Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 175 - Alliance Emergency Meeting

I break the silence that was caused by King Dave,

when he mentioned Mauri's name.

"we don't know for sure if it really is Mauri."

he responds.

"either way, we've got to treat her as a major threat."

he looks over to Ellena and Celeste who are listening attentively.

"but we'll talk about that after I gather the other kings in the alliance into an emergency meeting."

he then whispers.

"go on and be with your family, I'm sure they've have dying to talk to you, since they found out that you were okay."

I reply.

"thank you, come and send someone to get me once all the kings get here."

he replies.

"it won't be long, so stay in one of the guest bedrooms of the palace."

I sigh.

"alright then."

I go over to Ellena and Celeste, who welcome me with hugs and sobs, I hold them both close to me and say.

"don't worry, I'm alright."

"Hope, told me one of your students named Paula kidnapped you, why did she do that?"

I reply.

"she had a crush on me, and when she was taken by the Cult, their influence completely twisted her personality into another level."

she sighs.

"at least she is in prison now."

Celeste invades my mind.

"I didn't want to alarm Ellena, but I know you confronted Mauri, was it really her?"

I answer back in my head.

"Ying and Selshruuk seem one hundred percent sure that we did encounter Mauri, but I'm not ready to believe that possibility of her coming back from the dead just yet."

"please don't lie, I promise I won't get angry if you

don't, did you fight her?"

knowing that she read my mind, I answer.

"yeah, and we didn't stand a chance."

I apologize to her in my mind.

"I'm really sorry, we weren't expecting her to show up when we wanted to stop Cecile from killing his father Ying."

I then say to both of them.

"let's go to one of the guest bedrooms while we wait for the other kings from the alliance to show up."

Ellena replies relieved.

"at least we get to see my dad, because of this emergency meeting."

Celeste then sighs.

"we are so close to our delivery date, but then we are hit with big news of a another major threat rising."

I respond.

"yeah it is a bit frustrating, since the bad guys always take advantage of the times when we are at peace."

Ellena asks worried.

"do you really need to go out there and risk your life?"

I answer.

"I promise I won't go out and look for trouble, but if the trouble comes to the kingdom, I will be ready to fight and defend it."

I sigh.

"and besides, I need to train some more and get stronger, because I don't stand a chance against this new foe."

Ellena asks.

"but I thought that silver wolf who has been guiding you disappeared?"

I nod.

"yeah, it did disappear, but that doesn't mean that

I can't stronger in other ways."

Celeste asks.

"what do you have in mind?"

I respond.

"I should have done this a long time ago, I'm going to ask King Dave if I can have access to some offensive spells."

"that's good, I'm sure he'll lend you some spell books for you to use."

I think to myself.

"I've depended too much on the powers that I've gained through the werewolf's blood, so learning new offensive spells will be good for my personal growth."

Hope then chimes in."

"don't worry dad, I've grown really strong, so you can depend on me."

Ellena shakes her head.

"no, I already have enough to worry about with your father fighting dangerous people, I don't need additional worries with you doing what he does."

I agree with Ellena.

"your mother is right, I also don't want you getting hurt because you went out looking for a fight."

"but I'm going to become a magic knight."

I reply.

"and you will get your chance once you become a magic knight, so for now I just want you to defend yourself when you get attacked and that's it."

she sighs.

"okay, fine."

she then points at me and says.

"but once I become a magic knight, you will not stop me from fighting alongside you."

I chuckle.

"alright I get it."

a couple of hours pass by, and then we hear the door knock, I open it and ask the magic knight who knocked.

"have they arrived?"

he replies.

"yes, Mr. Belfaust and they are waiting for you."

he looks to Ellena and says.

"Missus Belfaust, your father came to see you."

she asks excitedly.

"where is he?"

King Lexur peers around the door and says with a smile.

"hey baby, it's nice seeing you."

Ellena hugs her father and asks.

"what are you doing here? aren't you supposed to

be at the meeting waiting for Collin to arrive."

he shakes his head.

"no, I should have told you sooner, but your sister Reina has become the Queen of Rusllyyn, and she will be attending the meeting instead of me."

she then asks.

"does that mean, we get to spend some time together while you are here?"

he nods.

"of course."

he waves at Hope.

"and that also means I get to spend some time woth my granddaughter."

he looks at Celeste and asks.

"how are you feeling?"

she replies.

"much better now, that I know Collin is back with us unharmed."

he then says to me.

"Collin we need to speak about something important, let's go outside."

he tells Ellena.

"don't worry honey, it won't take long."

after exiting the guest room, I ask him.

"what's going on?"

he answers with anger in his voice.

"Relstan Polium."

I ask confused.

"who is that?"

he answers.

"he is a prince that my daughter was supposed to marry a while ago, but he all he did was play with her heart."

I sigh and ask.

"okay, so what's the problem?"

surprised by my lack of emotional response he asks.

"your not bothered by what I just told you?"

I shake my head.

"not really, me and her have our lives together, and that's all there is to it."

he adds on.

"well anyway, he recently became king and let's nust say that he isn't a big fan of this whole alliance we've going on."

I ask.

"so he is going to cause problems in the meeting?"

he nods.

"most likely."

I sigh.

"alright, thanks for the heads up."

as I walk away and head towards to throne room,

Lexur says.

"just so you know, you are a much better man than that damned bastard Relstan will ever be."

I chuckle and think to myself.

"I'm glad to hear that he thinks so highly of me."

as I arrive at the door od the throne room, one of the magic knights guarding it, says to me.

"good luck in there Mr. Belfaust, sir."

I reply.


I take a deep breath and step inside the throne room.

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