Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 192 - Calm Before The Storm

We ready ourselves to depart Rusllyyn once again, and at this point Selshruuk and Felnor have already woken up with the new spell Wolf's Rage, but even then I say to them.

"you two should stay here."

they both protest.

"no you are crazy, of you think we are not coming along."

I then say.

"I would have a peace of mind, if I knew you guys stayed back to protect everyone here."

Felnor gives in.

"fine but you better come back alive."

while Selhruuk says.

"we've fought many battles together, so please don't have me sit this one out and besides, I want to pay back Damien ten fold for everything that he has done"

I sigh.


Felnor looks at all of us and says.

"good luck and give that Damien hell."

I nod.

"sure thing kid."

me and Rosie chant.

"Dragon wings."

Ellena, Celeste and Hope give me one last hug with tears in their eyes knowing that there is a possibility that I might not return, and as they back away Queen Reina says to me.

"I will do my best to keep everyone here safe and if for some reason you don't return, I will put them in hiding in hopes that Damien doesn't find them."

I nod.

"thank you."

she shakes her head.

"your supposed to say, that you will come back no matter what."

I lean in close to her whisper.

"please take care of everyone for me."

before she can say anything else to me I shout to

Selshruuk and Leonard.

"alright let's get going."

I grab Selshruuk and say.

"you better hold on tight my friend."

Rosie grabs Leonard and tells him.

"just do it like how we came here, and you'll be fine."

"it feels good being up in the sky like this."

I reply.

"I'm sure you do buddy."

after a few more minutes have passed by he finally asks me.

"did Lady Mengshsee grant you the ability to fly?"

I respond.

"yeah she did."

he then asks a follow up question.

"do you think she can do the same for me?"

"I'm sure if we ask her, I think she should be able to."

he chuckles.

"well then we better take care of Damien, so we can pay her visit once more."

we fly through the night sky undisturbed for a couple of minutes, until we spot many lights in the distance after flying over the mountains that separates the Corpus coastal desert from tje rest of the kingdom of Corpus, I then think to myself.

"maybe I should check in on Remy."

but then I shake my head and say to myself.

"no Collin, she has a new life now, don't drag her in and bring unnecessary attention to her and her family."

Selshruuk who sees Hellion village asks.

"are we going straight to Rozlania or we stopping to rest?"

"well stop and rest but we wont rest in any villages, towns or cities so that we can avoid any detection from Damien."

he asks.

"you really think Damien would stay in any alliance controlled Kingdoms, he wasn't in the Riswa Kingdom."

I reply.

"your right, but we also stayed at their palace in the port city of Russlyyn, and stayed away from the capital city of Yuren."

he replies.

"I see."

after spotting a densely wooded are outside of the village, I look to Rosie and point down to signal her that we are landing, I then float down until we hit the ground and while letting go of Selshrruk, I ask him a serious question.

"if the somehow we fail to stop Damien, how would the Dragonoids react if they find out he is a demon?"

"I don't know, but they would probably not interfere with whatever Damien is doing, as long as he doesn't show any hostilities against Dragonoid Kingdoms."

I sigh and ask with a defeated voice.

"so they wouldn't jump in to lend a hand to defeat Damien?"

he shakes his head.

"there is still a deep hatred within Dragonoids, so wouldn't count on them to help."

I then think to myself.

"figures, but this means that if I fail, Damien will grow in power with little resistance."

Rosie lands with Leonard and asks me.

"you feeling tired already?"

I shake my head.

"no, but we can't confront Damien with tired bodies, if we just go straight to him without any breaks."

Rosie replies with a sigh.

"you have a point."

I sit down at a nearby log and ask Leonard.

"so how are you going to help us?"

he replies.

"well there is this powerful prototype weapon I've been building that the pre cursors used and I was hoping on using that against Damien."

surprised by this new piece of information, I reply

"this is the first time you have mentioned this weapon to me."

he sighs.

"I've been meaning to tell you about it, but I've been keeping it a secret to myself, just in case."

I respond.

"alright then what kind of weapon is it?"

he sighs.

"I have no idea, but I was almost done with it."

I ask.

"where is it?"

he replies.

"I left in my quarters."

I put both my hands over my eyes and ask.

"so how are we supposed to get it, if Damien is at Grezia?"

he answers.

"while you and Rosie are distracting our dear friend Damien, me and Sir Selshruuk will go grab my the prototype weapon and come back in time to help you defeat that demon."

I reply unsure.

"I don't know how to feel about thisnplan."

Rosie responds.

"don't you worry Leonard, if you believe that this weapon will help us in the fight, me and Collin will do our best to keep him busy against us."

Selshruuk adds to the conversation by saying.

"I will only participate in this plan, if I get to be the one who uses the weapon on Damien."

Leonard chuckles.

"if that is all you wish, then I'm fine with that."

Selshruuk looks at me and says.

"sorry Collin, I really want to be there and fight besides you."

I reply.

"it's okay, at least there is a plan B in case me and Rosie fail."

after resting for a half an hour or so, Rosie sits next to me and says.

"after all this is over, I hope that Ellena and Celeste will accept me into your partnership."

I reply.

"I think they will."

she sighs.

"well even if they don't I want to at least say that I love you."

I reply.

"me too."

she then says.

"everything out here in the wilderness seems so peaceful, almost as if there is nothing bad going on in the world."

I reply.

"well it's the calm before the storm."

she asks what does that mean?"

I answer.

"it's usually when an unusual tranquility is around when it seems likely that difficult times are coming."

she sighs.

"I see."

she looks up the sky for a moment and then as she suddenly stands up, she clears her throat and says.

"we should get moving while we can still use the cover of night."

I nod.


I give my hand to Selshruuk and ask.

"you ready to fly again?"

he nods.

"let's do get to it."

I grab on to him and fly up into the air once again,

and start flying towards Grezia with the new objective of grabbing the prototype weapon that Leonard was working on.

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