Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 20 - Encampment Assault

After an exhausting four day walk, we arrive outside the encampment, Klein with weariness tells me.

"Sid is not going to be happy when we tell him what happened."

I ask.

"because of the supplies?"

he replies with seriousness.

"no, because we were threatened."

we enter the encampment and we meet up with a Sid and then asks curiously.

"why are you guys back so early?"

Klein takes a deep breath and replies.

"The war has arrived at the tribe, and we were forced to leave."

he then asks with a serious tone.

"what do you mean forced?"

Klein replies.

"The loyalists forces, threatened to execute us, so we had no choice but to fight our way out of there?"

Sid angrily asks.

"So these bastards intended to kill both of you!?"

we both nod, and before we get to say anything, Sid then shouts.

"everyone gather around, emergency meeting!"

the whole encampment, quickly gather around Sid, he the strars shouting.

"Everybody get ready for a fight, because I just got informed that two of our own, were targeted for death, so we are all going to make them pay!"

After he said that everyone reacts to same odd smell that i picked up, Sid the shouts to everyone.

"We got company!"

we all ready ourselves to fight, then a lone Lizarman wearing the gray armor comes into view and then shouts.

"dear allies of the separatists, due to the death of my soldiers by your hands, the price of this crime, is immediate death, Ill leave you all goodbye present, sincerely General Aktosh!"

Sid then yells.

"over my dead body!"

the Lizardman then turns his head behind him and yells.

"release the stalkers!"

Everyone in our encampment has the same worrying reaction, I think to myself.

"damn it, how did they manage to get these creatures?"

the stalkers that I read about, are very similar to velociraptors back when dinosaurs roamed the earth in my previous life, these things are vicious,

Sid the shouts to everyone.

"get ready to transform, fighting these things is going to get ugly!"

i think to myself.

"damn it she is already dead, but i still have to go and kill them."

I rush towards them on all fours, I bite one of them behind their shoulder area, it shrieks in pain, and the other one reacts, jumps on my back and starts takes random bites, I use on of my arms and smack it off my back, it rolls over and gets up, it lets out a vocalized hiss, and takes a jump at me, and right in the middle of the air, someone on my side catches it with his mouth and pins it down, I take a quick sniff and notice that its the scent of Klein, i think to myself.

"thank you Klein."

I then do the same thing that I did to the other stalker, I grab on to its body and i quickly bite down its neck, and breaks its neck, I then scan the area and see that everybody else has finished their fights, i think to myself.

"I guess it's safe to turn back."

I then revert back, and everyone else does the same thing, we all then gather around Sid who is fuming with rage, and then yells.

"Now this confirms that we need to take out the loyalist bastards and that General Aktosh!"

he pauses and then points at our two dead companions and says solemnly.

"they are responsible for the death of our brother and sister, they need to pay with blood."

he then yells again.

"Everybody tend to your wounds, get new clothes, and then we will honor both of them, and after that we will march down to the tribe and eliminate all loyalists there!"

we all then get a new set of clothes, I also grab a rag and wrap it around the bite mark on my arm so i can stop the bleeding, as i finish up wrapping my arm, Remy approaches me and says.

"here let me clean up you back."

i reply.

"thank you."

shs finishes up and walks off to help out others, i put ln my new clothes, and approach Sid, he notices me and asks.

"you need something kid?"

i responded with a question.

"so does this mean we are taking on the loyalist army?"

he replies.

"yes, dont forget you told us they threatened you and Klein, and also they came our home and intended to wipe us out, so yeah we are going to take on the loyalist army."

we all then move the two bodies and buried them, paying them our respects, as soon as the sun started to set, we all follow Sid and leave our encampment, and head towards the tribe.

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