Three months have passed by since i drank the blood, apparently after transforming, I managed to hurt two of our own, before i got subdued, Sid has told me that its not a big deal, because with every new recruit that gets added, people are bound to get hurt trying to subdue, the wild and newly transformed werewolf, and from what i have learned is that there is a hereditary spell thats comes exlusively through the werewolf bloodline. In this world there are legendary spellbooks, that dissolve and get absorbed by the body and integrates into the blood, and with this certain bloodlines have exclusive spells and gets passed down as a hereditary trait that no one outside of the bloodline can learn. From what I studied about how this came to be, is there was once an advanced civilization that existed way before the current races, they discovered how to produce mana from what was in the air and into their bodies, many invented everyday spells, while those with superior mana in their body created legendary spells. Anything after that is a mystery and many scholars interested in this field of study, are still not done discovering new information. The spell that comes with the wolf's blood is known as magic barrier, it is a circular green shield that blocks projectiles, but the shield has a certain damage threshold, if a projectile or physical attack is very strong it can shatter the shield very fast, I'm running from Klein, Sid told Klein to train me and to guide me in magic training, but while doing magic training, i ended up including him into my physical training, I then decide stop.

Klein yells.


I turn around and give him smirk.

"you got me now, go for it."

he laughs and the yells.

"Triple fire shot."

Three fire balls appear on his open hands, and he swings his arm from the side, and the fire balls are coming at me at an alarming speed, I the yell out.

"magic barrier!"

the fireballs hit my shield and disappear, Klein then says to me.

"your getting better on activating the barrier faster."

i reply.


as me and Klein are heading back to our encampment, I ask him.

"so is their other kind of defense magic?"

Klein replies.

"yeah and they all work differently from ours and from each other, but explaining it would be bothersome, it will be better if you experience them yourself, and if I'm correct you already saw one type, and it was when you fought that cultist."

i think to myself.

"oh yeah it was wind pulse."

we return to the encampment and we are greeted

"i need you two to go get some supplies for us."

we both nod, and then continues.

"we still have two week supplies worth, but its time to resupply."

We are informed about what we need and set out to get the stuff, as we are walking, I ask Klein.

"where are we going? I thought Sid said we cant go to any major Kingdoms."

Klein Replies.

"yeah, but we are not going into any major kingdom, we are heading towards the Region where the Lizardmen reside."

I reply with concern.

"but aren't they in a middle of a civil war? and fighting off the Orcs?"

"yup, and it is the only region where we wont be slaughtered for being monsters, we will get to a local tribe, do some minial tasks and get compensated with supplies."

I still have concerns, because we are heading towards a war zone, a region in the world that has not seen peace since before the great war,

I then ask.

"how long will it take to get there?"

he replies.

"we will get there in four days."

baffled, I then say.

"thats a short trip, I'd thought it would take a lot longer."

he chuckles and says.

"that's just to get to the closest tribe, the war zone, would most likely take about a month by foot."

I think to myself.

"at least we will be far away from the war."

Me and Klein continue walking, and we are prepared for anything that gets thrown our way.

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