Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 168 - Chosen Ones

Paula lifts me toward her face and says.

"I'm sorry that I have to do this, but I can't let you see where we are going."

she dumps me inside a pouch where I'm surrounded by the complete pitch dark and wonder.

"how am I supposed to get out of this? if I can't even move around as a doll."

after what seemed like forever, Paula pulls me out of her pouch and says to me as she puts me in front of her.

"we are finally here, and since your are still a doll, we don't need to worry about you becoming thirsty or hungry."

I then ask myself.

"that's strange, the spell she used to turn me into a doll, completely stops all normal bodily function."

she then says.

"you are probably wondering why I brought you along with me, and the answer is simple."

she pauses for a moment and the continues.

"it's my love for you Mr. Belfaust, if it wasn't for Mauri's gift, I wouldn't have mustered enough courage to do what I did."

even though she can't hear me I reply to her in my mind.

"you didn't have to go this far Paula, what will you do if someone finds out that you took me away?"

she sighs.

"even though I wanted to keep you all to myself, bur I can't since I owe someone to take their revenge on you."

confused on who she could be talking about, I ask myself.

"who alive would want to have revenge on me?"

she continues talking.

"he wants to kill you, but since I have my d.e.s.i.r.e to keep you around with me, we made a compromise that he would only hurt you."

she sighs to herself.

"I don't like it one bit, but it can't be helped."

I try hard to think about who would want revenge on me.

"every enemy I've ever had is already dead, there is no way that it could by any of them."

Paula turns me around, so that I'm facing three figures in the distance that I can't quite make out with these small unmoving eyes, she then says.

"I want you to meet, the other chosen ones."

I ask myself.

"why does she want me to see them? is she really that confident that I'm not going to escape somehow?"

I then hear her greet someone I immediately recognized.

"hey Cecile, I brought you a little gift."

she hands me over to him, and as he puts me up to his face, so that I can see his glowing white milky eyes, he asks Paula.

"so you have turned Collin into one of your dolls like you did to me?"

she replies. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-otherworld-adventure_14202078705622905/chosen-ones_52132619424428519">#&apos;s-otherworld-adventure_14202078705622905/chosen-ones_52132619424428519</a> for visiting.

"yes, but I made sure, that he can still feel pain even in this doll form."

he squeezes me with one hand, and I can feel a steong burning sensation roll upwards towards my head, I then did what I thought was impossible, I let out a loud painful scream.


surprised that I did that, Cecile gets excited.

"this is great, I had no idea that your dolls can say words."

I try to speak but for some reason I couldn't do it, almost as if someone has sown my mouth shut, Paula then replies.

"I allowed him to do it while squeezed him, since I thought you wouldn't be satisfied with him suffering in pain quietly."

he replies with a sadistic smile.

"good thinking, fulfilling my revenge for all the humiliation that he has caused me wouldn't feel good if he didn't scream in pain."

as he twists my arm and I scream in pain once again, a female voice I don't recognize says to Cecile.

"you are one sick bastard, you know that Cecile?"

another unrecognizable female voice says.

"ever since you received Mauri's gift, your egotistical and prideful personality, really got twisted."

Paula adds on.

"yeah, you weren't this sadistic before."

Cecile continues twisting my arm and says.

"well if your obsessive personality didn't get amplified by Mauri's gift then I wouldn't to hold back and kill him right now."

she grabs me away from him and chants a spell on me that somehow relieves the pain that Cecile caused me and then she says to him on a stern and angry voice.

"enough, you've hurt him too much for today, you can continue tomorrow."

disappointed that he couldn't keep inflicting pain on me he sighs.


Paula then softly presses me against her b.r.e.a.s.ts and whispers to me.

"I'm sorry my love, but you just have to bear with it for a little while longer, until he is finally satisfied."

I ask myself.

"does Cecile really hate me that much, that he would really torture and kill me just for humiliating him?"

I angrily answer myself.

"this prideful piece of shit will pay for this, it's one thing to hate me and wanting to fight me, but it's another thing to want to kill me."

I then apologize to Ying in my head.

"I'm sorry, I tried my best to turn this kid around, but it seems that his ego and pride will be his complete downfall."

Cecile then asks.

"what the next on the to do list?"

one of the females answers.

"I've been keeping an eye on of his allies, her name is Remy and currently she is living with her husband and their newborn baby girl at Corpus City, I then panic.

"shit, Daurl probably told them about her when he was still alive."

again feeling helpless, I blame myself in my mind."

"Remy has finally gotten what she wanted in life, and it's all about to be taken away from her, all because of me."

the other female replies.

"for now we will take out every one of his allies that were involved in the death of Daurl."

Paula then asks a serious question.

"Clarice, what about Collin's family?"

the woman Paula called Clarice answers her.

"they all die, and I'll leave that all up to you, since your are so obsessed with having him for yourself."

Paula squeezes me closer to herself and replies timidly.

"I don't think I can do that."

another distinct female comes into view but she is wearing a dark green hooded cloak that is covering half her face and says with stern voice.

"don't disappoint me child, you have your order, so follow them."

Paula replies obediently.

"I'm sorry, I will do as you say, my lady."

she then asks Paula.

"may I see him?"

she hands me over to her and as she hold me in her hands and talks to me.

"so you are the one, that has been causing all of our problems?"

she chuckles and gives me back to Paula and says.

"it doesn't matter, he can no longer disrupt our plans."

and as she walks away from the four of them, her voice echoes throughout the dark room and what I heard made me dread on what's coming.

"our time of hiding in the shadows comes to an end today."

Paula brings me up to her face and with tears coming down from her fave she says.

"I hope you can forgive me for what I'm going to do to your family, my love."

I then feel overwhelmed with helplessness and I desperately plead to Paula in my mind.

"please I know you don't want to do this, you can stop this."

she sniffles and as she puts me away, I can hear her sob.

"I'm sorry."

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