Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 24 - Captured

One of the orcs shouts.

"lizardman are you a loyalist!?"

Gresnor nervously replies.

"I'm actually a seperatist."

the orcs look at eachother and then one of them says.

"you lizardman step away from that monster now."

I look at Gresnor and whisper.

"it's alright, do as they say."

Gresnor slowly unwraps my arm and steps away

I then collapse to ground and i think to myself.

"dammit i dont think i can take on these orcs."

Gresnor is off to side and one of the orcs steps up to me and ask.

"speak monster, what are you and what are your motives?"

I can barely keep my body up, with my exhausted voice I say

"I can't say what I am, but my motive is taking out the loyalists, we just took out lektar prison."

one of the orcs then says.

"you look like crap, we will bring you back to our leader and once we get there we will heal you as long as you are truthful with your answers."

"just go along with it, since they dont seem hostile toward Gresnor, it must mean that they are at least reasonable."

one of the orcs puts me over his shoulders, and we start making our way through the forest, after what seems like an hour, we get to a small encampment where there are other orcs with armor and swords, the orc then drops me off by their leader, he then says.

"Drulog, we found this creature and that seperatist lizardman, outside of lektar prison."

Drulog adjusts himself, he looks at the orc that brought me here and says.

"ok you may leave us, i want to speak with this creature alone."

he silently stares at me for a while, then after taling a deep breath he asks.

"you have the same features and build of a human but yet your not? explain yourself."

this is exactly what Sid told me, that those with detection magic will be able to tell that I'm a monster, i then think to myself.

"maybe i should tell him what I am, withholding information won't do me any good."

"so if i tell you, will I get to live?"

he replies sternly.

"that all depends on you, now explain."

I reply.

"it is true that i look human, its because i used to be human but now I'm not."

It seems what i said peeked his interest as he leans a bit foward, and then says.

"keep going."

I nod and continue.

"I became a werewolf."

"you mean those creatures that transform into cold blooded savage monsters"

i reply.

"it's a bit more complicated than that, we actually have control of when we transform."

he take a deep breath and calmly asks.

"lets say i believe you, what motives do you have against the loyalists?"

i reply.

"our first encounter they tried to kill me, and our second encounter they tried to wipe us out with stalkers, and killed two of ours."

he gestures with his hand to stop and then he asks.

"you keep saying we and our, does this mean there is more of you?"

"yeah there is more of us."

he start rubbing his chin, like he is thinking, he then asks.

"so what about lektar prison?"

I reply.

"we gathered a ragtag group of seperatists and we launched an all out assault on the prison to free more seperatists, and to capture the commander for more information about General Aktosh."

Drulog has a visible grin on his face and then asks.

"good, but I still wondering about something, are your people going to come and look for you?"

I nod and reply.

"yeah most likely."

"here drink it, this will heal your wound."

I grab the potion and drink it, I sigh in relief because my wound closed and the pain went away, I then ask Drulog.

"so what made you believe that I was telling the truth?"

he replies.

"I was using lie detection magic, if you lied to me I would of have you killed."

he extends his hand, I grab on to it, and he helps me up, I then say.

"my name is Collin, and thank you."

he replies.

"I'm Captain Drulog, and your welcome."

"now that i understand your motive, I want us to form an alliance to take out the loyalists."

i then ask.

"i dont see why not, but why are you guys against the loyalists."

he then replies.

"me and my people used to have a good relationship with the Lizardmen when they ran their own tribes, but once the loyalists emerged the good relationship we had was destroyed, and ever since then we've been fighting the loyalists hoping to help the seperatists win this war."

Drulog then takes me to meet the rest of the orcs in his group, after greeting all of them, he then asks me.

"Collin, can you fight me?"

I rask confused.

"huh fight me? why?"

he replies.

"well not really fight, more like a sparring match, To be honest you look like a tough one, and I want to take this chance to test where my strength is at."

i ask.

"right here right now?"

he chuckles and replies.

"of course not, you just healed, and im pretty sure you rather rest than fight right now, we will wait until tomorrow."

I relax a little and say.

"ok that's fine."

I then head over to where Gresnor is at, I sit next to him and say to him.

"thank you for saving me, I owe you big time."

he replies.

"your welcome, how could I leave an injured ally behind? and its fine you dont owe me anything, your gratitude is good enough."

I then say.

"it looks like we are going to wait here until our people find us."

he replies.

"I know, I dont think I have the energy to keep going to look for them."

we then just sit there quietly while the sun sets, as we wait for our people to show up.

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