We exit the portal that Celeste made, and we up end in the forest outside of the city of Grezia, where I'm met with the sight, of Gresnor and Klein, standing around anticipating my arrival, I call out to them smiling and waving.

"idiots over here!"

they both look at me, and quickly run to my direction, Celeste fidgets around nervously

before commenting.

"I didn't know that your friend was a Lizardman, and so I accidentally offended him."

she continues with an apologetic tone.

"I'm sorry master Collin."

I ask curiously.

"it's fine, but you did apologize to him right?"

she murmurs something, and then Gresnor interjects as he arrives.

"no she didn't apologize for calling me, a forked tongue, belly crawler."

I laughed as Gresnor pouts.

"that's not funny, Collin."

I control my laughter, and I respond smiling.

"yeah It kinda is."

he chuckles.

"you haven't changed much since last the time we saw each other, except."

he takes a closer look at me, and says.

"you look more muscular than before."

Klein chimes in.

"I agree, you've grown quite a bit."

he pauses and looks down at the ground looking gloomy and says.

"I'm sorry."

confused I ask Klein.

"sorry about what?"

he answers.

"I wanted to break you out of that prison, but Ellena kept insisting that I shouldn't do it."

I reply.

"It's fine, I wanted it that way."

he replies.

"oh I see."

Gresnor clears his throat and gets straight to the point.

"so you need our help to eliminate that the nine remaining Vampire lords right?"

I reply.

"if it's too much of a burden for you to help then,

you don't need to feel obligated to help."

"of course I'm in."

I ask surprised.

"what about the problems that are occurring in your region?"

he answers.

"that little squabble is insignificant, when you compare the potential threat that these vampire lords hold if, they possess the same scary power that Abigail had."

Klein agrees and adds on.

"you already know that I'm with you too and for the long haul, my friend."

Klein then asks.

"alright shall we get going?"

"not yet, we have to wait for Ying Zhu."

they both ask.

"who's that?"

I answer.

"well he's one of the heroes, who has been training under me to help fight the Vampire lords."

Klein asks.

"yeah Ellena told us what you been doing since you got out, what I want to know is why does he want to come?"

I respond.

"he wants to grow explore his physical power."

"okay, so why didn't he go through that portal with you?"

I answer unsure he meant to say wife, instead of wives.

"well I think he said that he was going to say goodbye to his wives."

Celeste chimes in.

"oh I see, I've met his wives before, they are lovely people."

bewildered I ask.

"when you say wives, do you mean he's married to multiple women?"

she casually answers.

"well yeah, he's the number one hero in the human region, so of course he would have multiple wives."

"that lucky bastard, seriously has a harem?"

Klein also adds on.

"yeah, it's pretty common for those born with the Hero's blessing to be married with multiple partners."

I ask him still baffled.

"and how do you know that but not me?"

he answers smugly.

"because unlike you, I went to the magic academy."

I reply, dispirited.

"oh I see."

I then look to Celeste and ask curiously.

"so does that mean that the heroes I was training also have multiple partners."

she replies.

"yeah James, has three wives, and Katie has two husbands."

this new information of this world, still has me baffled, because I always believed that I read and learned many things, but alas, there are still things that I'm ignorant about. We wait around for an hour and Ying finally finds us, and after seeing Klein, he reacts with hostility.

"what the hell is that thing, step aside, I'll get rid of it!"

Klein readies himself to fight, but I step in between and shout.

"Ying relax he's an ally!"

he stops himself, and asks sternly.

"what's the meaning of this Collin?"

I answer.

"I tamed him with a spell that I found."

Klein waves at him and says.


Ying looks to Celeste for conformation, and she nods to assure him, he then hesitantly waves back, but then he also reacts to Gresnor.

"and what business do you have hear Lizardman?"

he chuckles slightly and says.

"well at least he didn't insult me like that woman other."

he pauses and reaponds.

"My name is Gresnor, and I'm here to accompany my good friend Collin to the dwarf region."

he shift his eyes on me and asks.

"is this true?"

I nod.

"yes, he saved my life once and because of that he is my friend."

