Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 167 - Uninvited Guest

The day of the wedding between me and Celeste finally arrived and I chuckle to myself nervously.

"who would have thought that I would be married to two women."

my dad pats my on the shoulder and says.

"I envy you son, if your mom wasn't so possessive, I would have gotten more wives."

I laugh.

"just make sure mom, never hears you say that."

he playfully bumps his shoulder into mine and replies with a chuckle.

"I've been quiet about since you were born, so I have no problems with that."

Gresnor approaches us in his wheelchair with a female Lizardman pushing him and asks.

"you still feeling nervous buddy?"

I reply.

"a little bit, but I'll live."

he points at the female Lizardman and says.

"oh this is my partner Keenean, I met her in New Tresron recently and we just hit it off."

I shake her hand.

"a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet Keenean."

she replies.

"I'm glad to finally meet Gresnor's human friend that he always talks about."

I look at Gresnor for a brief second and ask her.

"oh and what does he say about me?"

Gresnor clear his throat and interrupts.

"come on, we don't need to dive deeply into this subject matter right now, today you are getting married."

my dad whispers.

"it's still weird that your friends with a Lizardman,

they don't really like us humans."

I chuckle.

"wait until you meet my Dragonoid friend Selshruuk."

he laughs.

"a Dragonoid, yeah right."

I then say to all of them.

"now go and take your seats, the ceremony is about to begin.

"I'll also give Celeste a ring, just like I did when me and Ellena got married."

after the long wedding ceremony, at the royal palace of the elven kingdom of Rusllyyn, I get congratulated by many associates, friends and Celeste's family members, and then everybody grows silent as King Dave let's his presence be known, after entering the ballroom, he approaches me and shakes my hand.

"congratulations on your marriage Collin, and apologizes for not arriving on time."

I reply.

"don't worry about it, I know you're a very busy person."

he looks at Celeste and says.

"you look very lovely, Missus Celeste Belfaust."

she replies.

"thank you, your highness."

"if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get some food."

I take a good look around the ballroom and see everyone having a good time, except for Jill, who is sitting down by herself, I then say to Celeste.

"I'll come back in a bit, I'm going to check on how Jill is doing."

she replies.

"okay my love, I'll be introducing Ellena to my family members."

I sit down next to Jill and ask.

"how are you holding up?"

she answers after taking knocking back some ale.

"I miss Grace and Bell."

"I assume that Daurl revealed what he did to them?"

she nods.

"that bastard and the rest of his insane group, ate them."

she drinks more of her ale and says.

"at least I got to watch his public execution."

I sigh.

"sorry I wish I could have done more."

she shakes her head.

"you are just one man, this isn't your fault."

"you should go and enjoy your evening, it's your special day."

I reply.

"okay, you should do the same, it can't be fun drinking the pain away alone."

I pat her on the shoulder lightly.

"anyways you are more than welcome to join us."

she sighs.

"are sure? I don't want to drag down the mood."

I smile.

"yeah I'm positive."

she stands up and says.

"okay I'll take you up on that offer."

we head over towards Ellena and Celeste who are surrounded by their many family members, and then Celeste's dad, a man with a full set of hair and a completely bushy beard, makes a toast.

"to the man of the hour, who has unified many families."

he points at the Ellena's side of the family, his family, and my family.

"who would have thought that humans and elves could become a family, like the old day before the great war."

he chuckles lightly and continues.

"and this man Collin Belfaust has made it possible."

everyone around us starting clapping and cheering, including my parents, who are surprised that I'm getting praised, I then clear my throat and as they quiet down, I reply unable to anything profound.

"thank you."

they all clap either way, and then suddenly I hear Ying say to me.

"hey I hope you are prepared for what King Dave is about to announce."

I ask him.

"is that why, he wanted me to invite him to the wedding?"

he nods.

"yeah, he wants all your friends and family to know, before he makes the announcement public."

still not having any clue what he is talking about, I ask.

"what could be so important, that he needs to make an announcement about me."

after saying that, King Dave along with Ellena's father King Lexur, accompanying him, says when he takes center stage where everyone can see them.

