Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 132 - Wolf's Hide

After spending weeks doing mundane quests, for the guild, Ellena and Hope finally returned home, from Rusllyyn, Hope runs up to me and shouts with joy as she hugs me.

"daddy we are home."

I pick her up for a hug and she kisses me on the cheek, I do the same thing to her, and then ask.

"did you have fun with grandpa."

she nods.

"yeah, I can't wait to go back."

I reply.

"that's good, I'm glad you had fun."

after Ellena plants a kiss on me, I ask."

"how did it go?"

she replies.

"well I stepped down from the throne, and I'm no longer, going to be queen."

I put down Hope, and ask surprised.

"why? what happened?"

she answers.

"well when I asked my dad, about you and me getting married, he said that our people aren't ready to have a human king."

I nod following along with what she is saying, I then ask.

"so what? he asked you to step down?"

she shakes her head.

"no, I said, that you and me are getting married even if it means, that I have to step down and so I did."

I respond.

"that's crazy why would you do that?"

she answers.

"of I became queen, our time together would be limited."

I ask.

"so it wasn't just about the marriage?"

she smiles and nods.

"yeah, I want us to be a family, and do that, I can't tied up with queen duties."

unable to properly respond, I say.

"I see."

she then kisses me and whispers.

"and besides, I want to have more children."

I ask curiously.

"how many more?"

she answers calmly and with a smile.

"about five more."

I start coughing, shocked with how many more she wants.

"what, why so many?"

she giggles.

"I grew up with many siblings, so I also want that for Hope."9

I reply.

"sure, we can do five more, if you really want that many."

she claps excitedly and then gives me another kiss, I sigh and ask myself with a slight smile.

"what the hell did I just agree on?"

after spending a whole day together at the capital city, and on the return home, I felt an uneasy feeling growing in my gut, but I just shook it odd, hoping that it was just a feeling that would pass over. that was until we arrived home, where I felt a similar, insatiable hunger that I felt before when I was at the Burmendak prison, I then think to myself.

"shit, why is this happening now?"

a sharp pain in my stomach causes me to collapse on the entrance of my house, Ellena gasps.

"what's wrong?"

I reply in pain.

"use your paralysis magic on me."

confused she asks.


I respond while clutching my stomach.

"please, just do as I say."

she hesitates at first, but after a watching me suffer for a couple more minutes, she points her open palm hand at me and chants.

"paralysis blast."

after the green ball of mist hits me, my body completely freezes up, I then hear Hope come out of the house panicking.

"mommy, why did do that to daddy?"

Hope kneels down next to me and starts crying.

"please don't be dead."

Ellen puts her hand on Hope's shoulder to assure her.

"don't worry about daddy, he will be fine."

Ellena sighs and says to herself.

"now I must carry him inside."

after struggling to carry me to our bedroom, Ellena lays on the bed and says.

"you better explain yourself properly, once the paralysis effect wears off."

I think myself.

"yeah, I need to tell her about my hunger pangs, and how dangerous I can become if I give in to my urges."

about ten minutes pass by and as the effects wear off, I groan in pain.

"this has happened before while I was in prison, and I'm too dangerous to be kept awake."

she then asks wearing a worried expression on her face.

"so what do you want me to do?"

I reply with a pained expression.

"just keep using your paralysis magic until I tell you to stop."

she nods.

"okay, I'll do it."

she points her open palm at me and chants.

"paralysis blast."

my body freezes up once again in place, numbing

the pain, I then think to myself.

"this is good, as long as she uses her paralysis magic on me, I can get through this."

after spending a whole day of receiving Ellena's Paralysis blasts, I managed to fall asleep, where the same wolf from before greets me.

"welcome back."

I ask.

"did I unlock another power?"

the wolf nods.


I respond.

"so what is it?

he replies as he circles me.

"it's called wolf's hide."

I think about the skin's of animals and asks curiously.

"how is that supposed to help me?"

the wolf answers.

"it's not literal wolf skin, if that is what your are thinking."

I sigh in relief, that this new power is not a waste.

"then what is it?"

the wolf replies.

"a translucent shaped werewolf will cover you, protecting you from both magic and physical damage."

I ask.

"so it's similar to my mobile magic barrier and self reinforcement spells?"

the wolf shakes his head.

"no, unlike those inferior spells, this one is capable of absorbing much more damage."

I respond.

"is that so? then is that all?"

the wolf shakes his head.

"not yet, there is one more, but it doesn't derive from the werewolf's power."

I ask.

"what is it?"

the wolf asks.

"do you remember that legendary spell you found?"

I respond.

"mana shift? yeah what about it?"

the wolf answers.

"the spell has grown."

confused I ask.


the wolf replies.

"if you chant move, right after activating the spell,

you will teleport to one of the mana signatures you spread out."

I ask.

"how do you know that?"

the wolf responds.

"I'm afraid our time is up."

as it disappears, it's voice whispers to me.

"until next time."

I wake up in a cold sweat, and Ellena asks with a worried expression.

"Collin, are you okay?"

I wipe the sweat with the sleeve of my shirt and reply.

"yeah, I think I'm okay now."

she hugs me.

"I'm glad, I was worried sick about you."

I close my eyes and as I sigh, I gently rub her back while hugging her back.

"hey now, everything will be fine, this kind of thing happens and passes."

she sighs and says.

"you know, I've been thinking about what you told me before."

I ask.

"what did I tell you?"

she replies.

"how you came here from another world."

I respond.

"so what are you thinking about?"

she asks.

"how much, do you remember of your past life?"

I answer.

"a lot, but the only thing that I can't seem to remember was my name."

she then asks curiously.

"so was it similar to this world?"

I shake my head.

"no, where I came from, magic didn't exist, and humans were the only race in existence."

I then ask.

"does this mean, that you believe me?"

she replies.

"I can see the honesty on your face, so yeah, I believe you."

I hug her tightly feeling relieved and I whisper.

"thank you."

we both get ready for bed, and fall asleep.

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