Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 155 - Massive Rescue

We arrive at the palace, and as we enter King Dave's throne room, we are met with the sight of many magic knights fully equipped for battle, King Dave asks.

"is the location secured?"

we nod as Ying answers.

"yes, we are ready to go whenever you wish us to."

he replies.

"good, I have gathered the magic knights who have been helping you kill those other worldly creatures, to help you rescue those kids."

I whisper to Ying.

"what about the creatures?"

he answers.

"as far as I can tell, they have been taken care of."

King Dave then shouts trying his best to motivate the magic knights.

"good luck, and bring those kids back to safety."

"okay everything is good to go, it should lead you to where they are being kept at."

she then invades my mind.

"I'm sorry for doing this unannounced, but be careful out there my love."

I reply.

"it's okay, and I'll do my best."

after Ying and the magic knights enter the portal, I begin to follow them with Selshruuk and Felnor walking right behind me, and before stepping inside, I say to both of them.

"you two have done more than enough, you don't need to come along."

Selshrruk shakes his head.

"you should know, as a warrior I can never turn down a fight."

"you've done so much for us, it's the least we can do."

I smile.

"I'm glad to still have you guys with me."

trying not to waste anymore time, we step inside the portal, and come out the other side, in a very dark wooded area, until I see many floating lights suddenly light up, I look around and see Ying with the other magic knights staring at something in the distance, I slowly approach him and whisper.

"you see something?"

he points at massive building, that looks very similar to the compound where I was kept prisoner at, and replies.

"we are detecting many mana signatures in there."

I chant to myself.

"mana detect."

"there seems to be around sixty four of them."

Ying nods.


I then ask.

"I'll follow your lead, so how do you want to approach this?"

he responds.

"since this group of individuals are dangerous, we might have to just go in there and leave none left standing."

I chant to myself.

"platinum eyes."

"I agree, we can't show them any mercy."

Ying gives the order to attack and all the magic knights quickly make their way to the entrance and kill the cult members that were standing guard who didn't seem to sense our presence, after that Ying goes in after them, with me,

Selshruuk and Felnor following him, I then think to myself.

"that bastard Daurl better watch himself, if I find him."

the magic knights run inside the building, and the cult members wearing their red hooded robe, and white face mask finally get alerted that we are here, but that doesn't stop the magic knights from killing them very quickly, I then ask Ying.

"should we split up, to look for them?"

he replies.

"yes, just don't let your guard down."

I nod and pick a random hallway to start my search with Selshruuk and Felnor following me, while in their silver eyes, we then run into a group of cult members and they all shout.

"wind blast!"

but we dodge their spell attacks, without having to use our defensive spells and quickly take them out, I then say to Selshruuk and Felnor.

"we can't leave them alive."

we approach their limp bodies and snap their necks, making sure that they are dead, I then say to them.

"alright, let's keep moving."

as we continue to search for the kidnapped students, Selshruuk make a remark.

"it's a bit disappointing, that these cultists are weak."

I reply.

"the only one that matters is Daurl, so don't forget that he is not the same as he was in prison."

Felnor agrees.

"I remember in that tournament you guys were in,

he was able to physically keep up with Collin, when they fought each other."

as we continue searching Selshruuk asks.

"did Daurl always have those milky white eyes?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know, I never asked what unique magic he had."

Felnor adds on.

"yeah, and let's not forget that he can fly."

we run into more cult members, who seem to be guarding a doorway, one of them shouts.

"kill those heretics, who dare defile our sanctuary."

they all shout.

"wind blast!"

we once again dodge their attacks and take them all out with vicious attacks, like me grabbing the heads of two cultists members and repeatedly smashing them against the concrete wall, while Selshruuk uses his brute force to break their bones, and Felnor using his sharp cat nails to brutally cut them up, leaving behind pools of blood and blood splatters on the wall, I then catch my breath and say to them as we enter the doorway they were guarding.

"be ready, just in case there are more I there."

we look down the long hallway, and see many built in cells, along the walls, I then shout as I see

many heat signatures.

"is everyone okay!?"

I then hear Paula's weak voice echo in throughout


"please help us Mr. Belfaust."

I reply.

"don't worry we got you!"

I then say to Selshruuk and Felnor.

"let's get these cell doors open."

we frantically search around for the keys, but after having no luck finding them, we decided to open them using brute force, I chant to myself.

"wolf's rage."

with my strength multiplied, I tear the cell doors open, one by one until I reach the last where I find Jill, lying on the floor, I power down so I don't injure myself using wolf's rage, and I ask.

"you okay?"

Jill gives me a weak smile and says.

"wow am I so glad to see you."

I respond.

"don't worry we're getting everyone out of here."

I help her stand up and we leave her cell, and see that Selshruuk and Felnor have already gathered all of the students that were missing, Jill takes a look around and asks.

"did you guys see Grace or Bell on your way here."

I shake my head.

"no, we assumed she was kept locked in here with the rest of you."

she sobs weakly.

"they took them, and I haven't heard them come back."

I reply.

"we brought magic knights with us, if they were taken somewhere else, there is a chance they will be found."

I then turn my attention to everyone else and ask.

"can everyone move?"

they all respond with low energy.


except Paula who says to me.

"I don't think I can move on my own, can you help me?"

I walk up to Paula and put myself in position so that I can carry her on my nack, I then say to everyone.

"alright stick together, we are getting out here."

we retrace back our steps, and luckily we didn't run into anymore cult members, but we can still hear the sounds of fighting echoing through various locations, I then ask myself.

"where the hell is Daurl."

as we arrive to the entrance of building, Paula says to me.

"Mr Belfaust, there was two very strong people that the others feared when they interacted with them, one is a man and the other is a woman."

I ask.

"did you see how they looked like?"

she replies.


we exit the building, making sure that there are no enemies around waiting for us, I then ask Paula as lower her down.

"did their names ever get mentioned?"

she shakes her head.


I then hear Cecile chime in.

"I heard the man's name, some of them called him Daurl."

we wait around a little longer, until Ying and the magic knights finally come out of the building, I we wave to them to signal where we are at, and as Ying approaches me, I ask,

"did you run into anyone who may have been a leader?"

he shakes his head.

"no, just a bunch of low level minions."

I sigh and ask myself.

"where in the hell is Daurl?"

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