Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 131 - Reunion

After arriving at Mons, I ask Jill as we disembark from Joseph's carriage.

"hey can you turn in this quest for me?"

she responds.

"yeah, I don't mind."

I then turn to Remy and ask.

"ready to go home?"

she nods.


but before me and Remy climb aboard a carriage heading towards the capital city in Corpus Kingdom, Corpus City, Jill says.

"after you return, you will take me in as a pupil."

surprised by what she said, I ask.


"I figured, since you've managed to impress the number one hero Ying Zhu, then training under you, will make him notice me."

I tease her.

"so you have a crush on him?"

her face turn red.

"idiot, it isn't like that, I just have a lot of respect for him."

I chuckle and reply.

"sure, but don't expect a walk in the park, when we train together."

she responds.

"good, I'll be ready with whatever you throw at me."

"how do I look?"

I look at her tattered and worn out clothing, and answer.

"well you look good, but you'll need to get some new clothing."

she sighs.

"I see, but I don't have any gold on me."

I reply.

"don't worry about that, I'll buy you a new set of clothing when we arrive at the capital."

after a few hours of silence between us, she asks.

"so what have you been up to lately? besides beating up bad guys."

"trying my hardest to be a father that my daughter can look up to."

shocked with what I said, she asks.

"that can't be possible, how did the mother survive?"

Ism shrug my shoulders.

"I'm guessing it has something to do with me obtaining my silver eyes."

she asks curiously.

"so the mother became pregnant after you got your silver eyes?"

I nod.

"yeah, and when I first found out about it, I thought she would die."

"but thankfully, she gave birth to my precious daughter."

her eye gets filled with hope, and then she asks.

"does this mean, that I'm also capable of having children of my own?"

I smile.

"yeah, but before you can think about doing that, you need to obtain silver eyes."

she asks.

"will you help me, get it?"

I nod.

she responds.

"are you sure, that I can do it?"

I reply.

"if Klein was able to obtain it, then I'm sure you can do it too."

after a whole day of traveling in the carriage, we finally arrive at Corpus City, where Remy takes a deep breath and asks herself.

"it has been so long since I've been back home."

I then remember a few years back about a conversation between me and Celeste about Remy being a well known assassin, I then ask Remy.

"is it true that you used to be an assassin?"

she tries to deny it.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Collin."

I respond.

"please don't lie, I have a friend named Celeste who is an assassin, and she recognized your name when I mentioned you."

she sighs.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want anyone, to know what I used to do."

I ask.

"so the whole fruit picking story you told me about was a lie?"

she nods.

"yeah, but the kidnapping thing wasn't a lie."

she sighs and says.

"it happened while I was hunting down a target that managed to go into hiding with some bandits inside dead pass forest."

I ask.

"then how did you get kidnapped?"

she answers.

"after searching, I found the guy I was looking for, but he was injured, and when I was about to finish him off, a werewolf injured me and was unconscious the whole time."

she pauses and takes a moment to herself before continuing.

"after waking up, I felt different and the guy that kidnapped me, told me that I've been turned into a werewolf and the rest I've told you before."

I reply.

"yeah, I see."

we make our way towards the entrance of the city, where multiple guards stop us.

"hey you there, why is there a monster traveling with you!?"

I respond.

"I brought her here, so that King Ryan, can grant her his royal protection."

they start laughing,

"why would he do that?"

Remy gets ready to fight and asks me.

"I thought you knew the king?"

I reply.

"hold on."

I then shout at them.

"send word that Collin Belfaust is here, and if it turns out he doesn't know who I am, I won't resist whatever punishment you have in store for me!"

one of the guards shouts.

"you really think the king will come out to meet you himself!?"

I grin as I hear Celeste's voice yell behind them.

"all of you stand down!"

one of the guards replies.

"sorry lady Celeste."

Celeste smiles while she speaks to me in my mind.

"nice to see you again Master Collin."

I reply.

"me too."

Remy whispers.

"what is she, I'm detecting her as a monster?"

I reply.

"she is also a werewolf."

Celeste approaches us and asks.

"I heard everything, I'll take you to King Ryan."

she looks at Remy and asks me.

"who is that?"

I answer.

"that's Remy."

she takes a moment to examine Remy and she says.

"ah, of course, you are well known assassin amongst us."

she shakes her hand.

"it's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to finally meet a legend in the assassin world."

Celeste then opens up a portal and says to both of us.

"alright, let's go and see King Ryan."

upon seeing me, emerge from the portal, King Ryan stands up from his throne, and gives me a warm welcome.

"oh if it isn't our secret hero Collin Belfaust."

I look around and as I see the guards around him, I say.

"we're not supposed to mention that."

he chuckles.

"these guards, since they volunteered in the fight against the vampires, I took it upon myself to inform them on who you really are."

the guards kneel in respect for me, I quickly wave both of my hands in front and say to all of them.

"I didn't do it alone, so there is no need for that."

King Ryan laughs.

"don't be so humble Collin, if it weren't for you, the vampires would have caused more damage."

he sits back down on his throne and asks.

"so what brings you to me, Collin?"

I reply while pointing at Remy.

"to grant my friend here, your royal protection."

he rubs his chin, and responds.

"is she also a werewolf like you and Celeste."

trying not to freak out with what he said, I look around to see if any of his guards are surprised, but once I saw that none of them reacted to it, I ask.

"did you also tell these guys about the existence of werewolves."

he responds.

"of course, the men and woman in this throne room are my most trusted people."

I then ask.

"so can you grant her your royal protection?"

he nods.

"yeah I can, but why bring her here?"

I reply.

"she used to be an assassin under your command and she has a husband living in this city."

Remy kneels down and bows her head.

"you may not remember me your highness, but I used to work under you, and I will be very great full, if you will allow me to live here."

King Ryan responds.

"okay, I'll be hoping that you'll reunite with your husband."

after getting her royal protection, me and Remy set out to buy her a new set of clothes, and then we returned back to her old house, where we spot a man watering some plants in the front yard, I look to Remy, who a smile while tears coming down her face, I then ask.

"is that your husband?"

she nods.


I respond.

"well go to him."

she then asks.

"but what if he's afraid of me?"

I answer.

"how about we both approach him, and then I'll help explain everything that has happened to you."

we approach her husband, a man that looks like he's in his mid thirties, short black spiky hair, brown eyes, he freaks out, but Remy plead to him.

"Phillip, please calm down."

Phillip replies.

"don't talk to me using my wife's appearance, you monster."

Remy pleads again.

"Phillip, it's really me."

he shakes his head.

"no it can't be, my wife doesn't have the aura of a monster."

I interject.

"Phillip, she is your wife, there are just some things that caused her to be like how she is, but if you'll listen to us, we'll help you understand."

he responds hesitantly.

"okay, I'll listen."

we spend a good amount of time telling him about the werewolves, and how she was forced into becoming one, and how me and her came to know each other, and after spending an hour of explaining things to him, after he accepted what we said but with some scepticism, Phillip and Remy embrace each other for tbe first time in many years, I then say my final words to Remy before leaving for home.

"I'll come back soon and show you some of my training exercises, to help you obtain silver eyes."

I hop on a carriage that goes back to the city of Grezia, in Rozlania.

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