Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 181 - Journey To The Dragonoids

After departing from the docks, I take a seat right next to Leonard who is trying very hard to concentrate, and I ask.

"how confident do you feel handling this thing?"

he gulps nervously and replies ignoring my question, and with zero confidence.

"we'll be okay, there is nothing to worry about."

I lightly tap on the shoulder and say while I stand up from the seat.

"alright I'll leave you to it."

he repeats the same sentence almost like his in a trance.

"we'll be okay, there is nothing to worry about."

I think to myself.

"note to self, let Leonard do his thing."

I then open a hatch, right behind the glass domed

bridge, that leads to smaller compartments of the submersible, where I see Felnor, Selshruuk and Rosie looking through the small windows admiring the view underneath the surface of the ocean, Rosie looks me and points to the outside.

"isn't this view of the ocean amazing, Collin?"

I reply and smile.

"yeah it is, I wonder if Hope would enjoy this view as well."

she smiles.

"of course she would, she is still a child."

her smile slowly fades away, and then she says.

"you know, when my memories of you came back, I remembered that I wanted a child between us."

"um, can you two to give us some time alone please?"

Flenor nods.

"yeah, no problem."

Selshruuk replies.

"sure, take all the time you need."

after they enter the bridge with Leonard and close the hatch, I reply.

"before you died, I also wanted to have child with you."

she sits down and asks something that catches me off guard.

"could something like that, still be possible between us?"

"I don't know."

she sighs and replies in apologetic tone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that."

I respond.

"don't worry, I know you didn't mean to do that."

we stay in complete awkward silence for a couple of minutes, until I broke it.

"I don't know, what kind of feelings I have for you."

she leans close to my face and asks.

"how about we find out?"

"I can't betray Ellena and Celeste."

she slightly tilts her head to the side and says as she leans in closer for a kiss.

"if nothing comes out of it, we'll keep this to ourselves, but if there is something still there, we'll tell both of them together, that I also want to be your partner."

I nervously swallow, and think to myself.

"this is such a bad idea, I shouldn't be doing this."

I then put my hands on her shoulder and say while pushing her away gently.

"we can't do it like this, I'm sorry."

she clears her throat.

"no I should be the one apologizing, I shouldn't have put you in this position."

"remember when we first met?"

she nods.

"yeah, our dads were friends growing up, and also wanted us to be friends."

I laugh.

"but do you remember what you said to me when I tried to shake your hand?"

she grins and responds embarrassed.

"no, I have no idea."

I reply.

"you said gross."

"well we were just kids then, and you changed my mind about you, a long time ago."

she pauses and laughs.

"except for the one time you sang for me at birthday and also did that embarrassing dance."

I reply feigning being offended.

"hey, I entertained everyone there with my amazing singing voice and my world class dance moves."

she laughs with tears in her eyes.

"yeah, those world class dance moves, made your dad bury his face in embarrassment."

she sighs.

"things were much simpler when we were kids."

I also sigh.

"yeah I know."

I then my hands around her shoulders and say.

"no matter what happens, you will always be someone important in my life."

she rests her head on my shoulders and says.

"I can live with that for now."

we stay like that for a while, until she falls asleep,

I then think to myself.

"after Damien is dealt with, I'll bring this subject up to Ellena and Celeste and see of they are open to Rosie joining in as another partner in our marriage."

I slowly move her head from my shoulder and carry her to the closest cot bed, where I gently place her down, I then head towards bridge, where Selshruuk asks.

"so how did it go?"

I reply.


I then ask.

"so what has been happening out here?"

Felnor points outside.

"a couple of Leviathans swam by us."

I panic for a moment.

"did they spot us?"

Felnor shakes his head.

"no, Leonard has been doing a great job, avoiding them."

I place my hands on Leonard's shoulder and say.

"you are doing great man, keep it up."

he replies with the same sentence he said when we departed from the docks of Rusllyyn.

"we'll be okay, there is nothing to worry about."

I chuckle.

"alright, just don't forget to get some rest, since your are the only one who knows how operate this thing."

I then say to Selshruuk.

"keep an eye on him and make sure he gets some rest."

he replies.

"sure thing."

me and Felnor exit the bridge together, and as we sit down he asks.

"do you really think we'll get help from this Lady Mengshee?"

I reply.

"I have no idea, but I'm hoping that's the case."

I then look at Rosie who is sleeping and say to Felnor.

"hopefully we don't get imprisoned once we get there, like how they did to her."

he asks.

"how did she escape?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"since she hasn't told me how, I'm guessing she is not ready to talk about it."

he lays down on another cot and asks.

"hey do you think we'll get out of this whole ordeal with Mauri, alive."

I respond unsure of what's to come.

"if we improve our strength then I think so."

he responds.

"that's a good enough answer for me, but do you know what I'm going to do once we are done?"

I ask curiously.


he replies with a smile.

"there id this demi human cat girl back in Mons that I've taken an interest in and I plan to ask her out on some dates."

I grin.

"that's good kid, if it works out, I'll look forward in meeting her."

he then closes his eyes and says.

"it's time to get some rest, we still got a ways to go before we get to the Dragonoid's continent."

I lay down on my back and think to myself as I close my eyes.

"I just hope this Lady Mengshee can help me become stronger."

and right before I know it, I fall fast asleep.

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