Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 145 - Platinum Eyes

I ask myself as I stare at nothing but darkness.

"why do I feel so light? did I die?"

the same white wolf that always shows up everytime I gain a new power, suddenly appears in front of me, answering my question.

"close but your not quite dead yet."

I ask.

"what do you mean?"

he answers.

"your friends have been trying to heal you, but the healing potions they've been giving you, are quite ineffective."

I respond.

"so why am I here, talking to you?"

the wolf walks around in circles around me.

"because, you've gained a new power."

"well that's good, so what is it?"

the wolf stares directly at me and says.

"platinum eyes."

I ask curiously.

"is it like, silver eyes."

the wolf shakes it's head.

"yes it is the next step to unlocking the true and full power of a werewolf."

I reply.

"okay, I understand, but I can't really do much here though."

"I'll give you the mana and energy you need to wake up, but it comes at great cost."

I ask.

"what will it cost me?"

the wolf replies with a serious tone.

"I'll disappear forever and I won't be able to give you access to more power."

I ask.

"and if I don't accept what you are offering?"

the wolf replies.

"you will most likely die from you internal bleeding."

"no, you're wrong Celeste will get me out of there."

the wolf replies.

"she can't, that creature started emitting some kind of force field, that is weakening magic around it, so she can't use her portal magic to get you out of there fast enough."

I sigh and accept the wolf's offer with a defeated voice.

"alright then, do what you need to do, so I can go help my friends."

the wolf close it's eyes and lowers it's head.

"then this will be our final farewell, between you and me."

but before the wolf starts to do what he is about to do, I stop him.

"hold on, before you go, I want to ask you something and then you can go ahead and do your thing."

the wolf raises it's head and asks.

"okay, I'll answer whatever questions you have for me."

I then ask.

"were you created by the pre cursors?"

the wolf chuckles and nods.

"not only was I created by them, I'm also one."

my eyes light with excitement.


the wolf replies.

"yes, I was a result of my brethren experimenting with gene splicing technology by mixing in animal D.N.A and our D.N.A."

"does that mean, the demi humans in our world, are a result of these experiments?"

the wolf nods.

"yes, our kind created new life."

I reply.

"that's amazing."

the wolf shakes it's his head with disapproval.

"don't praise our kind, because with our ever increasing knowledge of the world, we grew arrogant and played god, and that lead us to create many terrible things."

it pause to ponder about something and sighs.

"and because we kept doing immoral things, we ultimately destroyed ourselves by messing with forces that were way beyond our understanding."

"can you tell me more about your race?"

the wolf replies shaking his head.

"I wish we had more time, but if I don't give you mana and energy you will die."

I respond after giving it more thought about what would happen to me if I returned.

"even if you give me what I need, wouldn't I still be hurting?"

the wolf nods.

"yes, but one of the benefits of using platinum eyes is that, it will numb any pain."

so respond.

"but I would still be bleeding I internally?"

the wolf replies annoyed.

"like I said, platinum eyes will only numb the pain, so whatever injury you have, it will still be present, but you just wont feel it, until you are no longer using platinum eyes."

I reply.

"alright, alright, I get it."

I sigh and say.

"okay then, do your thing."

the wolf runs directly into me causing me to wake up, with my head on the l.a.p of Celeste, who is gently stroking my hair, sobbing, I cough out more blood and groan in pain.

"where is the creature?"

she answers crying her eyes out.

"thank god, I thought I lost you Master Collin."

she sniffles and answers.

"he was distracting the creature while I took you to get you healed, but my portal spell isn't working."

I reply with a weak voice.

"that creature has surrounded the area with some kind of force field, that is weakening our magic."

she asks.

"how do you know that."

I chant.

"platinum eyes."

all of the sudden, the pain that was in my c.h.e.s.t due to my broken ribs, was gone, like it wasn't there moments ago, I then stand up and say to Celeste.

"let's go, we need to help Ying."

she ask with a worried expression.

"Master Collin, you shouldn't be moving around, we need to get you, to healers immediately, because for some reason the healing potions have been no good."

I shake my head.

"no, if we leave alone against the creature, he will die for sure."

I look back toward her and beg to her.

"please, this thing's physical strength is terrifying."

she looks at my platinum eyes and asks taken aback.

"Master Collin, what happened to your eyes?"

I answer.

"the wolf came to me, and informed me about these new powers."

even with I said, she asks still worried about my condition.

"are you sure you can move around?"

I respond.

"yes I'm one hundred percent sure I can move around, now let's not waste anymore time, about ny condition, Ying needs us."

she replies still feeling apprehensive about my condition.

"okay, but if anything goes wrong with you, I'll drag you out of there, even if you protest."

I reply.

"I understand."

she then chants.

"silver eyes."

the both of us then make our way towards to where Ying and the creature are at.

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