Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 144 - Mysterious Creature

The mysterious creature stands there staring at me, almost as if it was examining me, and I also do the same, using my silver eyes, I think to myself.

"well at least I can see the creature's heat signature."

the creature shrieks once again, and picks up a tree, ripping it off from the ground with ease and quickly throws it directly at me, at an amazing speed, I react by chanting.

"wolf's hide."

the tree breaks in half, upon hitting my translucent shield, and right as the debris from the tree clears from my vision, the creatures was already charging me, I then scold myself.

"you should have noticed it charging you much sooner, idiot."

I calm myself and take a couple of breaths.

"alright, let's see how strong this creature is."

I also do a head on charge, still using my silver eyes, and as I get closer, the creature takes advantage of the long reach it has with it's and takes a couple wild swings, but I'm agile enough to dodge it's bulky arms, I then inch closer to it's lower body, and pour all of my power into my punch, I then look up to see what kind of reaction the creature is having, but it just looks down at me, looking obviously angry, I then think to myself.

"shit I think I just pissed it off instead of hurting it."

the creature the swings directly down, with one arm, and as I swiftly move to side to dodge it's attack, it uses it's other arm to swing sideways at

me, hitting me and sending me flying across the night sky, I groan in pain.

"wolf's hide."

I then think to myself.

"damn, not only is that creature huge and strong, it is also very quick with it's movement."

I look around and see the creature's heat signature in the distance roaming around the area looking for me, I sigh.

"alright, it looks like imma have to use wolf's rage, and if that doesn't hurt it, then I'm screwed."

Celeste invades my mind as I finish my thought.

"where are you master Collin? me and Ying can't find you."

I reply.

"I discovered a creature, that seems to have come out from the magical anomaly and I'm off to a bad start fighting this thing."

she replies.

"okay use your triple fire shot spell and fire it up in the air, so that we can go over to you."

I reply.


I point my palm up towards the sky and chant.

"triple fire shot."

Celeste once again enter my mind to say.

"oh we see, we are on the way."

I sigh and reach in to my small pouch that is attached to one of my belt loops, to grab a healing potion.

"I didn't expect that creature to cause so much damage to me in just one hit."

I drink it the healing potion, and make my way nack towards the creature who is still searching around the area for me, I then say to myself.

"well, I guess there is no better time to see how good this creature is at detecting mana."

I chant.

"mana shift."

sending multiple mana signatures around it, and wait around for a couple of minutes observing how it reacts and I sigh in relief as it meanders around looking for me.

"alright, this is good."

I then focus on the mana signatures behind it's head and I chant.


I teleport right behind it, and land a quick roundhouse kick at the back of it's head, causing it to stagger forwards, I smile to myself.

"good, it looks like that creature is not very good at sensing mana."

the creature quickly regains it's balance and shrieks in anger, as it turns around towards my direction, I grumble to myself sarcastically.

"of course it wasn't to be easy."

I charge at it, and unleash a barrage of punches and kicks, while dodging it's powerful arms, I then redirect my attacks to it's leg, causing it to collapse on one knee and I quickly change my attacks to it's head, but it brushes my attacks off and uses its massive hand to get a tight grip, on one of my legs, I panic.

"shit, this is bad."

I chant.

"wolf's hide."

the creature lifts me in the air while I dangle defenseless, he then slams me down had against the ground, shattering my translucent shield, it then lifts me back up in the air, while I chant.

"self reinforcement."

as the creature repeatedly slams me against the ground, I think to myself trying hard not to panic.

"I need to loosen it's tight grip on me."

but after every hit I take, I feel the self reinforcement spell slowly fading away, and the pain slowly start to rise in my body, I then point both of my palms at it and shout with desperation in my voice.

"dual triple fire shot!"

it gets hit directly into one of it's eyes by one of my fireballs, causing him to release it's grip on me while in mid air, but since I was maintaining the self reinforcement spell, I already felt that my mana was depleted, and I hit ground hard, with nothing cushioning my fall, I groan in pain as I cough up blood, I then think to myself.

"I think my ribs are broken."

I try reaching for my pouch while, I struggle from to keep myself from passing out from this unbearable pain, I then reach in to my pouch only to find that all of my healing potions have been broken, I softly chuckle to myself.

"it's been a while since I've felt this helpless to an overwhelming foe."

I then hear Celeste's voice shout at the creature as my vision fades to black.

"I'll kill you!"

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