Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 141 - Collin Vs. Cecile

I stare at Cecile and chant to myself quickly.

"silver eyes."

and follow up with.

"wolf's hide."

my translucent shaped werewolf that is covering me, catches the eyes of every student watching and they exclaim in amus.e.m.e.nt, while Cecile looks on unimpressed, and then claps sarcastically while saying.

"nice trick, but unfortunately they will not help you against me."

I respond.

"if you really think so then go ahead kid, and make sure you don't hold back."

I then think to myself.

"alright, I should take this chance to observe his unique hero abilities and magical power."

he points at me and shouts.

"plasma beam!"

a blue straight line, with reddish yellow lines swirling around the blue line, in a shape of a corkscrew, zooms past my face at an alarming rate, feeling impressed on how fast it came at me, I think to myself.

"good thing, I've been training on dodging magic attacks, in these past two years, or that attack would have severely injured me."

I snap my focus back onto Cecile, who is wearing the same dumbfounded expression, that every student that is watching has, he then shouts with frustration.

"damn you, no one has ever dodged my plasma beam attack!"

"is that so? I guess I'm one of the lucky ones huh?"

I take a quick glance behind me to assess what kind of damage his attack did and see that his plasma beam attack punched a hole through the solid steel barrier, capable of withstanding tier four magic attacks and below, I then chuckle and think to myself.

"now I see, why Ying is interested in this kid."

I then shout at Cecile.

"so are you just going to stand there and w.h.i.n.e about? or is that the best you got?!"

he shouts back.

"I'll we make you pay for trying to make me look like a fool!"

I think to myself.

"he talks too much, I could have ended this fight anytime."

"don't need to, you've already done a good job doing that yourself."

he angrily shouts.

"plasma beam!"

but this time I see it coming, and I dodge the attack with ease, he has a visible frustrated expression on his face, as he shouts.

"plasma blast!"

multiple fist sized, bright blue balls shoot out from both of his palms, in scattered directions, very similar looking to the blast of a shotgun, but I stand firm feeling confident that my defenses are strong enough to hold up against this attack, I then smile as my translucent shield successfully protects me from his projectiles, while Cecile loses his mind.

"there is no way that you are normal, humans don't have the unnatural speed you have!"

I reply with a smirk.

"so now you are complaining, about you attacks not landing on your opponent?!"

"stop looking down on me!"

he then shouts.

"don't blame me if my next attack, kills you!"

still smirking I respond.

"well don't hold back on me kid!"

he takes in a deep breath, and then shouts.

"plasma prison."

a small cage, immediately manifests out of thin air and surrounds me, and as I feel the heat coming from each bar made out of his plasma magic, I then take a risk by trying to grab on to one of the bars, and my wolf shaped translucent shield, shatters the moment I made contact with the plasma bar, I then think to myself amazed.

"this spell is amazingly dangerous, but there is one flaw to this attack."

"he has to concentrate and keep pouring his mana to maintain this spell."

Cecile then shouts.

"you should give up now, before this attack, irreparably injures you!"

I look around the cage and notice that it is slowly closing in on me on all sides, I then think to myself.

"I guess it is about time to end this power demonstration and teach him a proper lesson as an instructor."

I look at Cecile and shout.

"you know this spell is pretty impressive, but it has one flaw!"

he shouts back.

"what flaw? you are sounding very desperate Mr. Belfaust!"

"mana shift."

sending multiple mana signals around Cecile, and just like I suspected about his flaw, he didn't notice the mana signals I sent around him, I visualize the one behind him and chant."


I instantly teleport behind Cecile, from the plasma cage, he still doesn't notice my presence while the students watching, are staring in complete shock with what I just did, I then say to Cecile.

"the flaw in your spell, is that you use too much mana, and it causes your mana detecting skills to be overloaded."

Cecile turns back, with the same shocked expression that his fellow classmates have, I then quickly punch him in the gut, knocking all the wind out of him, and he slumps over on the ground gasping for air, I then take out a healing potion and quickly make him drink it, he then asks with a shaky voice.

"what was that attack?"

I respond ignoring his question.

"since I won this little sparring session, you will show up in this class just like the rest of your classmates, and you will listen obediently like a good little boy."

"it's not over yet!"

he raises his hand, getting ready to chant another spell at me, but I quickly lift him off the ground with one hand, choking him with the collar of his shirt, and say with a voice filled with malice.

"if this were a real fight to the death, I would have crushed your throat by now."

he looks at me with fear in his eyes as I release my tight grip on him, and he replies, gasping for air once again.

"sorry ir, it won't happen again."

I then respond.

"good, you have too much potential, to waste it away, because of your pride."

I point, where the other students are sitting and say to him.

"now go join them, so we can finally get some training done before the next class starts."

after he takes a seat with the rest of his classmates I clear my throat and say to them in a very commanding voice.

"now I was placed in the position for a reason, and I expect all of you to follow my instructions from without any problems."

I then ask.

"any questions?"

nobody answers, I smile and say.

"alright then, let's get started."

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