Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 21 - Taking Back The Tribe

We arrive just outside the tribe, everyone is gathered around Sid, and he goes over the plan.

"ok everyone I want all of you to take positions outside the tribe, while me, Remy, Klein, and Collin, go in there and cause a lot of noise, and I want you all to stay still in your position, until we fire off a triple fire shot in the air, that will be your cue to rush in and help us."

everybody nods in agreement and they all quietly split up from us, I then ask Sid.

"so what exactly are the four of us going to do?"

he replies with sinister smile.

"we will go in there and kill as many of those loyalists, with that we will draw the attention of all them, in that tribe, our brothers and sisters will then swoop in and ambush them."

the three of us respond with a nod, he then asks "anymore questions?"

Klein and Remy, shake their heads, but I say.

"just one more"

he replies.

"go ahead kid."

I ask.

"so no matter what, no transforming?"

he replies.

"yeah, if the information that you and Klein told me about their armors is right, then there is no reason for us to transform."

he pauses and asks again.

"Any more questions?"

all three of us shake our heads, he then says.

"we will give our people, a few more minutes, by then they should have decent positions."

after a while of waiting Sid says.

"time to go and good luck."

we slowly make our way to the tribe, and the closer we get, the further apart we split, I no longer see any of them in the cover of darkness, I then to think to myself.

"everything will be ok, just do your job and everything will be fine."

i take a couple a deep breaths and I swiftly make my way towards a lone Lizardman, he doesn't seem to notice me, it looks like he is just patrolling around with no partner or any other lizardman in sight, he then turns and walks the opposite direction from me, i take the chance to rush him, before he gets the chance to notice me, and activate his scale hardening self defense magic, I land a punch through his armor and hit his ribs from behind, the quickly wrap my around arm his neck, and drop him to floor still holding on to his neck, he struggling to free himself, flailing his arms wildly, I squeeze harder and due to the Lizardmen having long shouts, he cant bite me to break free, after a few more minutes of struggling, he stops moving and i think to myself.

"alright Collin keep going."

I keep moving around swiftly and end up taking out two more without making a sound, as i move closer to another one, a bunch of shouting starts ringing through the air, i think to myself.

"i guess there is no point in being sneaky now."

I rush toward the lizardman who has his attention towards where all the shouting is coming from, i fiercely punch his side, but this lizardman didnt hunch over in pain, he reacts and quickly turns around, as I throw another punch, he yells.

"scale hardening."

my punch had no effect on him, but i quickly think on my feet and kick the battleaxe from his hand, me and the lizardman start trading blows, i think to myself.

"this one must have real combat experience, because he is not letting the pain get to him."

Everytime I try to hit his armor, he blocks my punch, i think to myself.

"it seems like he knows what I am trying to do."

his punches do have power, but not enough to knock me down, we keep punching, blocking, and

"looks like his acale hardening magic and slowly wearing down."

then I reach over to grab the battleaxe on the ground, i bring the axe overhead and swing it down, the axe slightly bounces off his scales, i then take this opportunity to break off as much of his armor as i can, he then reacts and kicks me away, I slide backwards still standing, he gets

up and he clearly looks gassed, he the says to me.

"I've never had to fight so hard against anyone, eapecially with some human, your kind is not known to fight physically."

i reply with a cold voice.

"Well im no longer human."

he gave me a confused look, and then I point my open hand at him and yell out.

"Triple fire shot!"

the three fireball go right through him and he falls to the ground, I look around with the battleaxe still in my hand and I see someone has shot off the signal in the sky, I then leave the area and heads towards all the shouting, it looks like All three of them are taking on a huge group, but more of them are showing up to the fight, I run my way to them, while running i throw the battleaxe to the nearest lizardman, and it cleaves through his neck and shoulder at an angle, I then jump into the fray and start throwing punches, kicks, holding off the increasing number of the lizarmen, and then just as it looks like we are going to get overwhelmed by their numbers, the rest of our people, start firing triple shots, and the Lizardmen start dropping like flies, a few of them run away and disappear from our sight and Klein says.

"ill go chase them down."

Sid replies.

"no, we need to storm the barracks and make sure there is none left there."

Sid then says.

"everyone go and check around the tribe and make sure there is none hiding."

he then looks at me and Klein and says.

"alright lets go inside."

we check at every section inside the barracks and there is no sign of the loyalists, but we did manage to free some of the separatists that were incarcerated, we then all gather outside and everyone reports that there is none left behind,

Sid then says.

"this is just our first Victory, remember it all ends when we kill that bastard General Aktosh."

"you may join us if you wish to take the fight to the separatists, but there is one thing you need to know about us, if you are to fight alongside us."

one of seperatists soldier asks.

"and what is it that we need to know?"

Sid smirks and says.

"we the Brotherhood guild are werewolves."

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