We enter inside Master Valtalk's rundown house,

and to our surprise the interior looks much better than I expected, and I think to myself.

"I guess looks can be deceiving."

as we enter the living room, Valtak says.

"keep following me, I'm taking you to my training room."

he waddles to another doorway, and we just follow him, and then Celeste asks in my thoughts.

"do you really think he can teach us?"

I respond.

"well we're already here, we might as well see for ourselves if he really can."

we then enter another room, but this one seems a lot smaller than the living room, he clears his throat and says.

"alright we've arrived at training room."

Ying replies.

"this room is too small to do any kind of significant training."

Valtak scoffs.

"shows what you know."

he waddles towards one of the walls and as he touches it, he says."

"this here wall, is reinforced with physical magic, that allows it to absorb, an amazing amount of damage."

Ying replies skeptical.

"well it doesn't look any special, it looks like any ordinary wall."

Valtak clicks his tongue at him, and says offended.

"don't believe me, here I'll show you."

he takes a couple of deep breaths and then chants.

"fist reinforcement."

both of his clenched hands start to glow and then he shows his hands to me and says.

"this spell gathers all the mana from my body, and right into my fists to allow my punches to become stronger."

he then punches the wall with all of his might, and he didn't show any signs that his hands were hurting, and there was not exterior damage done to the wall, and then Ying replies unimpressed.

"so what, no one has ever broken down a wall by punching it."

I interject.

"can I try punching the wall?"

Valtak asks surprised.

"are you sure, you might break you hand punching, reinforced wall?"

I reply.

"well I've got my own physical enhancing magic, if it can withstand my punch, then I can at least see that is indeed reinforced with this magic you speak of."

Ying nods and says.

"yes, Collin has a very dangerous punch and it would have killed me, if there were no healer around."

Valtak and Celeste look at me in shock and asked at the same time.


Valtak focuses his attention to me and says curiously.

"alright young man, show me what you got."

I take a deep breath and chant.

"silver eyes."

Valtak says sounding impressed.

"what the hell, I've never heard of that physical enhancement spell."

Ying replies with a smug smile.

"alright Collin show him your strength."

I walk towards the wall, and I punch it as hard as I could, I then lower my hand to see if I left any kind of damage on it, and to my surprise, I see that I've only manage to leave a little crack, I look back to Valtak, and the look of pure shock on his face, left me surprised, I then ask confused.

"is everything alright?"

his expression changes into pure joy, and he begins laughing.

"young man, you're already incredibly strong, there is not much that I can teach you."

he then asks with a serious tone.

"so tell me, is there any way to learn that spell?"

I respond.

"unfortunately, It's a spell that I found in a legendary spell book."

he sighs with disappointment.

"really? that's a shame."

he then continues talking.

"well, I can still teach your companions all that I know, because I don't think there is a physical spell stronger than what you just did."

I look at and say with a disappointed voice, Ying, Celeste, Kleim and Greanor.

"It's fine, all of you need this more than I do."

Valtak grumbles to himself, and says.

"wait a second, I think there are two spells that might be of use to you."

I ask dispirited.


he nods.

"yes I believe so, but first let's your companions, the spells that will help them."

I nod.


Valtak opens a storage door and brings out four blocks made out of concrete one by one and then he says to all of them.

"before I teach you the fist reinforcement spell, Imma have all of you punch one of these concrete blocks without the spell and then again with the spell active, so that you can feel the difference in your strength."

he places each block on a chair, and then tells them.

"alright go ahead and give it your strongest punch."

they all punch it, but they do nothing to it, except for Klein, who manages to break a small piece off of it, Valtak notices him and asks.

"how intelligent are you monster?"

Klein responds.

"the same as a human."

he replies.

"that's interesting."

he clears his throat and as he hands all of them a spell book he says.

"after you finish reading it, go ahead a punch the blocks, and then you'll see the difference in your physical strength."

after reading the spell book, they all chant.

"fist reinforcement."

I think to myself.

"it's time to see if this spell actually increases their physical strength."

one after another, they break the concrete blocks with no problems and them Master Valtak praises them.

"congratulations on learning your first physical magic."

he looks at me and says.

"alright the next two spells are the ones that are going to be useful to you."

after joining the others, Valtak hands over a wooden stick for each of us and says.

"next I'll have you reinforce inanimate objects, this spell that is the main reason why our cities can even have layered floors built inside mountains."

he then points at the sticks we are holding and says.

"now break the stick your holding half."

we break them without any effort, and after doing so he continues as gives us a spell book

"now read this and then use object reinforcement on both wooden sticks, and then you'll will try to break the wooden sticks in half, to see the difference."

after reading the spell books, we all chant.

"object reinforcement."

the wooden sticks that I was holding, suddenly became heavier, I then the to break both of the sticks in half without using silver eyes, and I can already tell the difference, and I look at both of the sticks and begin to wonder.

"if we can reinforce inanimate objects, can we reinforce individuals or ourselves?"

I look at Master Valtak and ask.

"is there a spell to reinforce ourselves?"

he answers.

"yes there is a spell that can do that, but there aren't many that can handle it."

I reply.

"give us a chance to try it at least."

he mumbles to himself, and say begrudgingly.

"fine but if you get hurt because of that, it's not going to be on me."

he gives all of us another spell book and says.

"now don't say I didn't warn you."

I read the spell book and it describes the user being able to withstand massive amounts of physical damage at the cost of draining your mana at a rapid pace, and the physical backlash of pain that your body will feel, I then think to myself.

"it similar to wolf's rage, but the two differences is that it uses mana instead of stamina, and it's all about physical protection instead of physical power."

they all finish reading it and decide that they don't want to try it out, even though they learned how to do it, except for me, who readied himself and chanted.

"self reinforcement."

my body immediately becomes heavy but I withstand it, and continue standing, while Valtak stares at me impressed.

"young man, it's like you were meant to master the arts of physical magic."

I deactivate the spell before it completely drains my mana and the rights before Valtak was about to continue with the next lesson, we get interrupted by a dwarf barging in.

"Master Valtak, Mons is under attack by some unknown forces, with red eyes."

surprised by this piece of news, I look at all of them and said.

"it looks like Vernon and his minions have somehow found out that I'm here."

Ying replies.

"even though our lessons ended abruptly, I can at least say that we are prepared for this kind of thing."

Celeste asks in my mind.

"do you think are are ready to fight them."

I respond.

"I guess we're about to find out."

I then say to Master Valtak.

"I know what we're up against let us help you guys."

he replies.

"good we might need all the help we can get, if an enemy has managed to gather a strong force to threaten the city of Mons."

he says to the dwarf.

"okay Basterum lead the way."

we follow Basterum and Valtak out of the houe and into the City and we are met with the sight of many vampires killing civilians, soldiers and causing destroying buildings, all of us prepare ourselves to fight the vampire menace in the city of Mons.

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