!"

I follow the source of the screaming, and spot Denise the bunny eared bartender is covered in blood of the many dead dwarfs around her, and with a vampire enjoying the sounds of her screams, ready to attack her at any moment, I then make way to them as fast as my legs allowed me to move, and I tackle the vampire to the ground just as it was about the attack her, and then I begin to pound it with my punches until the vampire it's body stopped squirming around, and as I stand up, I ask Denise.

"are you hurt anywhere?"

she hugs me tightly, and buries her face into my c.h.e.s.t as she cries uncontrollably, I gently pat her head and say.

"everything alright now."

even though she's crying her eyes out, she manages to say something.

"thank you, for saving you."

I respond.

"it's no problem, but I need you to go find safety until we can clear out these monsters from the lower floor of the city."

she sniffles.

"okay, but be careful."

"Collin you damned idiot, you were so angry that you forgot to conserve your mana."

three vampires surround me as I fight off mana exhausting, I take a look around me and see Klein using the reinforcement magic that Valtak taught nearby, I then yell out to him.

"Hey I'm out of mana, help me!"

Klein sees the vampires surrounding me and immediately runs to my defense, and makes quick work of them, he has a smug look on his face and asks.

"you asked for my help?"

I reply.

"thank you, I was about to pass out from mana exhaustion."

after saying that, I collapse to the ground, and then Klein wraps my arm around him and helps me up, I then ask.

"so did you kill many vampires."

he replies smiling.

"yes it feels good to be able to fight again."

he then picks me up to put me over his shoulder and then he says.

"let's go meet up with the others and see how they did."

we head back to Master Valtak's house and we see that Gresnor, Celeste and Ying are already there waiting for us, Celeste sees me being carried and asks in my mind worried.

"Master Collin, what happened?"

I reply.

"I ran out of mana."

she responds relieved.

"good, I thought you got hurt."

as we approach nearer, Klein puts me down, but he still has my arm around him for support, and then Ying says.

"Master Valtak was here before you arrived and he said something about making sure that the king of Mons is safe."

I ask.

"so does it mean, that we drove off the vampire invaders."

Ying answers.

"affirmative, and since we don't have Master Valtak around, I say we should head back to Rozlania and inform the kings about this little invasion."

I reply.

"yeah I agree."

I look to Celeste and ask.

"can you open a portal for us?"

she shakes her head.

"I can't seem to do it the city."

I ask.

"why what's wrong?"

she answers.

"I don't know, there is something that keeps preventing me from doing it."

Ying then suggests.

"well we should exit the city and do from out there."

we all agree and start making our way out of the city, where we witness many injured soldiers and civilians getting healed, and piling up bodies of the vampires, so they can burn them, I then ask everyone.

"does anyone have any mana potions?"

Ying gives me one and after drinking it, I start walking on my own again, and as we go past the exit we noticed that there are no guards or lines and I ask myself.

"did everyone run away?"

I look up in the sky and see that it's night time, and right as I look out in the distance I see thirteen vampires all wearing black hooded robes, except for one who is wearing a dark purple one, and in my mind I panic.

"what the duck, did Abigail lie about there being only nine vampire lords."

Celeste reads my mind and the says out loud.

"so those are the vampire lords huh?"

Gresnor and Klein expressions stiffen, because they know all too well what a single vampire lord is capable is of, including myself, except for Ying where upon hearing her say that, he immediately prepared himself for another fight, Celeste then does so as well after seeing Ying, while Me, Klein and Gresnor then look at each other contemplating about what should we do, and then the image of Ellena and Hope being killed like those I saw in the city, that fear of losing them, made me steel my resolve and then I also prepare myself to fight, I then say to all of them.

"alright these guys are the real deal, they don't die by conventional means."

Ying asks.

"then how?"

I answer.

"they only die by sunlight, so the best thing to do is to damage their limbs and prevent them from regenerating and distract long enough until the sun comes up to kill them."

Ying asks.

"so the vampire lords only die by the sun?"

I respond.


and then I add on.

"they can also transform into gargoyles."

Celeste asks terrified and confused.

"what the hell is a gargoyle?"

I answer.

"monstrous creatures with wings."

Ying chuckles.

"well I guess my true skill as the number one hero will be tested in this fight huh?"

we continue to banter to calm our nerves, and then we are interrupted by the vampire lord, with the dark purple hooded robe.

"hello there mortals, I'm Lord Vernon, and I'm looking for the one called Collin Belfaust."

I then think to myself.

"damn, it looks like Vernon has already found me."

and right as I'm about to step forward to reveal myself to him, Ying comes forward and shouts.

"well you found me now Vernon!"

I then ask Ying.

"what the hell are you doing?"

he answers smiling.

"I haven't showed my full power before, and I was thinking this is the best time to do so."

Vernon sends the twelve vampire surrounding him what I presume to be vampire lords to attack us.

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