Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 98 - A New War

Collin just left to Dwarf region, leaving me and Hope behind, I look down at Hope, who is looking at me with sad puppy eyes, and asks.

"mommy will dad come back?"

I hug her tightly and respond.

"yes he will come back."

she asks.

"how do you know that?"

I answer with a smile.

"your daddy is a very strong and special man."

she responds with a sparkle in her eye, and a voice full of joy.

"wow is he really that amazing."

I nod and reply.

"now be a good girl and continue studying please."

she responds smiling."

"okay mommy."

"it's still hard to believe that I had a child with human."

but I smile to myself.

"well it doesn't matter, because this child of mine is the best thing that's ever happened to me."

I think back on the day I found out when I was pregnant, it was during our journey towards Hellion Village, after waking up and experiencing morning sickness, and in that moment I knew that it was Collin's, but I was scared on what kind of reaction he would have, and I hesitated to tell him, until I finally got the courage to do it, but by then he was already sent to Burmendak, and once I found out, I flew straight to the prison, because I had an overwhelming urge to see his face, and to confirm if the feelings I felt for him when I healed him of his injuries. I return from my little day dream and sit down on the bed and think to myself.

"I still don't understand why, love between a human and elf is restricted."

I lay flat on my back and say to myself.

"well either way, it looks like relations between humans and elves are slowly changing because of Collin wether he notices it or not."

I turn to my side and continue thinking.

"I should also try to implement changes when I become queen, and maybe then me and Collin can have an official wedding."

and I think to myself.

"does he want to have more kids, maybe I should ask him when he comes back?"

I continue to blush with embarrassment, and then I sigh as I remember a foolish memory about having the same dream with an elf prince that I was dating from another kingdom, and because my dad wanted to align with them, he approved of me dating the elf prince, and his name was Relstan Polium, he was the first male that I fell in love with, I was so smitten and blinded with love, I ended up ignoring his bad personality, like how we would get jealous of I ever talked to other men, but he expected me to not get jealous when he talked and flirted with other women, he would also brag to his friends and everyone we know when I gave him my first time even when I was around, and then I caught him sleeping around with many women and he wanted me to be okay with it and not complain, and since I didn't want to lose my first love, I obediently his every unreasonable request until he broke it off because he was bored with me. I told my dad, while I was broken hearted, and even though he comforted me and cursed his name, he still wanted us to remain friendly to him and his family so that we wouldn't strain the growing relations that was newly established, and everyday after that faithful break up, made me hate life, everytime I had to put on fake smile and act friendly towards him and his family, my self worth began decline and as every guy that knew Prince Relstan, started to join in on the hate train towards me as they used this opportunity to get on his good side, and this caused my disdain for males to quickly rise and because of all of this unwarranted hate, there were day where I wanted to end my own life. One day my dad sent me to get trained so that I can distract myself with a new purpose and because of that, I slowly started to find value in myself again everytime I completed a mission, until the faithful encounter I had with Collin, at first I only saw him as an enemy that was getting in the way of my mission, and when he captured me, I was already prepared for my life to be taken away, but things went completely different than what I expected, there were times when I was his hostage, where he would drop his guard and show genuine concern for me, and eventually he started to treat me like I was his friend, even though he would deny doing so, and because of my encounter with him, my disdain and hatred of humans males went away as quickly as it first manifested, and then when he almost gave his life to protect me, a familiar feeling when I first fell in love came back, and I ended up giving my body to, so that I can save a him, like when he did

to me. I open my eyes and think to myself.

"huh I fell asleep without realizing it."

I look over to my side and see Hope sleeping next to me, I stroke her black hair and kiss her in the forehead, as I think to myself.

"Collin my love please come back soon."

a half an hour passes by and then multiple explosions can be heard as they also cause the ground to shake, I then hear many people shouting in the hallway, and also hear frantic knocking on my door, I then quickly open the door and see my dad panicking.

"Ellena, grab your daughter and leave now!"

"what's going on?"

he responds with a terrified voice.

"the vampire lords are attacking!"

confused I ask.

"are they just attacking this city?"

he replies.

"no there are multiple reports that they are attacking all of the human kingdoms, and are also striking the elven kingdoms."

not knowing how to react, I ask trying not to panic.

"where should I go?"

"it doesn't matter, just take yourself and my granddaughter someplace where no will find you and hide until this over."

I think to myself.

"this is the first time I heard him call Hope his granddaughter."

i ask worried

"what about Collin?"

he responds.

"that human really makes you happy huh?"

I nod trying not to cry.

he continues.

"if he does know how to defeat the vampire lords then everything will be fine."

I quickly make my to the door and as I'm about to leave makes a comment.

"even though I hate that he's a human, I'm at least grateful to him for bringing me back that once happy daughter I knew before those events with that damned Prince."

I give him a warm smile, and say.

"if you see Collin, tell him to not worry and that I went into hiding."

he replies.

"yes I'll tell him."

I then say one more thing.

"and please tell him, that I love him."

my dad smiles for the first time in a long time, and as I'm running down the hallway, a pale person with red eyes, jumps into my vision, I point an open palm at it and chant.

"paralysis blast."

a green ball flies towards it, and then falls over as the ball hits it, I then continue to run, whole holding Hope tightly in my arms.

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