Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 95 - I Will Also Go

I wake up only getting an hour of sleep, due to the fact that, I was paranoid the whole night if Rosie would come back and try to attack us during our sleep, and thankfully she didn't, but I did end up wondering to myself, on how did she turn into a vampire, Ellena wakes up yawning, and as she sits up to stretch out her arms, she asks.

"I know it was hard seeing her again, are you sure you're okay?"

avoiding her gaze, I answer.

"I think I'll be alright, since I have you with me."

but then I think to myself.

"even though Rosie gave me something to work with, I still can't shake the feeling that I'm going to be fighting her at some point."

I look down at the two dotted scars that Rosie left with her fangs, and I say to Ellena.

"listen, go find Celeste, she will help you get into contact with Gresnor and Klein much faster, while I go and inform the Human and Elven kings on this new information, and what I plan to do."

she asks.

"what are you planning?"

I answer.

"if they are willing to help, I'm bringing them to the dwarf region with me, and learn physical magic from them."

she asks.

"you beat Abigail with your strength, do you really need to go that far to learn from the dwarves?"

"did you not hear Rosie, she said that Abigail was not a real vampire lord?"

she looks lowers her gaze to her hands, and nods while I continue talking.

"if what she was saying was true, then I need to prepare myself for the worst."

I then think to myself.

"I was a bit stronger than Abigail with my silver eyes, and I can't depend on the unpredictability of Wolf's Rage."

I slide out of bed and say to Ellena.

"I'm going to have all the kings gather together and let them know what's going to happen."

I walk out of the bedroom, and for some reason Ying outside, leaning against with his arms crossed the hallway wall, and as he sees coming out he asks.

"is everything alright?"

"yeah, why do ask?"

he replies.

"well I felt a disturbance in your room last night, and when it disappeared, I stood here on guard all night just in case I felt it again."

I sigh and think to myself.

"shit if he decided to come busting inside our room while Rosie was here, it would have been bad."

I respond to him.

"it's fine nothing happened."

and while I walk away, I wave goodbye and say.

"now of you don't mind I need to have a word with all the kings."

"oh is that so, if that's the case I'm coming with you."

I turn back to him and reply.

"it's fine, I'm just gonna let them know that I'm going be away for a short while to get stronger."

he quickens his, to where we're walking at the side by side, and then he says with a determined voice.

"then I will also go."

I reply.

"you probably won't want to go where I'm going."

he asks.

"where are you going?"

"to dwarf region."

we arrive at the meeting room, and I enter to find that King Ryan and King Lexur are in here talking to each other, I clear my throat to interrupt them, and they both at look at me and ask slightly annoyed.

"what do you want?"

I answer.

"I've acquired new information, about a vampire lord that has woken."

they both stare at surprised by this news, I continue.

"can you guys inform the other kings, to gather here, so I can let them what I plan to do next."

the both of quickly leave the meeting room, while Ying asks.

"are you serious, so why are you going to the dwarf region for?"

"you will find out when all of the kings gather."

we wait around for half an hour, and they finally arrived, some of them still in their sleeping robes,

I then wait for all of them to find their seats, and as the last one does so, I clear my throat and begin speaking with my voice raised.

"as you all may have been told, I've have received new information about one of the vampire lords."

King Tully makes a rudely interrupts.

"about time."

I ignore him and continue.

"as I was saying, his name is Vernon, and he woke after Abigail's death."

Lexur interrupts.

"so it's your fault that he woke up then?"

I respond.

"if I didn't kill Abigail, she would have wrecked havoc on all of you and your kingdoms."

they silently stare at me, as I resume talking.

"anyways, I got information from my source, that Vernon is preparing an attack force to come after me."

one of the elven kings asks.

"how reliable is this source of yours."

I reply shrugging my shoulder.

"honestly I'm not to sure, but we shouldn't ignore any kind of information that comes our way."

King Alexander asks while raising is hand.

"so what's your plan?"

