Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 142 - Sibling Reunion

A few weeks has gone by, since I started training the fourth and fifth years, and everything has been going smoothly, except on the first day, when I had to do some hands on guidance on an egotistical and prideful student, named Cecile, I come back from my thoughts and sigh as the last class of the day ends.

"I should check up on Hope in her dorm, before I return back home to Ellena."

as I exit the training ground, a female student named Paula, stops me and says timidly, while using her finger to play with her brown hair.

"thank you, for today's training Mr. Belfaust."

I respond.

"I appreciate it but, you don't need to thank me, for doing my job."

she plays with more nervously and says while handing me something.

"here this is for you."

she gives a small box, and quickly runs away before I get a chance to say anything to her, I examine the small box and ask myself.

"what could it be?"

a familiar voice invades my mind.

"oh, it looks like you got an admirer."

I respond.

"hey Celeste, what are you doing here?"

she approaches me and answers.

"I was sent here by Leonard, to come get you."

I ask.

"will it be quick? because I wanted to check on Hope before I went home."

she nods.

"yeah, and if for some reason it takes a bit longer, King Dave has given the okay for you to miss tomorrow's training."

I ask getting curious.

"is it really important?"

she answers.

"yes, even Ying is there, observing the phenomenon."

I ask with my interest peaking.

"what do you mean phenomenon?"

she replies.

"Leonard found what the Pre Cursors called, a Magic Anomaly."

I reply.

"alright then, but before we go, I want to check in on Hope at least."

she replies.


as we walk together towards girls dormitory, Celeste points at the box I'm still holding and says.

"you should probably check on what kind of gift that girl gave you."

I sigh and as I slowly open it, Celeste asks.

"is it a marriage bracelet?"

I ask confused.

"why would a student give me a marriage bracelet?"

she sighs, a bit frustrated and responds.

"well you were at the other academy for two years right?"

I nod.

"yeah, but what does that have to do with this?"

she answers.

"then you should know that, students that are in there fourth and fifth year, use the academy to find their marriage partners."

I reply.

"of course I know that, it's just that I've never heard of students giving marriage bracelets to academy instructors."

she replies.

"well you haven't been around long enough, to witness it."

I stare at the box and think to myself.

"please don't let it be a marriage bracelet."

I anxiously pull out a small stuffed bear from the box, that is around the same size as my palm, I look at it and say feeling relieved that it wasn't what Celeste was saying.

"oh would you look at that, it's just a little stuffed bear."

she looks at it and says.

"there is a note attached on the back of it."

she quickly grabs it and reads it out loud.

"thank you, for your hard work, I look forward to your future lessons."

she then teases me.

"oh, she is looking forward to your future lessons."

I reply sternly.

"you are reading too much onto this."

we arrive at the girl's dormitory building, and head to the room where Hope is currently occupying with three other girls, and as I knock on her door, a few female students pass by us giggling when they spot me and whisper loud enough for me and Celeste to hear.

"oh, it's the new instructor, he's really handsome."

Celeste invades my mind, sounding agitated.

"looks like you have gotten popular around here with the girls."

a girl opens the door and I sigh in relief that I don't have to talk about what just happened, the girl looks at me and smiles, she then shouts over her shoulder.

"Hope, your dad is here!"

Hope shows up at the there and asks me coldly.

"what are you doing here?"

the other girl standing next to Hope interjects.

"come on, there is no need to act like that towards your dad."

I raise my hand and say as I wave my hand back and forth.

"it's fine."

I then say to Hope.

"I just wanted to check up on you and say goodnight."

as we start to leave, I hear the girl shout.

"goodnight Mr. Belfaust!"

Celeste then asks feeling concerned about me.

"you okay?"

I respond.

"my feelings are a bit hurt, but I also understand that she needs some space, from my doting."

after finishing my response, I accidentally bump and knock down a girl with curly black hair, and brown eyes, I immediately panic and ask while offering my hand.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

she groans and replies while grabbing my hand.

"it's okay, I also wasn't paying attention."

I get a good look at her face, and a sense of familiarity come over me, almost like I've seen her somewhere before, I then ask curiously.

"uh, do you have training lessons with me?"

she shakes her head.

"no, I'm a second year, why?"

I respond.

"you just looked very familiar to me, that is all."

she look me in the face and asks.

"are you sure that is all? Mr. Belfaust."

I reply, suspiciously.


she sighs and says impatiently.

"fine I'll just come out and say it."

I ask.

"say what?"

she responds with a question.

"are we related?"

baffled with her question, I ask

"what would make you think that?"

she replies.

"because my last name is also Belfaust."

after mentioning that Belfaust was her last mame, everything clicks in my mind, on why she seemed familiar, and it's because she remarkably resembles my mom Marie, I then ask as I slowly realize that she is my baby sister.

"your first name wouldn't happen to be Sarah?"

she gasps.

"I knew it, you and me are somehow related, are you and uncle or a cousin, because my parents never mentioned anyone in our family that goes by the name Collin."

I reply without thinking too much about it.

"you and me are brother and sister."

her jaw drops, shocked with what I said, but before I could say anything else, Celeste interrupts.

"Master Collin, we should really get going, if you want to get back to your wife."

completely forgetting about that, I say to Sarah.

"hey, I'm in a bit of a hurry, but I promise you when I'm not busy that we will talk more about this."

Sarah still shocked with the revelation.

"what, but this is huge, you really can't stay and talk a little longer."

I reply.

"I want to, but I've got things to do."

Sarah sighs.

"alright, I'll hold you to that promise."

after saying goodbye me and Celeste leave the girl's dormitory and head to the courtyard of the academy, where Celeste opens up a portal heading that leads to Leonard and his discovery of the magic anomaly.

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