"may I please get everyone's attention for a moment?"

he clears his throat as the place grows silent, he the points at himself.

"you all may know me as the King of Rozlania."

he pauses for a moment and them points at me. "and I also like to consider myself as a friend of that man Collin Belfaust, he has achieved many great things."

he stops for moment and then continues.

"which is why, I hereby want to declare that the Belfaust name to be promoted to a noble household name."

everyone murmured amongst themselves for a moment, before they started to clap and cheer for me, and then I get a kiss from both Ellena and

Celeste on my cheeks, I then reply feeling overwhelmed.

"thank you, your highness, and I will gladly accept

this promotion."

he raises his glass.

"congratulations Collin!"

after a few hours have celebrating, and the wedding party seemingly looking like it's dying down, Hope who is in a cute light pink dress comes up to me and says.

"oh, dad I ran into someone named Paula and she said she really needed to talk to you about something important."

I ask looking around for Paula.

"where is she?"

she replies. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-otherworld-adventure_14202078705622905/uninvited-guest_51945286104304110">#&apos;s-otherworld-adventure_14202078705622905/uninvited-guest_51945286104304110</a> for visiting.

"outside at the courtyard."

I respond.

"thanks sweetie."

I sigh and think to myself.

"how did Paula find out that I was at the royal palace of Rusllyyn?"

I make my way outside into the courtyard and spot Paula by the water fountain, I then approach

her and ask.

"what are you doing here and why is it so important that you had to come to my wedding?"

her eyes light up.

"Mr. Belfaust, oh yeah, I found out something about the cult."

I get serious and ask.

"alright then, I'm listening."

she looks around and says.

"not here, we don't want people to hear this."

I think to myself.

"she has a point."

I reply.

"alright then let's go somewhere more quiet."

after going in a secluded area, of the courtyard I say to Paula.

"go ahead and tell me what you found out about the cult."

she replies.

"I found out about the people they call chosen ones, have the ability to gain more power with a spell that changes their eye color to a milky white color."

what she said caught my attention, because they are not many that know of the milky white eyes that Daurl and others he claims can do the same, I then think about the time I thought I saw Cecile having the milky white eyes, and I ask her hoping that it wasn't him.

"where did you see this?"

as I take a look around double checking that we are indeed alone, I hear whisper a language I've heard before, I then turn my attention back to Paula and I'm completely shocked that her eyes have changed into milky white color, she steps closer to me and replies.


since I'm still surprised by this, she gently my cheek and says.

"don't worry my love, I didn't come to hurt you."

hoping that I can somehow stop her from doing something she might regret, I ask.

"what do you want then?"

she smiles.


she chants.

"living doll."

in a blink of an eye, I find myself unable to move any of my body parts, and as I look at the oversized face of Paula, she then gently pulls me towards her and nestles me with her cheek.

"now we can be together forever."

at this moment I immediately realized that Paula transformed me into a palm sized stuffed doll, and I think to myself.

"shit, how could I have been so careless?"

I then hear Hope's voice.

"oh hey Paula, have you seen my dad?"

she replies still holding me in her hands.

"oh yeah, I saw him go inside a few minutes ago."

she smiles.

"thanks Paula."

she notices Paula's eyes and asks curiously.

"were your eyes always white?"

Paula replies.

"no, it's one of my many spells and this one allows me to see in the dark."

Hope believes her.

"that's awesome."

she then looks at Paula's hand where she is holding me and says.

"that doll is cute, it kind of resembles my dad."

Paula responds lying naturally.

"yeah, your dad said the same thing when I showed him."

Hope asks.

"can I see?"

Paula nods as she hand me over to Hope

"here be careful though, this one is my favorite."

Hope hold me in her palms and asks.

"well if you happen to get another one, can you give it to my dad, so he can give it to me?"

she nods.

"of course."

as she hands me over to her, Paula says.

"well I did what I needed to do here, I'll see you next time Hope."

a feeling of helplessness washes me as Hope waves goodbye to Paula while holding me in her hand and she heads back inside the ballroom disappearing from my eyesight.

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