I answer.

"I'm planning on learning physical magic from the dwarves and increase my strength, while Ying Zhu takes the lead with training the heroes and Elves."

King Tully scoffs at me.

"it's a waste of time to learn from them, but then again I'm not opposed to Ying Zhu leading the training regiment, while you go on this fruitless


and as I'm about to retort Tully, Ying interrupts.

"excuse me, may I get a word in?"

I reply.

"uh, yeah, sure."

all of us pay attention to Ying, to see what he wants to say.

"I will be tagging along with Collin, so that I can also increase my physical strength."

we all look at him in shocked in what he just said, especially me, I then ask.

"um, why?"

King Tully shouts.

"yeah why!?"

he responds calmly.

"because, I want to increase, this new found strength that I never knew I could grow."

he looks to me and continues.

"and it's thanks to this man, who helped me discover it, and now I want to keep growing it."

King Tully asks bewildered.

"but you have the strongest magic of the generation, you really don't need to lower yourself any further to learn from the dwarves."

he responds stoically.

"I already made up my mind about going."

he then asks with a defeated voice.

"what about the heroes that are training?"

Ying answers.

"James, has show great results with his training, and I think he will do a good job leading the rest, while me and Collin are away."

Ying looks at me and says.

"go ahead, I already said my piece."

I then say still perplexed.

"well that's all I had to say, I'll come back as soon as I can, hopefully everyone is ready to fight, just in case Vernon attacks."

the kings all converse amongst themselves and then they dismissed me and Ying from the meeting room, and as I leave, Ying says with an apologetic tone.

"I didn't mean to impose on you Collin."

I reply.

"it's fine, I'm just surprised that you want to come along."

he replies.

"well you showed me how vulnerable I am to physical attacks, and so I decided to work hard so that I can become as strong as you."

I chuckle nervously.

"thanks but don't praise me, it embarrasses me."

he replies with a serious tone.

"I apologize, I'll refrain from doing that in the future."

I respond.

"relax, you don't have to be so serious around me."

he nods in understatement, and then asks.

"so when do we leave?"

I answer.

"as soon as I talk to my."

I pause and think.

"huh, what would Ellena be considered to me, a girlfriend?"

Ying comments.

"you're going to talk to your elf wife?"

I choke on air as he says that, and after taking a few minutes to calm down I answer him.

"she's not my wife, she's my girlfriend."

he then asks.

"oh and what about after you talk to her?"

I reply.

"I'll be leaving immediately."

he takes a moment, before responding.

"alright, how about we meet outside of the palace gates?"

I then think to myself.

"Klein can't come into the city, they would try to kill him without me, so I think it would be better to meet outside the city's wall."

I respond to him.

"that's no good, we will meet outside of the city's


he nods and replies.

"alright, I'll go and meet you after I say goodbye to my wives."

and as he leaves, I do a double take, if I heard him right and ask myself.

"did he just say wives? or did I mishear him?"

I shrug it off and head back to my room, where Hope, Ellena and Celeste are waiting for me, I then walk in and ask both Ellena and Celeste.

"did you guys manage to get into contact with Gresnor and Klein?"

Ellena answers.

"yeah, and I told them to wait outside of the city, because that is what I thought you would've wanted."

I hug her and say.

"thank you."

she then asks, with low spirits.

"do you really need to go?"

I reply after giving her peck.

"yes, I need to prepare myself for the worst."

she buries her face in my c.h.e.s.t, and softly says.

"okay but come back safe to me."

I whisper.

"don't worry I will."

Hope approaches me for a hug, and as I pick her up to hug her tightly, she asks.

"daddy are you going to come back soon?"

I kiss on the forehead and answer.

"yeah, love I'll be back as fast as I can."

I put her down and I say to Celeste.

"alright I'm ready to go."

she nods and opens up a portal and as step inside with Celeste, I wave goodbye to Hope and Ellena, who are also waving goodbye.

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