Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 97 - Master Valtak

We all rented a room to stay in for a couple of days, because I wasn't sure on how long we'll be staying in Mons, and after getting our room keys, the five of us then set out and begin our search at a local bar, where we are greeted with many stares coming from the Dwarves and Demi-humans, as I wave awkwardly at all of them, I think to myself.

"what the hell, did we do something wrong?"

I make my way to the bar counter, with Gresnor, Klein, Ying, and Celeste following behind me, as I approach the counter, a female demi-human with

bunny ears asks when she sees all five of us together.

"five drinks?"

I nod.


she then asks.

"want to open up a tab?"

I shake head.

"no thank you, we'll be fine with just one drink."

she quickly serves up our drinks and says.

"that'll be one gold for the five drinks."

as I'm about to take out my last gold coin, Ying hands one over to the bartender, and says to me.

"It's fine Collin I'll pay for the drinks."

I reply.

"thanks Ying."

everyone grabs their alcohol, and began to drink, and while I drank, I ask the bartender.

"so each drink were twenty silver coins each?"

she smiles.

"no they are usually around thirty five silver coins each."

I ask curiously while having one of my hands on top of the counter.

"oh I see, so why did we get a discount, won't you get in trouble with the owner."

she places her hand on top of my hand and answers while still smiling.

"I own this fine establishment, so that wont be happening, and I gave you that discount, because I happen to find you quite attractive for a human."

surprised by her answer, I start to choke on my drink, she giggles at my reaction, after calming down and clearing my throat, I respond blushing.

"thank you for the compliment."

she then asks.

"how about you finish your drink, and then let's go upstairs to my place and have some fun together."

Celeste gives off an aura of murderous intent after hearing that, while I choke on my drink again, the bartender then asks while still giggling.

"so what do you say?"

I clear my throat once again and answer.

"I'm afraid that I have to turn down your offer, since I already have a family of my own."

she responds still smiling.

"I love married men."

I choke again and think to myself.

"I may not be married, by I'm staying loyal to Ellena."

Celeste interjects obviously bothered with our conversation.

"listen bunny girl, Master Collin is off limits."

I put my hands up to Celeste, to stop her from saying anything more, and as I compose myself, I ask the bartender.

"can I ask you something?"

she answers.

"yes anything for you handsome."

I ask fl.u.s.tered.

"do you know any dwarves that teach physical magic to non dwarves?."

she puts her index finger on her bottom lips, as she answers.

"yeah I know of one dwarf who will teach non dwarves."

I then ask.

"can you introduce him to us?"

she nods and then shouts out to the rest of the bar.

"Master Valtak, may I have a word!"

I then say to her.

"no it's okay, I don't want to bother him of he's drinking."

she responds.

"don't worry, he won't think that it will be a bother."

I then think to myself.

"well at least we found someone who will teach us."

Celeste invades my mind.

"Master Collin, I don't trust that woman, she's insufferable."

I reply.

"well let's see first, before writing off what she is saying."

she pouts and I say to her in my thoughts.

"please don't pout."

She sighs and replies.

"alright Master Collin."

after waiting for a few minutes, a 3 foot, and five inch, dwarf that reeks of alcohol, approaches the counter that he can't reach because of his short stature, asks the bartender.

"you called for me Denise?"

she answers smiling.

"yes, Master Valtak, these individuals are seeking for someone to teach them physical magic."

he takes a good look at us and says to me.

"I've made a quick assessment, and determined that you have the most potential in learning physical magic, but not the other four."

I then ask.

"so does that mean that you are willing to teach us?"

he answers uninterested.

"sure as long as you pay for the lessons, I don't really care."

Ying asks.

"alright, how much are the lessons."

Master Valtak, answers after belching.

"one gold coin per one person, for an hour of lessons."

Ying responds.

"sounds reasonable, we'll pay for the lessons."

Master Valtak, replies as he walks away.

"whatever, just wait for me until I'm done drinking."

I put my hand on Ying's shoulder and ask.

"is one hour enough to learn new magic?"

he answers.

"yeah, when someone learns new magic, all they really need is to read the spell and witness a demonstration on how they work."

I reply a bit disappointed.

"oh I see, I thought there would be more to learning new spells."

but then I think back when after my first were wolf transformation, and remember being able to

use spells I've never used before, with ease after being shown on how to use the spells,

Ying then says.

"alright, let's finish up our drinks and while we wait for Master Valtak to finish."

Klein then pulls me away from the rest and asks.

"Collin, so how are you going to help achieve the silver eyes that you have?"

I respond.

"after Master Valtak teaches us down physical magic spells, I'm going to have you meditate, so that you can connect to your mind."

he asks curiously.

"so how will connecting to my mind help me achieve silver eyes."

I answer.

"if I'm right about this then you achieving silver eyes, shouldn't be a problem."

he sighs and replies.

"if you say so."

we return back to bar counter and continue drinking as we wait for Master Valtak.

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