Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 180 - Departing From Rusllyyn

King Dave upon hearing my tone of voice, he knew that I didn't want to talk to him, he then says.

"the deal with Mauri or Damien or whoever it is, has been finalized, and I wanted to let you know that even though I agreed to the deal, I also don't like anything that comes with it."

I then ask.

"then why did you agree to it?"

he answers.

"because we don't have anyone strong enough to defeat her."

I shake my head and say with a defiant voice.

"watch me."

I look to Leonard and say.

"alright let's get moving now."

Celeste opens up the portal and says to everyone.

"alright next stop the palace at Rusllyyn."

everyone that I have gathered to leave with me, take turns going inside the portal, and as I'm about to step inside, King Dave says without outright saying Mauri's or Damien's name.

"good luck, I really hope that you can get strong enough to defeat her."

I respond while stepping inside the portal.

"I hope so as well."

I exit the portal with and we are met with Queen Reina, who welcomes all of us with open arms.

"don't worry, I'll make sure all of you have a safe and comfortable stay at my palace while Collin goes to do what he needs to do."

Ellena hugs her and says.

"you don't need to be do formal with us, we are all family after all."

Hope who is holding hands with Sarah, drags her towards her and gives her a joyful hug.

"Aunt Reina, I've missed you."

and whil Reina hugs her back, Sarah bows down to her and says with a polite tone.

"thank you for having us your highness."

Reina smiles and hugs her.

"you don't need to do that stuff we are family."

she then hugs her dad Lexur and asks.

"father can you guide them to their rooms while I have a word with Collin in private."

Lexur claps his hands together and shouts.

"alright everyone, let's get you all settled."

my mom who has been quiet the whole time, quickly runs up to hug me and after kissing me on the cheek, she says with a worried voice.

"I know I haven't been the greatest mother, but please be careful with Mauri."

hearing her say that, caught me completely off guard, and almost got me to cry, but I hold back my tears and just hug her back.

"don't worry mom, I've been doing this for a while now, I'll be just fine."

everyone then follows Lexur, except for Reina and Leonard, she comes up to me and asks poking my c.h.e.s.t with her finger.

"okay, so I just stuck my neck out for you during the deal, what plan do you have in mind?

I reply.

"I going to defeat Damien."

she sighs.

"I know that, you made it pretty clear to everyone at the meeting, what I want to know is, how are you going to do this?"

I look to Leonard and say to her.

"he knows someone that will help me do just that."

she glares at him and asks confused.

"are you talking about that kid next to you."

he adjusts his glasses with his index finger and stammers over some of his words.

"I'll have you know that I'm over one thousand years old."

she laughs.

"that's a joke right? the oldest human to ever live was a little over one hundred years and she was bed ridden until she passed away."

I then jump into his defense and say with a serious voice.

"he has the hero's blessing, and the unique blessing that he got was eternal life."

she pokes my c.h.e.s.t once again and says.

"I hope you trust him, because I'm putting a lot of faith in you."

I reply.

"well faith or not, we don't have much choice if we want to stop Damien."

I look to Leonard and say.

"let me say goodbye to everyone and then we will head out."

he nods.


Reina accompanies me, while I head inside the palace, I find everyone at grand dining room, feasting on some delicious looking good, where I make the announcement.

"I'll be gone for some time, and I don't know how long it will be, but the only thing I ask of you is to please stay here while I'm gone!"

I then wave goodbye to everyone.

"I'll you all soon!"

everyone gets up from there seat and they all approach me one a time, starting with my mom, who hugs.

"good luck."

Sarah does the same but asks.

"when you get back, will you give me the training you gave to Hope?"

I reply.

"sure I don't see why not."

Celeste kisses me.

"you better come back to us in one piece."

Ellena also kisses me.

"I know you get tired of me hearing this but be careful."

I smile.

"thank you."

Hope hugs me and says.

"don't worry daddy, I will protect everyone while you are gone."

I chuckle.

"hopefully it doesn't come to that."

Felnor and Selshruuk come up to me and say.

"you can always count on us, to fight alongside you."

and then Rosie says something that surprises me.

"I'm coming with you."

I shake my head.

"you can't it's too dangerous."

she replies.

"I know, but this is something I want to do, and there is nothing you can do to stop me."

I sigh and say reluctantly.

"okay, but you have to listen to my every direction, without asking questions."

she responds.


I wave one final time to everyone and meet with Leonard who has been waiting for me, he takes a look at Felnor, Selshruuk and Rosie, and asks.

"they coming with?"

I nod.


he replies.

"okay then, let's get moving."

Selshruuk asks.

"where are we going exactly?"

Leonard replies.

"we are going to your homeland to go see Lady


surprised by what he said, he asks.

"I've never heard of her, is she going to help us?"

he nods.


I then ask.

"so how are we getting there?"

he smiles and asks me.

"remember that dungeon we found underneath this kingdom?"

I nod.

"yeah, what about it?"

he replies.

"I found a strange boat capable of traversing through the surface of the ocean, and underneath it as well."

I then ask myself.

"did he find a submarine made by the pre cursors?"

I then ask.

"so where did you leave at?"

he answers.

"I left it by the docks, where it is kept guarded and I'm the only one allowed to use it."

I then ask.

"so does that mean you know how to use this thing?"

his response didn't fill me with confidence.

"come on what's with all the questions?"

against my better judgement, I chose not to pry any further, so that we didn't waste any more time, and also I didn't want

Celeste to know that we are going to the Dragonoids' continent, I then say to myself.

"it's fine Leonard is a smart guy when it comes to this kind of stuff."

we then make our way to the docks, where we ready depart from Rusllyyn and make the long trip to the Homeland of the Dragonoids.

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