Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 25 - Just Sparring

I wake up and its morning already but the sun hasn't risen yet, I get up and see that Gresnor is doing push ups, I approach him and ask.

"what are you up to so early in the morning?"

he stops, gets up and replies.

"oh what's up Collin? Im just doing physical training, you know those things we did back at the tribe before we attacked the prison."

I reply.

"so your looking to become physically stronger."

he replies with determination.

"yes, we lizardman take pride in our natural physical power, but seeing how strong all of you really lit a fire under me."

"here let me join you, lets go for a quick jog."

Gresnor then follows my lead as i start jogging, after a while he jogs alongside me and then asks.

"are you sure, its a good idea for you to do training, I mean your going to spar with Drulog today aren't you?"

I reply.

"dont worry about it, I'll be fine, since it seems like it wont be a serious fight."

we both continue jogging and taking frequent stops to do push ups, pull ups, and sit ups, we keep going until the sunrises, then we head back to the orc encampment, and we are met up with Drulog, who says.

"hey we got some food, come get it."

Me and Gresnor head over to the smell of something being cooked, as we get closer, I take a quick sniff and its the scent of burnt fish, Drulog with a smile hands us one fish to Me and Gresnor, and says.

"here you go, you two must be starving."

"dont be picky, just eat it."

I close my eyes and take a few bites, I thought my stomach was going to reject it, but the opposite happens and my stomach accepts it and gets satisfied, i then think to myself.

"well its meat, I guess since im a werewolf it doeamt matter how meat is cooked, my stomach will always be satisfied."

I then say to Drulog while chewing on my food.

"thank you."

he replies.

"your welcome, and besides I need you good and ready for our sparring match."

I finish the last of the fish and ask.

"you want to start now?"

"yes, the sooner the better."

I also reply with a smile.

"okay let's go."

he then says.

"okay let's go to an open area, we don't want trees getting in our way."

I reply.

"okay, I'll follow you because I am not familiar with this area."

he then turns to his subordinates and shouts.

"we are going to have a sparring match if any of you want to watch that's fine, but no interfering for any reason!"

"alright Collin follow me."

I nod and silently follow him through the forest, we finally arrive at an open are, he then asks me

"do you want to fight using magic or no magic?"

I reply.

"i dont mind either, what do you prefer?"

he replies.

"then we will go all out with physical and magical attacks, so dont hold back kid."

I nod and we end up standing a few feet apart from each other, I look around and see Gresnor with the orcs in the distance, i turn back to Drulog and he says.

"when I say go, the match will start."

"ready when you are."

we stare each other down, both in fighting stance, he then yells.


Immediately as i hear say go I charge foward without thinking, he seemed suprise on how fast I moved, As I get closer to him, I throw a punch, he steps back and avoids the punch, he then yells out.

"smoke screen!"

a huge thick cloud of smoke covers a huge area and blocks my vision, i then yell out.

"mana detect."

I then think to myself."

"what the hell is going on, this smoke is made of mana and i can't tell where his mana is at."

"i guess he has to maintain that smoke magic, and since my kick hit him, he couldnt keep it up."

I then rush him and start throwing punches, he quickly reacts by deflecting my punches, and throwing some of his own, but I also deflect his punches, we spend minutes trading punches and kicks, after a while Drulog lands a kick and I slide backwards, then he yells out.

"hammer blow!"

Both of his hands light up with the color white and they start to form into a shape of a hammer's head, he then throws both his hands for a big punch, I think to myself.

"No time to react."

I then yell out.

"magic barrier!"

he gets closer and both his hands break through the barrier, I put my arms in front to block the hit, his hands make contact to my arms and the force of the hit makes me fall flat on my back, he then puts his feet on my stomach and he points at me with his hand shouts.

"Its my victory!"

I groan in pain, put up my hands and I say.

"yeah it's your win."

he the gets his foot off of me, his hands go back to normal and he extands his hand to me, I grab on and he helps me up, he starts laughing and says.

"damn kid your tough."

I chuckle and reply.

"your not bad yourself."

he continues to laugh and says.

"dont sell yourself short kid, my guys struggle to keep up with me."

before i get to say anything, one of the orcs runs up to us and shouts.

"Drulog sir, we got a bunch of guys asking for Collin, and are threatening to kill us!"

Me and Drulog exchange a quick look at each other and the start sprinting back to the encampment.

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