Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 15 - Collin Vs. Mauri Cultist

I quickly run upstairs, and from behind I hear him yelling out.

"wind blast!"

I run inside a white room, and there is human body parts hanging from chains attached to the ceiling, i push through a jungle of swinging torsos, then two doors appear in front of me, and without thinking I quickly go to the one on the left, and inside are a row of shelves that have the green liquid, I duck and hide behind one of them.

and outside I hear him yelling out.

"hiding now huh? you bastard!"

After a few seconds of silence, he again yells.

"it doesnt matter which door your hiding behind, I will find!"

i then hear the other door open, he yells again

"I dont know how you are hiding your mana but i will find you!"

i think ask myself.

"is he using a mana detection magic?"

i think to myself.

"if he his, it explains why it doesnt detect my small mana pool, but he will still find me here if he doesn't find me in the other room."

I quickly began searching the room, I grab a tube with the green liquid and say to myself.

"I could use this, but I need something to help to inject this stuff, I wish i still had my weapons."

I quickly began to open up random drawers and i finally find a needle and I excitedly say to myself.

"Good i can use this, i just need to hide and ambush him."

I quickly put myself flat agaisnt the wall close to the door, and fill the needle with the green liquid,

"then that means you're in here!"

the door swings open and the door is right in front of me, I'm well hidden behind the open door,

he doesnt check behind the door, he starts knocking down shelves and breaking the tubes, and firing random wind blasts, I silently slip out from behind the door, it looks seems that he cant hear me, I bring my arm up and swing down, and jab the the needle on his neck and press the button to inject the stuff, he then yells out in pain and shouts.

"wind pulse."

a wind of pressure comes flying outwards and all around from him, the pressure knocks me back, as he is pulling out ghe needle from his neck, I quickly get up and make my way out of the room, he then starts ciring more wind blasts, but the ones he is firing are not accurate and are missing me, and are hitting the torsos, the staircase comes into view and in a few feet from the staircase, as im about to approach it i feel a sharp pain on my t.h.i.g.h and I fall to the ground, i turn around clutching my t.h.i.g.h and i think to myself.

"damn it he got me."

I can hear him laughing hysterically he shouts.

"can't run now you little shit."

he slowly approaches me, points his open palm to me and then yells.

"wind blast!"

i close my eyes and grit my teeth, prepapring for the worst kind of pain, but nothing happens, he angrily yells at me.

"what did you do to me!?"

the pain in my t.h.i.g.h slowly subsides, I get up, i point at him laughing and reply with an evil grin on my face.

"i injected you with that green stuff."

he gave me a look of disgust as if he is saying to me how dare you, but the he rushes me and swings his arm and lands a blow to my side, he throws a satisfied smile to me, but i think myself.

"this guy doesnt have a strong punch."

I then grab his wrist and tighten my grip, his smile turns to pain and yells.

"what the hell!?"

with my grip on his wrist i quickly pull him towards me and then i also throw my own punch to him and it's connects to his cheek, i let go off his wrist and he fall backwards to the floor, He is on floor groaning in pain, he spits out blood and weakly says to me.

"I'll kill you."

i quickly reply

"no you won't."

and then i punch him again, this time he gets knocked out cold, and he is laying down on the floor lifeless, i think to myself.

"its over, but i cant just leave him here."

I pick him up and throw him over my shoulder, i then say to myself.

"Ill let Sid and his comrades decide on what to do with this guy."

I then start going downstairs, i come across another hallway, and i keep going until I find what looks to be the main entrance that leads to the exit and other hallways that leads to other parts of this building, I then exit the building and see Sid in the distance with a few other people around him.

i think to myself.

"it must be his comrades."

"who is that guy kid?"

i drop the guy on the floor and reply with some weariness in my voice.

"its one those fanatics i beat while I was trying to get out."

he then asks.

"so why did you bring him out here? you could have killed him in there."

i reply nervously.

"ive killed monsters but ive never killed people."

Sid then turns to Klein who is no longer in wolf form, Klein looks like he is in his early twenties, black hair, brown eyes and the says.

"here give me your dagger."

"kid if you want in, you're gonna have to get used to killing people."

he then holds out the hand holding the dagger, and then says.

"here kid show all of us you got what it takes to roll with us."

I slowly grab the dagger and the kneel down close to the guy, i grab his head with one hand and then i shove the dagger into his temple and then i pull out the dagger, Sid then puts his hand on my shoulder and says with compassion.

"you did good kid, if it helps that guy and all those fanatics in that place were responsible with the deaths of many people. "

he pauses then says.

"let's go kid, its time to go."

Sid reaches his arm out and helps me up, Me, Sid and all of his comrades then walk towards the forest, and disappear from under the moonlit sky.

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