Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 106 - Candidates

I look at Rosie in disbelief and respond.

"there's no need for me to do that, I can just make contact with the werewolves I used to be with to help me."

she asks.

"oh will they?"

I call over Klein and ask.

"hey have you talked to Remy and rest?"

he answers.

"only Remy, why?"

"is there anyway to contact her."

he replies.

"I'm afraid not."

I ask.

"why what happened?"

he responds.

"after we left the group, they all went their separate ways, and once that happened they began to attack innocent people, except for Remy, who took it upon herself to kill them for doing something that Sid wouldn't have approved of."

I ask feeling hopeless.

"what about Remy herself?"

"she told me that she was going to live a life of isolation and die alone."

I ask.

"so there is no way to get in contact with her?"

he shakes his head.

"no, she disappeared after I went with Ellena and Hope, to protect them while you were in Burmendak."

he then asks.

"did you need something from her?"

I answer.

"I was hoping that she would help us, but I guess that's no longer an option."

"I want Collin to start a new clan of werewolves and with him being the pack leader, can you help him do that?"

Klein smiles and nods.

"yeah it won't be a problem, all we need is people who are willing to do this."

I then ask Rosie.

"why do you want me to do this?"

she answers.

"because I believe that we are going to need that kind of power."

I then ask.

"what about the heroes I'm training."

"don't worry, I'll train them with Ying's help, while you are doing what you need to do."

Klein agrees.

"she's right Collin, it wouldn't hurt, to start a new clan of werewolves, determined to follow you into battle."

I sigh and ask.

"do you have anyone in mind?"

he points at Gresnor and says.

"he's already shown that he will follow you into battle."

I reply.

"okay if we can convince him, then that makes only one."

Celeste's voice invades my mind.

"I overheard you Master Collin, and even though it's shocking to hear that you're a werewolf, I want you to count me in as well."

I say to Klein and Rosie.

"well it looks like we got another one."

they both ask.


as I point at Celeste, Rosie replies.

"good she seems like a reliable and trustworthy person."

Celeste responds.

"I appreciate the kind comments, but if turning into a werewolf, will help with the fight against the vampires, then so be it."

"so that will make two potential members of our new clan."

Rosie then asks.

"are you sure you can't think of anybody else?"

I take a moment to think about it and I reply.

"yes, I could ask Aktosh, Selshruuk and Felnor."

Klein gets mad after hearing Aktosh's name.

"why that bastard?"

I answer.

"I may not like it it, but he has experience fighting, you and me know that all too well."

Klein replies.

"if you think he's trustworthy, then I won't argue with your choice."

Rosie the asks.

"should we go and pick them up?"

I respond.

"well that's going to be a problem."

Celeste asks.


I answer.

"because they are still imprisoned in Burmendak."

Rosie suggests.

"what if we break them out?"

I shake my head.

"no I rather not piss off the orcs and make them our enemies."

Celeste then asks.

"what about buying their freedom?"

I take a moment to think about and I answer rubbing my chin.

"that could work."

I sigh slightly frustrated as I realize that I don't have any gold left.

"but I can't afford their freedom though."

Rosie looks around the room and when she sees King Dave, she points at him and says.

"ask him to support you financially, I'm sure his is more than willing to help you, if it has anything to do with defeating the vampires."

Celeste then asks.

"so it doesn't matter to you that we want to kill them?"

Rosie answers.


she asks.

"why not, what is your true motive behind doing this?"

she responds.

"there are unconfirmed stories, that if all the vampire lords are killed then the curse of the vampire will be lifted."

I ask interested with what she just said.

"when you say the curse being lifted, does it mean that you will turn back to normal."

she nods but answers unsure.

"they are just stories, but it has given me enough hope to at least try if there are some truth to them, so that I can maybe return back to normal."

Celeste turns to me and says.

"she isn't lying."

Rosie responds offended with her comment.

"of course I'm not lying."

as they continue on with there banter, I take a deep breath and approach King Dave, he notices me approaching him and asks.

"you need something Collin?"

I answer without any hesitation.

"I need your financial support, on buying the freedom of a couple of individuals, that are imprisoned in Burmendak."

he asks.

"why do you need their freedom for?"

I reply.

"I've got something on mind for them, that the heroes can't participate in."

I then think to myself.

"I guess it is time to reveal my identity as a werewolf."

I ask him in a serious manner.

"have you ever wondered why I was able to inflict so much physical damage to Ying, the strongest person to ever posses the hero's blessing?"

he replies intrigued

"no but please do tell me."

I chant.

"silver eyes."

King Dave looks at my eyes in awe.

I continue .

"the only reason why I posses the power of silver eyes, is because I became a werewolf many years ago."

shocked with what I said, he asks

"so werewolves also exist?"

I point at Klein and respond.

"yes and he's also a werewolf."

he takes a quick glance at Klein, and then looks around the room to see if anyone else heard what I just said, he then asks n a low voice.

"who else knows about this?"

I answer.

"Gresnor, Rosie, and Celeste."

he sighs and says.

"alright, for now we'll keep this a secret and will only reveal your true lower and identity to those in top positions."

still in disbelief with what I just told him, he asks.

"so you mentioned having something in mind, does it have anything to do with you being a werewolf?"

I nod.

"yes, I plan to recruit people into becoming werewolves, and train them to obtain the same silver eyes that I have?"

he then asks curiously.

"what about the heroes, can they become werewolves?"

I answer.

"yes, but the thing is the survival rate of actually becoming werewolf is low, and I don't want to risk killing them because of it."

he takes a few minutes to think about my proposal, and the he finally answers.

"if you believe that this can help our fight against the vampires, then I'll support you financially."

he then asks.

"so who will train our heroes to fight the vampires."

I point at Rosie and respond.

"she has already told me that she is going to train

them, and I believe that she can provide them a better insight on how to fight the vampires."

he nods in agreement.

"I may not like it, but I'm willing to use anything at my disposal, so that we can hurt the vampires in whatever way possible."

he continues talking.

"alright, I'm going to provide you around fibe thousand gold coins, hopefully that is enough to buy their freedom."

I reply.

"thank you, I'll make sure to hurt those vampires."

right before he walks away, I stop him and say.

"hold on your highness, I still got one more suggesting that could help us."

he asks.

"and what would that be?"

I answer.

"we should enlist the help of the adventures guild."

he asks curiously.

"what would we have them do?"

I reply.

"we should post quests, on searching and finding vampire nests, and pay a good amount of gold for each nest found."

he runs his chin and responds.

"that's a good idea, instead of sending my magic knights, we could send adventures instead so we can avoid losing valuable soldiers."

he clears his throat and says.

"alright if you will excuse me, I've got to address our citizens and do my official coronation ceremony as the new king of Rozlania."

he then points at a well dressed man in the distance and says.

"talk to our family's aide, Strauss, he will give you the gold."

I nod as he walks away, I then approach Strauss and ask for the five thousand gold that King Dave

has promised to provide, I then head back to Rosie and Celeste who are still bantering, I interrupt.

"I got the financial support of King Dave, so we should head out to Burmendak Prison soon."

Rosie then says.

"good luck darling, I'll be waiting for your return."

Celeste opens up a portal and says annoyed.

"we should head out now Master Collin."

I nod and call out to Gresnor.

"hey Gresnor are you stating here or are you coming with us!?"

he sees the portal and shouts as he runs towards us.

"wait I'm coming with you guys!"

we step into the portal together, and find ourselves on the outside of Burmendak Prison.

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