Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 105 - New Plans

No one believes in what Rosie is saying, except for me, James points and shouts.

"don't listen to that monster, she is obviously lying to us."

I answer.

"listen if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have been able to take down the apprentices, for you guys!"

Celeste interjects.

"he is not lying, I asked her to pick him up using my mind reading magic, and that is what she ended up doing."

I give her a thumbs up an I continue talking.

"listen this vampire threat is much bigger, than what I thought it was going to be, and honestly, I think we are going to need all the help that we can get."

James couldn't deny what I just said, so he asks.

"so what the new plan?"

I answer.

"first we are going to talk to the kings, and talk about rebuilding the old alliance."

Katie asks shocked.


Celeste answers.

"because like Master Collin said, this threat is not something the humans and elves can handle themselves."

"so what makes you think that we can rebuild the old alliance?"

I answer.

"when we where at Mons, the city was under attack by the vampires and Lord Vernon who lead the assault."

all of them still looked at me unconvinced of what I'm saying, but either way I continue.

"let's not waste any more time doubting what I say, because by the time you all decide that what she is saying is true, it will be too late to even stop them next time to attack."

they talk amongst themselves still unsure if they want to believe me or Rosie, I then give a frustrated sigh and say.

"alright then I'm going to speak with the kings and come up with a new plan, that doesn't involve any of you fools."

Gresnor and Klein, come behind me trusting me like they always have, I look back to them and say.

"thank you."

"fine, we'll go along with you and believe what that thing is saying."

him, the heroes and the elves start stepping forward, and as he approaches Rosie he warns her.

"if we catch detect any kind of lies when you explain yourself to the kings, we will deal with you swiftly."

she remarks.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

after that little exchange, we finally make our way to the meeting room, and as we enter, I tell Celeste.

"go and tell the kings that the attacks are over, and that we need to have a serious meeting."

she nods and opens a portal to their safe room, I then think to myself.

"I hope the kings are willing to listen to what Rosie has to say."

"relax she is with us!"

King Ryan is the first one to ask.

"Collin what is the meaning of this?"

I answer, while looking at all of them.

"her name is Rosie Hesron the one that I was falsely accused of murdering, and she used to be a human like all of us, but as you can see she is no longer one."

King Alexander asks.

"how do we know she really is who she claims to be?"

Rosie takes off her hood and reveals her face to everyone, and as she points at Ying, she waves.

"hello Ying it's been a while since we last saw each other."

"Rosie is that really you?"

she answers.

"well besides the red glowing eyes, yes it is me."

he approaches her and asks.

"what happened to you, how did you end up like this?"

everyone calmed down a bit after hearing that Ying had recognized her, she looks at me and says.

"well I guess it's to reveal what happened to me."

I respond.


"it all happened right after getting killed by that vampire apprentice Abigail, I was somehow conscious when my darling Collin carried my body home even though I was supposed to be dead, and in that time, I felt unpleasant changes going through my body, and after getting buried, I woke up again with my wounds healed and had a an urge to drink blood, and in that moment I knew I had turned into a vampire."

Me and Ying asked at the same time.

"what caused the change."

she answers.

"well after waking up, I didn't act on upon the urge to drink, so I ran away until Lord Vernon found me and then I asked him how I turned into a vampire, he told me that Vampire lords and Apprentices have the ability to turn anyone into an underling or an apprentice, and it turns out Abigail made me into an apprentice."

I ask curiously.

"did he tell you what causes it though?"

she answers.

"contact with any bodily fluids like the blood or saliva, and also just simply being killed by one."

"if that is true, then why haven't I turned into one?"

I then ask King Ryan."

"do you know if King Tully was killed by an apprentice or underling?"

he answers.

"it was an underling for sure."

as I sigh in relief, King Ryan asks.

"alright Rosie, you have revealed yourself to us for a reason, so tell us what is it?"

she answers.

"The vampire lords plan to block out the sun and enslave the whole world."

King Ryan asks Celeste.

"is she telling the truth?"

she nods.

"yes, I have not sensed any lies with her words."

King Dave surprisingly steps up and asks.

"so what's the plan?"

the whole room looks at King Dave, surprised that he even had the will to speak, Rosie answers while pointing at me.

"let's listen to what my darling Collin has to say."

they all focus their attention to me, and as they do, I clear my throat and say.

"we need to bring back the old alliance."

they all stare at me dumbfounded with what I said, except for Ellena's father King Lexur, who says while smiling at me.

"I agree with this young man, this vampire threat is much bigger than whatever conflict we have, we need to work together and make them pay for ever starting a fight with us."

and then one after another the kings begin to agree with both of us, and the I say.

"we need to contact the dwarf kings too because their biggest city Mons, was also attacked."

King Lexur adds on.

"yes that should be more than enough to convince them to join the old alliance again."

King Lexur continues.

"everyone, go back to your kingdoms and make the announcement about this new threat, and start a recruitment campaign for the many eager people who want revenge for these attacks."

he looks back at me and says.

"while we do that, make sure that you and your friend Rosie, have a plan ready for all of us."

King Ryan then says.

"Celeste I want you to send all these kings back to their homes, so they can address their subjects."

she nods and immediately begins to work, I then look back to the heroes and elves and say.

"I want you all to go home and spend some time with your loved ones, before we resume our training."

they all nod and start moving out, and then Ying approaches me and Rosie, but he bows his head to me and says.

"I'm sorry for freezing up like that back there, that has never happened to me before."

I reply sternly.

"okay just as long as you don't do it again."

he walks away, with his head down, visibly upset with himself, Rosie then says.

"alright darling it's time to go over our plan."

I reply.

"okay tell me because I still have no idea where to start."

she answers with a smirk.

"I want you to gather the best people in your mind that you trust, so you can turn them into werewolves."

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