Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 191 - New Family Members

As I remain awake the whole time watching over them, Hoping that Felnor and Selshruuk don't wake up, Leonard comes through door and says.

"hey we have arrived at Rusllyyn."

and luckily he only woke up Rosie, who slowly gets up and asks.


he nods.

"yeah, so let's hop to it, the sooner Damien is dealt with, the sooner our lives can return back to normal."

I agree with.

"you have a point."

I walk up to Felnor and Selshruuk who are still knocked out cold and I say out loud.

"sorry guys for doing this to you guys, but ot can't be helped."

I punch both of them in the face once again, ensuring that they stay knocked out, I then ask Rosie who is yawning and rubbing both of her eyes.

"if your not up to it, I can carry both of them back to the palace?"

she shakes her head.

"yes I'm up for it, I can't let you do it by yourself."

I pick Selshrruk and place over one of my shoulder and then I pick up Felnor and put them over my other shoulder and say to her.

"not really a problem for me."

I then ask myself.

"I wonder if I can carry both of them if I fly?"

I chant to to myself.

"Dragon wings."

I feel a sharp pain rise fron my back, and signals in my brain start to fire off, as it starts to feel the presence of newly formed nerves and muscles where my wings are at and I say to Rosie.

"oh well, I wanted to test these out anyway."

I then ask Leonard.

"can you open up the hatch?"

he nods he climbs up the ladder, opens the hatch and hops out,

"go ahead Collin."

Rosie looks at me and says.

"hold on, wait a minute."

I just smile.

"see you at the palace."

I then flap my wings and jump up into the air, with ease, I look down in awe that I'm really flying

in place like a bird, but even though I was caught up with the amazing view from the sky, I noticed that I was feeling the burn on my back muscles with how much work I'm putting through it, I sigh and think to myself.

"alright, let's see if my muscles can hold out until I reach the palace."

it surprisingly doesn't take me long to reach the palace, where I spot Ellena sitting down with Hope on a balcony to the room that I presume they are staying in, I then gently float down towards them, and upon touching down, Hope's beautiful green eyes light up and runs up to hug me, wearing pink pajamas with yellow stars scattered all over it, she hugs me tightly while stiol carrying Felnor and Selshruuk over my shoulder.

"daddy, how'd things go?"

"good I think."

I look to Ellena who is wearing light green night gown that matches the color her eyes, who is staring in shock at my dragon like wings and asks.

"since when did you have wings?"

I answer while putting down Selshruuk and Felnor.

"I got them after I finished my training with Lady Mengshee."

I look down to her belly and noticed that she no long has a pregnant belly, she smiles and then hugs me tightly.

"I missed you."

I reply.

"me too."

"you ready to meet the new members of our family."

I nod.

"of course."

before walking me inside, I put away my wings and enter the room where I spot Celeste who is still sound asleep, Ellena whispers to me.

"let's try not to wake her up, she has been up taking care of the twins, and this has been the only time she has gotten any sleep."

she guides me to one crib small and cute baby elf with dark brown eyes and light brown hair, I then whisper to Ellena.

"what's our baby's name?"

she whispers back.

"I haven't named her yet, I was waiting for you to come back, so you can give her a name."


she nods.

"I already named our eldest daughter, and besides it's elven tradition for the mother and father to alternate when it comes to naming their children."

I take a moment to think long and hard about it

but I can't come up with anything.

"I'm not very good with this."

Ellena hugs me from behind and whispers.

"it's okay, there is no hurry, it took me about a month to stick with a name that I liked for Hope."

with the memories of my past life still feeling fresh in my mind I utter.


Ellena asks.

"what did you say?"

I respond.

"Shiho, it was the name of my younger sister in my past life, she was the world to me, I even died protecting her."

she rubs the side of her face on my back and whisper.

"Shiho sounds like a beautiful name."

I smile and think to myself.

"yeah Shiho isn't too bad of a name, and I get to carry a part of her with me in this world, even if it is just by name."

I lean inside the crib and give her a light kiss on the forehead and whisper.

"hello, Shiho I'm your dad."

I pull away and then ask Ellena.

"where are the twins?"

she grabs my hand and guides me to two cribs that are next to Celeste's bed and whispers.

"meet Anthony and Phillip."

Hope grabs my hand and whispers.

"daddy, they both look just like you."

I give them both a small gentle kiss on the forehead and whisper to them.

"that I'm their dad."

I then hear Celeste whisper with a tired and groggy voice.

"Collin is that you?"

I sit down at the edge of the bed next to her and whisper.

"yeah, it's me, I came by to check on all of you."

she asks.

"how long are you planning on staying?"

I respond.

"not long, because I still need to go deal with Damien."

Celeste slowly sits up.

"well let's eat something together before you leave."

Ellena agrees.

"yeah we could use a little family time together while the little ones sleep."

Hope grabs my hand and pulls me towards to the bedroom door.

"come on, dad they have all kinds of delicious foods in the palace."

I smile.

"alright then."

Ellena follows us out and says.

"of course we so, it is made by the finest elven chefs in our region."

I look back to Selshruuk and Felnor and say.

"hold on, let me get these sleeping beauties from the balcony and bring them with us."

as I go grab them.

Celeste says.

"you go on ahead, I'm going to put on something."

we leave the bedroom, and make our way to the grand dining room, where Leonard and Rosie are sitto ting down talking with Queen Reina, I gently put down Selshruuk and Felnor, and lean them sitting down against one walls, and then as we sit near them, Reina to me says.

"Leonard and Rosie have told me, that your ready take on Damien."

I respond.

"Lady Mengshee seems confident that we can defeat Damien."

she asks.

"but are you confident?"

I reply.

"I don't know, but we can't wait too long, because the more life Damien consumes, the more he becomes stronger and it will reach a point where we will no longer stand a chance."

moments later some elf waiters come inside the dining room and place all kinds if mouthwatering dishes, and as we begin to eat, Celeste joins us, I then say to Reina.

"I'll be going alone to confront Damien."

everyone at the table stares at me, and Rosie shakes her head.

"no, I didn't go through all of that, just to have you face down that demon alone."

Celeste agrees.

"I'd feel more secured if you didn't go alone."

Ellena nods with a worried face.

"me too."

and then Leonard says something surprising.

"I'm going as well, even though I'm not as strong as you Collin, I used to fight evil people before."

I ask.

"I didn't know that, so what made you stop?"

he responds.

"I almost lost my life once, and I got saved by the four heroes, but then after that, I spent the rest of my life cowering in fear."

he takes off his glasses with his trembling hand but then he gives me a serious look that gave me goosebumps.

"but no more, Damien needs to be stopped no matter what."

I chuckle.

"alright then."

we eat together and have normal conversations to break the serious mood that was in the air, but even then we all knew in the back of our minds that the future is very uncertain after this little dinner.

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