Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 174 - Nobility Promotion

We were successfully healed by the healers, but the four of us were completely shaken up on how powerless we were to do anything against that woman who claims to be Mauri, I look over to Ying and say.

"don't worry we'll get your son back."

he replies by apologizing.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you that he was my son."

I sigh.

"It's fine, I'm glad I found out he's your son."

he asks.

"why is that?"

I respond.

"if he wasn't your son, I would have killed him the very first chance I get."

he replies.

"that's not him, that damned Mauri brainwashed him somehow."

I think back to what Paula was telling me and I reply to him.

"yeah, you might be right about that, because I think she influences the chosen ones with the gifts she has been giving them."

even though I'm in denial that Mauri somehow came back from the dead, I ask Selshruuk.

"what do you think? is it really Mauri?"

"yeah, but it seems she is much more stronger than I remember."

sounding very defeated, Ying asks.

"how are we going to stop her?"

I shrug my shoulders, but I still answer trying to instill positive thoughts.

"we'll find a way."

moments later King Dave bursts into the healing room and asks while putting his arm over my shoulders.

"I heard someone manhandled the four of you, how are you feeling Collin?"

I answer.

"yeah, her magic abilities were unlike anything I've ever experienced before."

"well it is obvious that the woman we were facing was Mauri, since she was using Conjuration spells on all of you."

King Dave's jaw drops open, and says with a terrified voice.

"you must be joking, Mauri can't be alive."

he asks me.

"can she?"

I reply, but this time I entertain the idea that Mauri is somehow still alive.

"could be possible, but I can't be sure if it really is her."

Selshruuk then says with complete confidence.

"I assure you King Dave, that is the same Mauri, that I've seen during the great war."

"this is very troubling, I don't think there is anyone strong enough to defeat her."

I reply.

"don't worry, I'll just get stronger and find a way to stop her."

he replies.

"for the sake of everyone around us, I hope you do."

he pauses and then says.

"well anyways, I came by to fetch you, so that we could officially promote you and your family name into a noble household."

I ask.

"can I go get my family and let them know that I'm okay?"

"oh they are already waiting for you in the throne room, and they are relieved that you are okay."

I sigh in relief.

"good, at least Hope told them, that I was okay."

I then ask him.

"you didn't tell them about what happened to me at the graveyard."

he shakes his head.

"no I kept that to myself."

I reply.

"thank you."

"no need to thank me."

his voice then gets serious.

"and besides, both your wives get really scary whenever they find out your injured."

the quiet Felnor adds on.

"yeah extremely scary."

I then say to King Dave.

"alright let's do this thing and then we can focus our attention on what our next move against the cult will be."

as we leave the healing room, we hear Ying say.

"you guys go on ahead, I'll catch up."

"will the other noble households of the kingdom, be present during my promotion?"

he answers.

"yeah, they need to be witnesses so that your household's can be officially be recognized as nobility."

I sigh.

"I already know that they aren't going to be happy about this."

he replies.

"it doesn't matter what they think, you have done more worthy things than any of them have ever done in their whole lives."

after arriving at the entrance of the throne room, he says to me.

"come through the door when you hear me announce your name."

I nod.


after minutes of waiting around, I hear hos voice boom through the door.

"as you all know, today I'm promoting a man's family name to join the ranks of nobility like the rest of you who have been in the long family line of nobles."

he pauses and announces my name.

"Collin Belfaust!"

one of the magic knights guarding the throne room entrance says to me.

"go ahead Mr. Belfaust, sir."

I enter the massive throne room and slowly walk towards King Dave, where the eyes of every noble, that is representing, their household, and while I continue walking I spot Ellena, Celeste and Hope who looked relieved to see me, in my peripheral vision, I turn over to them to smile and wave, I then focus my attention back to walking towards King Dave and then as I approach him, kneel down and bow my head.

"Collin Belfaust here, it is an honor and a privilege to receive the title and rank of nobility, your highness."

I overhear a couple things exchanged by the nobles representing their household.

"the instructor? a noble?"

or like.

"now we are allowing commoners into become nobles?"


"this is absurd, why should we allow this?"

King Dave puts his hands on my shoulder and says.

"by the power vested in me, the name Belfaust will be recognized as a name of nobility in this kingdom."

more voices of disapproval are exchanged by the nobles, but King Dave ignores their protests, and says to me while offering his hand.

"from this day forth, your duty to protect this kingdom from all of its internal and external enemies, just like every noble family here."

ome of the nobles stands up and says.

"excuse me your highness, but this is completely ridiculous."

but before he could reply to him, I ask to King Dave.

"may I please address them?"

he nods.

"go ahead."

I then think to myself.

"well it's time to put foot down on all of them."

I walk around passing each one, looking then straight in the eye, and then I stop and ask a random noble.

"so tell me whoever you are, what were you doing

during the vampire invasion?"

a gay bearded fellow angrily shakes his fist at me.

"It's Montous and we are a well respected family on this kingdom!"

I sigh dismissively and ask

"whatever, just answer the question."

he answers confidently.

"obviously I was defending the kingdom alongside with the brave magic knights."

I look to King Dave and he shakes his head at me,

like if he was telling me that Mr. Montous is lying,

I get closer and ask.

"so you weren't being a coward that abandon his duty as noble to protect the kingdom fron it's enemy?"

while he stays silent, I look at all of them and ask with a voice filled disgust.

"what about all of you, what the hell were you all doing while I was out there risking my life those confronting monsters!?

they don't answer, I then shout.

"that is what I thought, all of you are just a bunch of cowards who are just riding the coattails of your ancestor accomplishments."

one of the ask offended.

"the hell did you say?"

I respond.

"shut your damn mouth, unless you actually contributed to the damn fight!"

I look back to King Dave and say.

"there, I said what I had in my mind."

King Dave smiles and then addresses them.

"you may not think he is not worthy, but his track record proves otherwise."

he continues.

"he has contributed in the defeat of the Vampire Lords and their vampires, and most importantly all the new rookie magic knights that have been trained by him, have outperformed all the veterans in mock battles, in which greatly increases the strength of our army unlike ever before."

he then puts his hand on my shoulder.

"he his someone that you worthless lot should be

aspiring to be."

he clears his throat and says something that catches everyone's attention.

"now, let's move on to a more pressing issue, on how we are going to deal with the cult and the potential return of Mauri."

and just like that, fear filled the whole room upon hearing her name, telling you the story on how feared this woman is.

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