Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 156 - Gale Vs. Daurl

I feel guilty not telling anyone what that woman told me back when me and Collin's Dragonoid friend were interrogating her, but it can't be helped since I'm already here, I sigh and look around the outside area of the abandoned compound we found the woman at, I then shout.

"Daurl come on out, I know you are here!"

Daurl comes out of the abandoned building wearing hooded robe that almost covers his whole face, he then takes it off, revealing his glowing milky white eyes, he asks.

"so you came alone?"

not wanting to show any signs of fear in me, I reply.

"yeah, I've come to take you in, so that you can answer for all the crimes you've committed."

he laughs hysterically like if I told him a joke, and responds arrogantly."

"I don't think so."

I chant.

"Branch entanglement!"

a tree sprouts from the ground near him and the branches try to grab him, but he chants a spell in unknown language and breaks each branch with his fists that are glowing bright red, I then think to myself.

"I guess capturing him like this will be impossible."

I sigh, think to myself.

"I've got no choice, but to beat him."

Daurl grabs his head and as he cracks his neck, he shouts.

"well I guess you can entertain me, while I wait for that bastard Collin to arrive!"

I shout back.

"he's not coming, so you are just going to have to deal with me!"

Daurl replies disappointed.

"that's a damn shame, I even told that useless woman to give that information, so that I can fight him."

confused on how he did that, while we were always with there the woman, I ask.


he points at himself.

"I'm one of Mauri's chosen, so I have access to many magic powers I never thought was possible."

I then ask myself.

"why isn't he attacking me? is he just checking what attacks I have?"

Daurl's voice invades my mind.

"there is no point in thinking up things, I can hear you're every thought."

I grit my teeth in anger, and chant.


Daurl stares at the spriggan I summoned forth and he says.

"wow that is impressive, but unfortunate for you, this thing will not do a thing to me."

I order my spriggan to attack him, and use the opportunity to chant.

"branch entanglement."

Daurl reacts by dodging my spriggan's physical attack breaks the tree with his glowing red fists preventing it from using it's branches and the he turns his attention to my spriggan and chants again in an unknown language, and uses his hands to shoot out mist at my spriggan, causing it to shrivel up into a burnt crisp, he then laughs and shouts.

"you sure are weak, for someone who was born with the hero's blessing!"

I shout in anger.

"that's it, forget about turning you in, I'm going to kill you."

he laughs with enjoyment.

"yes, that is more like it, show me your anger!"

not wanting to waste any more time I chant.

"Tree Exo Suit!"

I stand still as I relax and let myself get covered by my wood, until I'm standing tall looking down at Daurl, he takes one look at me in protective wood suit and says with an astonished voice.

"wow, that is actually amazing."

I point both of my gauntlets made of wood and at him and shout.

"thorn barrage!"

a hail of needle shaped thorns cone flying out my gauntlets, and they all hit Daurl at such an incredible speed except for his head, in which he managed to use his arms protect it, I chuckle to myself.

"I guess my attack was too fast for him to defend himself properly."

he puts his arm down and looks at the blood coming out of the small holes left in his body by my thorns, and calmly says to me.

"ow, that actually hurt."

he uses his finger to get some blood from one of his wounds and licks it with an expression filled with p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, I then ask myself.

"what the hell, is this guy insane?"

I shake my head and say to myself.

"doesn't matter, I'll move in while he's injured."

I charge in at him, but he raises his arm and shouts in an unknown language, and he shoots out the red mist he used against my spriggan, I quickly back away, fearing that what happened to my spriggan would happen to my exo suit, I then shout.

"thorn barrage!"

Daurl reacts this time by shouting again in the unknown language and a huge glob of red mist, comes flying out of his mouth, and it completely erases all of my thorns out of the air, it then comes flying towards me, I move to the side and it flies right past me, I then quickly turn my attention back to Daurl and see that all of the wounds I gave him, have disappeared, he looks at me and says.

"what an annoying attack."

I reach behind the back of my exo suit and grab a

my vein whip, and use it to strike him multiple times, he stands there and takes each one, leaving behind deep cuts onto his skin, he exhales still taking whip attacks and chants in the unknown language, and in short moments wings rips through the back of his robes, I then think to myself.

"there it is, he finally used the spell to bring out his wings."

he jumps up and begins flying around, I look up at the night sky trying to keep up with his movements, and then I spot him diving towards at high speed, I quickly put my whip vein away and point up with my gauntlets and shout.

"thorn barrage!"

he flies right through my attack, and he punches me using his red glowing fists, causing a huge crack in my exo suit, I immediate react by grabbing his arm, and pull him towards me so that I can punch him with my other gauntlet, he then uses both of his hand to grab onto the gauntlet I used to punch him, and he flies up into the air, dragging me with him, I panic and think to myself.

"even though I can take a lot of damage in my exo suit, I don't think I can survive the fall, he plans to let go."

"how dare you!"

he loses his grip on me, and I fall down hard on the floor of the dense forest, I then look up at the sky and see him coming back down, I then think to myself.

"I can't let him grab me again."

I point at him with one of my gauntlets amd shout.

"exo grip."

the wooden gauntlet, detaches itself from my exo suit, and it flies towards Daurl, he notices it coming at him, and move slightly to the side to avoid getting grabbed by the face, but my gauntlet grabs onto both wings and squeezes down hard, causing him to scream in pain, and he falls down out of the sky, and as I make my way towards him, my exo suit immediately vanishes, I panic.

"shit I used too much mana."

I collapse on the floor, feeling the effects of mana exhaustion, and as I struggle to reach for a mana potion, I hear Daurl's footsteps approaching me, he then angrily stomps on my back.

"you bastard, you actually hurt me!"

blood comes out of my mouth as he doesn't stop stomping on me, but that doesn't stop me from trying to reach for the mana potion, he takes notice of it, and laughs.

"you actually think, you can get out of this alive? especially after everything you did to me?"

he chants in the unknown language and takes out a whip of his own, but there is something odd about his whip, it is shrouded in black smoke, he then hits the arm that was reaching for the mana potion with the whip, and instantly I feel that something is wrong with my arm, I groan.

"I can't move it."

Daurl chuckles.

"oh did I forget to mention it, my searing whip turns the inside of whatever afflicted body parted

into mush."

I think to myself.

"shit, this is it, I can't do anything else."

he turns me on my back, and the wh.i.p.s my other arm with the whip, unable to do anything to defend myself, I wonder in my mind.

"I messed up, I shouldn't have come alone, and now because of my stupid decision, I'm going to die here."

Daurl wh.i.p.s both of my legs, rendering me completely immobile, and as I stare up at the night sky enjoying the last view I'll ever have, Daurl asks sadistically.

"now before I eat you, is there any last words you would like to say."

I spit my blood at his foot, and say my final words in a voice full of defiance and a smile.

"f.u.c.k you."

End Of Volume 9.

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