Ying relaxes a little bit and then asks.

"so are we leaving now?"

I reply.


Celeste then asks.

"so how are you going to get there on foot?"

I reply with a serious tone

"well yeah, it will be good exercise for all of us."

Ying and Celeste are looking at me like if I'm crazy, and them she responds.

"how about this, take me with you guys."

I ask.


she answers.

"because I've been to Mons, one of their biggest mountain cities."

I ask surprised.

"oh really and what were you doing there?"

she answers.

"I went there to assassinate a criminal who tried to go into hiding in Mons."

she continues.

"I can open a portal to base of the mountain where the entrance to the city is, and we can just go like that."

Ying, Gresnor and Klein, breathe a sigh of relief upon hearing her say that, while I think to myself a bit disappointed.

"I was hoping to build up their stamina, before arriving their but I guess I can't help it."

she then adds on.

"and besides, I haven't gotten a chance to train with you."

I reply.

"okay, if you really want to come with us."

she shouts with excitement.

"thank you master Collin."

Ying then says.

"alright Celeste, open that portal so that we can get a move one."

and while Celeste opens up a portal to Mons, I whisper to Klein.

"have you transformed into a werewolf lately?"

he whispers back.

"no the last time I did it was when we were going to fight that Gale guy, and you saw what happened to me."

I think to myself.

"yeah there is always a chance of permanently destroying your body when transforming into a werewolf."

he asks.

"why do you ask?"

I answer.

"because I have a plan of getting you silver eyes like me."

Celeste shouts.

"it's ready let's go!"

Klein asks excitedly.

"is that really possible?"

I answer.

"yeah I believe so."

Ying and Gresnor have already entered the portal

first, and then I say to Klein.

"alright it's time to go, and remember to act like you're under my control."

he nods.

"yeah, yeah, I know already."

the both us follow after those two and then finally Celeste comes right behind us."

we pop out the other side, a few miles at the base of the mountain, I then ask out loud.

"so where is the city?"

Celeste scolds me.

"were you not listening, the entrance to the city is at the base of the mountain."

I then ask.

"so does that mean the city is inside that mountain?"

she answers.

"yes, they built their city inside that mountain, with multiple layers of floors, with the king's castle and all the nobility being at the peak of the mountain."

I ask with overwhelming curiosity.

"how do they keep the floors from collapsing onto each other?"

she answers.

"with their physical enhancement magic."

I look at the mountain with a sparkle in my eye, thinking about how amazing the interior will look like, but then Celeste interrupts.

"alright let's go line up so that we can enter the city."

we arrive and stand in and finally get our turn after waiting around for two hours, and we are greeted by bearded dwarf guard covered in copper armor, who looks up at all five us and ask.

"all five of you together, three humans, a Lizardman, and whatever that is?"

Celeste answers politely.


he grunts and says.

"okay the entry fee is five gold."

Ying gives him one gold coins and so does Celeste, while Gresnor and Klein both whisper to me.

"we didn't bring any currency."

I sigh and reply.

"it's fine, since I insisted for you guys to come, I'll pay for both of you."

I then give the dwarf guard three gold coins.

after receiving the payment, he says.

"you're allowed to entered, just don't go around causing trouble in our city."

the five dwarf guards guarding the gate open one of the gates and allow is to come through, while on the other gate, there were people coming out from that one, and once we come through, we're immediately met with the sight of the City's market, and various businesses, surrounding a thirty foot statue of dwarf in a horseshoe shape, that touches the floor and the ceiling, I look around the market, feeling completely enthralled by the sight of the architecture of this city, and then Celeste asks.

"alright so what's the plan Collin?"

I look and answer.

"easy we search for a dwarf who's willing to teach us physical magic."

Celeste asks.

"so you had now plan on who will teach us master Collin?"

I respond.

"no, but I'm there's one that will teach us."

they all groan because they thought I had a solid plan for this journey, but I didn't, so in the end we came up with a plan to ask around at a local bar, after we rent a room at a inn, I then think to myself.

"hopefully we can find one who'll teach us."

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