Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 194 - Collin & Rosie Vs Ying & Cecile

I look deep into Ying's eye and say.

"I'm deeply disappointed that you fell under Damien's control."

Ying chants in the unknown language that Damien speaks, and his eyes turn the similar milky white eyes that her chosen ones possess, and then he replies.

"she gave me an offer, that I simply couldn't refuse."

I ask.

"and what would that be?"

he puts his arm around Cecile.

"because of her me and my son, have finally reunited."

I respond.

"he tried to kill you."

Cecile snaps at me.

"shut your mouth!"

Ying replies.

"yeah, but I have come to understand why he was doing it, and I already forgave him for it."

I think to myself.

"damn it, Damien must have used his weakness for his son to easily control him."

I ask him.

"you do realize that he was trying to obtain all your powers right?"

he answer.

"yeah I do realize that, but it's all water under the bridge now."

he turns to Cecile.

"isn't that right son?"

he nods and gives an unconvincing answer.


I then ask Cecile.

"well aren't you disappointed that you couldn't obtain your father's incredible power?"

he scowls at me.

"I've hear enough out of you!"

he asks his dad.

"I'm growing tired of him father, can we finish him off now?"

Ying replies.

"yeah let's do it, and our Lord Damien will be pleased with our accomplishment when he arrives."

I then say to Rosie.

"Damien is on his way here, let's try to end our fight with them quickly."

she nods.

"okay, you take on your friend Ying and I'll handle that rude brat."

Cecile heard what she said and angrily says.

"you know what father, you can have that bastard Belfaust, I'll teach that woman a lesson, on what it means to mess with the great Cecile!"

Ying chuckles.

"okay son, just don't complain about later when I defeat him."

Cecile grins menacingly at her and just as he is about to shout a spell at Rosie, she instantly closes the distance between them and starts landing a flurry of powerful punches on him, and then Ying who is completely floored on how fast Rosie is, raises his hand to chant a spell on him, but in that exact moment, I run up to him in a blistering pace that he could not anticipate, I then grab his arm and say.

"you are fighting me."

he pulls away with a surprising amount of physical strength that he never had before, and chuckles.

"you are right, where are my manners?"

he grins and says.

"well come at me however you wish, my friend."

I throw my first powerful punch right into his gut, in which normal circumstances any normal person would collapse with the sheer force behind that punch, but Ying didn't, he took on that punch and laughed.

"you are not going to beat Damien if that is all you've got."

as I pull away my punch, I ask him dreading the answer he was going to give me.

"have you eaten people, to increase your power."

he doesn't say a word, but he grins from ear to ear, and that was more than enough of an answer for me to know that Damien has forced him to do the unthinkable, I then say.

"don't worry Ying I'll release you from Damien's clutches, because I know you wouldn't have done something like that one your own free will."

Yong replies.

"stop resisting Collin, Damien is the answer to our salvation."

I sigh.

"no he isn't."

he replies.

"enough talking."

Ying quickly raises his and points his finger at me and yells.

"Particle beam cannon!"

a straight line filled with red particles, comes flying out off Ying's finger and in the moment the particle beam flies through air, my eyes seem to be able to follow the trajectory of the projectile, like if I was seeing it in slow motion, I then move to the side and dodge his particle beam, Ying looks at me in complete shock with what I just did, I then ask myself.

"what the hell was that? why was I able to see his particle beam cannon in slow motion, when before I couldn't even keep up with how fast it travels."

Ying then snaps out of it and start firing multiple particle beam cannon spells at me, and once again I was able to see each projectile, making it easy to dodge them, I then think to myself.

"even though I trained myself to dodge projectiles, my eyes could never keep up with the incredible speeds of certain spells, like Ying's particle beam cannon."

Ying puts down his hand and says.

"wow, I'm impressed on how fast you've gotten."

he looks over to Cecile who is fighting Rosie, and says.

"oh it looks like he trapped her in his plasma prison spell, it's over for her."

I get worried.

"shit, I need to save her from that plasma prison, or else she'll get seriously injured or killed by it."

Ying looks at me and says.

"well it has been amusing, but it's about the time we end this."

he shouts.

"particle tsunami!"

I look up and see a fifty foot wave of red particles manifest in front of me and then as it come falling down towards me, I get time to think since I see it falling in slow motion .

"I still have no idea why I'm able to perceive his spells in slow motion, but it has saved my ȧss, because before this, I would have been done for."

I then chant.

"mana shift."

sending multiple mana signals around Ying,

I then visualize the one behind him and chant.


I instantly teleport behind Ying, and quickly encircle his neck with my right arm and then grab the biceps on my left arm, putting him in inescapable rear nȧkėd chokehold, and think tl myself.

"I just need to apply pressure and keep him like this for nine seconds until he his unconscious."

Ying struggles and gasps for air until he finally stops moving, I then let go of him and check on his pulse to see if he is still alive.

"good, I'm not trying to kill him."

I then check at the damage that Ying's Tsunami particle has caused and no longer see any houses where the Tsunami crashed down and think to myself.

"damn it, there were people still inside those houses."

I grit my teeth.

"you will pay for this Damien."

I then hear Cecile shout.

"no, that's impossible!"

I look over to them and see that Rosie has somehow freed herself from Cecile's Plasma Prison, she then she raises both her arms in the air and yells.

"heaven's lightning storm!"

dark gray clouds start forming above the area of Cecile and then suddenly it starts raining lightning bolts from the clouds, completely shredding any magical defence that Cecile has put around himself, I then shout at Rosie.

"enough, we aren't trying to kill him!"

she waves her hand and the clouds above Cecile disperse, I then walk up to him and check on his pulse and sigh.

"he's still breathing."

she replies.

"yeah I know."

I then ask her.

"how did you escape his prison?"

she says.

"look at my eyes first and then look at my hands."

her red eyes suddenly glow bright red, and then I looks at her hands and see that a black aura surround them, she then says.

"I can cut through magic with these."

I ask.

"how did you get those?"

she replies.

"Lord Mengshee told me, it his a hidden power that all vampires possess, but have long forgotten about it."

Impressed that she is capable of doing that, I smile.

"that's cool, it should come in handy against Damien."

she responds.

"yeah, but Lady Mengshee has warned me about using it often."

I ask.


she answers.

"because long exposure to the black aura, can shorten my life span."

she continues.

"she told me to only use this for emergencies."

I reply.

"I see, then be careful with it, I really don't want you shortening your lifespan."

she sighs.

"I know."

she looks at Cecile and Ying and asks.

"what do we do with them?"

I reply.

"let's remove Damien's influence on them."

she asks.


I respond.

"mana blocking shackles seemed to have worked for Paula, so I think that is the safest bet."

she replies.

"okay, let's go to the palace then."

as we move to grab Cecile and Ying, a sudden chill runs down my spine, when we hear a familiar voice say from behind us.

"oh, the runaway dog, has finally returned home."

we turn around and see Damien speaking in Mauri's voice.

"why don't you stick around for a bit?"

I stare directly at Damien, ready to fight.

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