Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 195 - The Storm

Damien grins at both of us and asks.

"why the long faces?"

I reply.

"you and I both know exactly why."

Damien chuckles.

"there you go again, barking like a vicious dog."

he pauses and says.

"how about we talk for a bit, and see if we can work together and come to an understanding with each other."

he then continues.

"we shouldn't waste our time and energy fighting when there is a bigger threat coming that even I alone can't possibly defeat."

"do you feel that, he is trying to probe our minds."

I whisper back.

"yeah, but it seems like he can't do it."

Damien grins.

"this interesting, it seems I'm having trouble reading your minds, and that is troubling to think that anyone is powerful enough to prevent me from doing so."

Rosie whispers.

"I think Lady Mengshee may have put up a protective barrier on our minds."

I nod.

"yeah it looks like it, but still stay focused and don't let him take advantage of your weakness or he will exploit it and will control you."

"it's annoying, but I guess we will have to talk the old fashion way."

I look around and spot multiple heat signatures starting to surround us, I then whisper to Rosie.

"stay on high alert, there is a lot of enemies starting to surround us."

Rosie looks around aimlessly and ask.

"I can't sense their mana or do I see them, where are they?"

I reply.

"I can see the body heat of living things when I'm in platinum eyes, and I see a whole lot of people gathering around, probably ȧssassins."

she asks.

"what should we do?"

"for now we will, wait for Damien and the ȧssassins to make the first move, since we are still trying to buy time for Leonard and Selshruuk."

she nods.

"okay then."

I then ask Damien.

"well if you really wanted to talk, then you wouldn't have all those ȧssassins gathering around."

Damien waves his hand to all the ȧssassins and suddenly all of them start backing away, I then say in a sarcastic voice.

"thank you, I'm glad we can be civil about this."

Damien then takes a couple of steps towards us and then me and Rosie react by clenching pur fists tightly, Damien notices this and puts both of hands in the air to show us that he us no intention of attacking.

"look, I know the both of you see me as the enemy, but I need you all to believe that I'm not threat here."

"you still expect me to believe your Demon King story?"

Damien all of the sudden gets serious.

"like I've told you before a Demon named Diabolus is proclaiming that he will be the demon king, and he has been garnering much support from many famous demons in the Hell dimension, using his unbelievable strength and magic power."

I reply.

"you never mentioned his name before."

but the name Diabolus repeats in my mind many times until it finally clicks in my mind and the sudden realization made me shudder.

"the name Diabolus means Satan in Latin."

even though I recognize certain Latin words because of my previous life, I told myself.

"relax Collin, there is no need to panic, just because a Demon mentioned the Devil."

"well I told you his name now, but I sigh.

"Okay Damien I'll humor you, tell me what you know of this Diabolus character you speak of."

he sighs.

"he seeks to dominate the Hell Dimension and has the ambition to lead the demons to become the rulers of every known dimension."

he points at me.

"including yours."

I take a moment to think about how me and Rosie just fought Cecile and Ying who were both determined on killing us, and then I ask while pointing at both of them who are still unconscious.

"if you really wanted to talk, then why did you have both of them try to kill me?"

Damien gives me a smirk.

"I never intended for them to have you killed, I had them test out how powerful and useful you would be if I got you on my side."

Damien looks at Rosie.

"and that includes that red eyed friend of yours."

Damien then asks Rosie.

"did you know, that I found others who had red eyes like you?"

it peaked Rosie's interest.

"really where?"

he answers.

"well I got them working under me since, they seem to possess a very unnatural strength that the other humans lack."

Damien then asks me.

"so tell me Collin, are you going to join my side, so that we can prepare for the Demon King Diabolus?"

he pauses and then asks with a twisted grin.

"or are you going to continue defying me and end up like that friend of yours Remy and her coward of a husband?"

my heart sinks into my stomach, making me feel nauseous, I then ask.

"did you kill them."

Damien responds calmly.

"of course I did, they were so stubborn and insisted on being a pain in my back side."

Rosie puts her on my back in a comforting tone and says.

"I'm so sorry, Collin."

I then blame myself.

"I'm so fuċkɨnġ stupid, I should have brought her and her family with me."

I then remember about their newborn baby boy and ask Damien with a reluctant voice.

"what happened to their child?"

Damien smiles.

"the boy is still alive, I had him placed in orphanage, where I can keep a close on him and when he grows into a strong man, I'll come back to pay him a visit."

even though I'm relieved to hear that Remy's baby son is still alive, my feelings of anger towards Damien increase.

"you son a bitch!"

Rosie tries to calm me down.

"Collin don't give him what he wants, he's trying to get under your skin."

I grit my teeth.

"I know, but this mother fuċker killed my friend."

he gives me a smile that is filled with joy, due to how angry I'm getting at him, in which causes me to yell at him.

"enough with this bullshit! it's time for you to die!"

upon hearing me say that, Rosie quickly dashes towards Damien, he reacts by raising his hand at Rosie with a claw like gesture and chants in the unknown language, but nothing happens to Rosie, because she uses her hand that is covered with the black to cut the air in front of her, I then smile.

"it looks like Rosie can also see spell projectiles in slow motion."

as she closes in to land a punch, Damien smacks her away sending her crashing hard against the wall of a house, I get furious and take action as well by rushing towards Damien, he takes notice of this and laughs.

"you should have listened to her, because I got you now!"

I ask myself.

"what does he mean by that?"

suddenly my body locks into place and I can't move any of my limbs for some reason, and as I struggle to get any kind of movement, my vision slowly starts fading away, until I'm staring into a pitch black void.

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