Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 143 - Magic Anomaly

We exit out of Celeste's portal, and end up in a dense forest, where we are greeted by Leonard with Ying accompanying him.

"oh good, you came."

I reply while looking at the dark forest lit up by many people using the candle light spell.

"well the only reason I came, was because you said it was important."

I the quickly follow with a question.

"who are these people?"

he responds.

"oh they are, professionals like myself who have dedicated their lives in studying and researching the pre cursors."

I ask.

"so they are your colleagues?"

he scoffs at that notion.

"yeah, but they don't deserve to be studying this anomaly."

"so why are they here?"

he sighs.

"because, King Dave and the alliance decided, that I shouldn't be doing this on my own."

I reply.

"I'm sure there is a good reason for it."

bothered by my response he asks.

"like what."

I respond.

"well they became murderous vampires, as a result from their experiments."

"and that is why, you, Celeste and Ying are here, just in case this anomaly turns out to be dangerous."

I ask curiously.

"so what is this magic anomaly? and is it dangerous?"

he answers.

"they described it as a tear in our reality, where they discovered the mana dimension, which caused our world to be filled with mana and no it shouldn't be dangerous."

I ask.

"so are you saying that magic only exists because they found a tear in our reality?"

he smiles.

"yeah and after a couple of years of discovering it, the whole world was filled with mana."

"so is this the only one around?"

he shakes his head, and replies with ecstatic tone.

"no, I've successfully located others using a device that I found in that underground dungeon, and I have sent many teams that I've gathered to analyse the other magic anomalies on various locations in our continent."

I look around, to see if I can spot the magic anomaly he speaks about, but since I can't see it, I ask.

"where is it?"

he responds.

"you recently just arrived so you won't feel the dense mana pressure, so just wait a couple minutes, then it will hit you hard."

I sigh and then ask.

"so what are you hoping to find, by analysing this magic anomaly?"

"the pre cursors believed that there are many dimensions in our reality, and the discovery of this magic anomaly, was the proof they been searching for but."

he pauses and the I ask trying to get him to finish what he was saying.

"but what?"

he sighs.

"they only found, the existence of the mana dimension."

I then ask myself after hearing him say that there are other realities.

"could this be the reason I reincarnated into this world, because of one of these magic anomalies?"

after Leonard heads off to do his own thing, I approach both Leonard and Celeste who are just standing together having a conversation.

"hey guys, has anything interesting happened around here?"

"nothing really?"

I ask.

"so what have you've been doing to pass the time?"

Celeste answers.

"me and Ying have been sparring to kill the boredom."

I reply feeling relieved.

"good then that just means I can get back home to Ellena much sooner."

Ying then asks with a slight smile.

"so I've noticed that Cecile has been on his best behavior lately, what did you do?"

"I just did what I do best."

he responds with a chuckle.

"let me guess, you punched him really hard."

I nod.

"you know me too well."

he replies.

"well the power behind your punches, are very scary, and it would humble anyone who has experienced them."

Celeste agrees with him.

"yeah he's not wrong about that."

as they both laugh, I suddenly begin to feel like something is pulling me, I then ask.

"do you guys feel that?"

Ying asks.

"feel what?"

I start gasping.

"the air is getting heavy."

Ying pats my shoulder and says.

"don't worry you'll get use to it."

I ask while having a hard time breathing.

"is this the effect of the magic anomaly?"

he answers.

"it is, but it'll pass."

after getting used to it, we just chatted with each other for what seemed like an hour, until we Leonard shout to us.

"come over here, something's wrong."

we run over to Leonard and I ask.

"what happened?"

he shows us a device that looks exactly like the cell phones from my previous life.

"I lost communication, with one of the research teams."

Ying asks.

"what is that thing you are holding?"

he replies.

"it's a long range communication device, that I found while exploring the pre cursor dungeon."

he stops and continues back to what he was previously saying.

"anyways, I lost contact with one of the teams, so we should go check on them to see what's wrong."

he looks at Celeste and asks.

"Ms. Celeste can you please open up a portal to magic anomaly that is by the mountain range that borders the dwarf region and human region?"

she nods and begins to open up the portal, he then looks at both me and Ying and says.

"and you two, be prepared for anything just in case."

Ying replies.

"that is what we are here for."

I add on.

"that's right, we'll be ready for anything."

Celeste shouts at us.

"alright the portal is ready, let's go."

Leonard then says.

"you heard the lady, let's get moving."

the four of us enter the portal together, and exit in another densely forested area, a very similar looking location we were at, except for the breathtaking view of the other massive forested mountains under the moon light in the distance, Leonard's terrified gasp brings my attention back to what we are doing, I then ask.

"what's wrong."

Ying points at the many dead bodies, scattered in various areas of the forest floor and says.

"search around to see if there are any survivors."

I chant my myself.

"silver eyes."

Celeste does the same.

"silver eyes."

we split up and scan around the immediate area for survivors, but with no luck, I then ask myself as I stare at a dead body thay has been mauled and disemboweled.

"what could have done this to this person."

I then hear a bloodcurdling scream in the distance.

"no get away!"

I quickly look towards the direction of the scream and see two different heat signatures, and as I start running towards that direction, Celeste asks in my mind.

"master Collin, did you hear that?"

I reply.

"yes, I'm heading there right now?"

I arrive at the location and I run into a terrified member of the research team, who manages to say with a voice filled with fear.

"that thing killed everyone."

I respond.

"calm down, what thing?"

he points behind us, where a massive figure emerges from behind a giant tree, and says.

"it came out of the magic anomaly and began to kill everyone effortlessly."

the light of the moon shines on the thing, and see

the massive humanoid figure with yellowish green skin, and arms that dangle down, touching the ground, I then say to the research member.

"go and get out of here, I'll take care of it."

as the guy runs away, the creature that is about three times my size turns it's attention to me and leta out a ear piercing shriek, I then think to myself.

"I guess I'm not going home anytime soon."

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