Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 19 - Time To Fight

Klein then says.

"We need to leave now, we can not involve ourselves in this conflict."

I ask.

"what about the supplies Sid asked for?"

he replies with fustration.

"we will let him know what happened."

i nod in agreement, as i try to pack up our tent, Klein shakes his head and says.

"no time for that, just make sure those healing potions dont break."

we leave everything as is, and start quickly running, and then we are stopped by four Lizardmen wearing the grey armor, one them yells.


Klein quickly whispers to me.

"dont show any hostility, i would like to avoid any fighting."

"By order of the loyalists, you are to be executed for aiding the separatists.

I think to myself.

"shit so much for trying to avoid a fight."

Klein's calm and usual expression changes into almost villain like grin, and with malice in his voice says to me.

"I changed my mind, kill these bastards."

before i get to say anything he yells.

"you take two and ill take two!"

he then rushes them while he shouts.

"Triple fire shot!"

"looks like i got no choice."

i yell out.

"triple fire shot."

the fireballs hit him, but it seems like the armor was made out of material the gives defense against magic, I ask to myself.

"what about physical attacks?"

after that, they both rush me and swing their battleaxe, and just before the axes hit me, I shout out.

"Magic Barrier."

the weapons bounce off the barrier and they stagger back, i quickly take advantage and rush one, I kick the battleaxe from his hand and it flies up in the air, he comes back to his sense and swings with his fists, I see it coming and deflect it to the side with my arm, as he his left open i take a gamble and punch his armor, my fist lands and then my suspicion are confirmed as my fist makes a hole in his armor and my punch connects to his gut, he falls foward clinching his gut, I yell out to Klein.

"yo their armor doesnt defend them against physical attacks!"

"got it!"

I grab the battleaxe the landed on the floor and I use it to decapitate the Lizardman I took down, the other Lizardman with his weapon ready, points at me and yells.

"you will not get me as easy as him you bastard!"

we both rush eachother, as our axes clash, he tries to throw a punch with the other hand, i react and use a free arm and deflect the punch, and then i pick up my feet to kick him, and before my kick lands, he smiles and shouts.

"Scale Hardening."

my kick lands and breaks part of his side armor, but when my hit lands, he has no reaction and starts laughing, I quickly step back and think to myself.

"was that a spell that protects him from physical attacks?"

with c.o.c.kiness in his voice he yells.

"whats wrong kid? it looks like you cant do a damn thing!"

"I just need to destroy his armor and use magic to get past his scale hardening spell."

he then says

"ill give you respect, not many can keep up with us when it comes to physical attacks."

I angeily reply.

"I don't care about your respect."

I rush in and im in focus mode, dodging his battleaxe swings, countering his punches and slowly chipping away his armor, he manages to push me away, and with some exhaustion his voice he says.

"ill commend you kid, but your physical attacks mean nothing to me and you wont be able to finish me off with it."

I then laugh and ask.

"who said ill be finishing you off with physical attacks?"

"Triple fire shot!"

the Lizardman then looks at me in horror, as the fireballs pierce approach him, the fireballs i shot pierced through him, leaving three different holes in him, two on the c.h.e.s.t and one in his abdominal area, he then collapses, I approach the body and slowly poke him with my feet to check if he was dead, he groans in pain, i grab the battleaxe, and then angrily yell.

"you and your buddies brought this on yourself, you wanted to execute us and now your dead!"

before he can get a word out, I swing down and split his head in half, I then let go of the battleaxe, I turn and see that Klein was just standing there watching me, I then ask.

"why didnt you help? if you already took care of those two."

he replies.

"because its fun watching you fight, I always learn something new when you go in fighting hand to hand."

I then reply.

"well we finished here lets leave and tell Sid whats going on here."

"Run! the two of us wont be able to handle them!"

i reply.

"what about transforming!?"

he replies.

"there is no point, we can outrun them and get out of here."

we managed to escape the tribe, and disappear into a forest nearby, we stop to catch our breath, and Klein says.

"we have a long trip back, but it looks like we got away from them."

after confirming that we managed to escape we start our long walk back to the encampment.

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