Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 26 - New Alliance

Me and Drulog arrive at the encampment and see that the orcs are in battle positions, I also see Sid standing with Klein and Remy at his side's, I make my way to them and yell.

"hey stop they are on our side!"

Sid turns to me with a smile and yells.

"I'm glad your okay kid!"

I get closer to him, and with erattic breathing i say.

"Sid, I need you to talk to Drulog."

he asks.

"so what you are saying is these orcs are not our enemy?"

I reply.

"yeah that's what I'm saying."

Sid sighs in relief, and then shouts.

"everyone stand down!"

after he says that Drulog approaches us and I say to both of them.

"Sid this is Drulog and Drulog this Sid."

Sid and Drulog shake hands, then says.

"p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you Drulog."

he replies.

"p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e as well Sid."

and then adter e few moments of silence Drulog says.

"so me and your boy Collin were having a conversation and he mentioned that we could work together to take out the Loyalists."

Sid grins and says.

"taking out loyalists together, alright lets go talk out some things then."

they then both start walking away together, conversing, the Klein comes up to me and asks.

"we went back to the prison to look for you but you weren't there, what happened?"

i reply.

"I got seriously injured, and Gresnor saved me, then we the went to look for you guys, but we got stopped by these orcs."

Klein replies.

"so everything is good then?"

I reply.

"yeah these guys seem to dislike the loyalists as much as us, so did guys capture the commander?"

he replies with a grin.

"yeah, right now those seperatists are squeezing information out him."

I then sit down while, Remy and Klein, walk around meeting the rest of the orcs here, after an hour of waiting around, Sid and Drulog return back, Sid then shouts.

"Yo Remy go bring the rest over here!"

I walk up to Sid and ask.

"so what's going on? whats the next move."

he puts his arm on my shoulder and he motions me to start walking, then he replies.

"Well Drulog wants to meet the rest of the crew, and hear the information that we are getting from the commander for himself, and then we are going to make a plan of attack."

I reply.

"sounds good i guess."

we then head back to where the rest of them are at, I take a seat right by a tree and i just silently sit there by myself, and a thought pops up.

"I wonder how Mom and Dad are doing, I should probably find a way to contact them, and I should. do the same for Rosie, because I can't go back like this, I will be detected as a monster."

I look up to sky and ask myself.

"I wonder if there is a cure, I never thought about asking Sid, maybe I should ask him?"

a few hours pass and I smell the rest of the our people and the seperatists nearby, I get up, head to where Sid and Drulog are at, and then I see some seperatists hand over the Loyalist commander to Drulog, the rest of my people, see me, come over to me and check on how I've been, in the distance I see Sid walking alongside Drulog who is carrying the commander, I then walk up to Remy and ask her.

"hey do you have a moment?"

she replies.

"yeah sure."

Me and Remy walk alongside eachother and ask.

"have you ever tried to go back home?"

she replies with a serious tone.

"yeah I tried once to return to my husband, but the moment I stepped into Corpus, I was hunted down, but that didn't stop me, I pushed through until I arrived at my house, I got to see my husband one more time, but he didn't seem happy to see me, he gave me a terrified look, that saw me as la monster."

I then ask.

"so what made you want to become a werewolf if it was the case that you couldn't go back home?"

she replies, with a more sad demeanor.

"well I used to sell fruit at the market, and one day while I was picking fruit, a stranger kidnapped me, it turns out he was kidnapping random people, for the purpose of growing his own werewolf clan, and I was forced to become a werewolf."

I reply.

"I'm sorry, I didnt mean to pry so much."

she gives me a warm smile and replies.

"no it's fine, Sid makes it a big deal for all of us to know each other a bit better."

she then asks.

"so were you wondering on returning home? is that why you asked?"

I sigh and reply.


she then asks.

"so is it a loved one?"

I nod in embarrassment, I then change the subject by asking.

"so if you were forced to be a werewolf, how did you meet up with Sid?"

she replies with a serious demeanor.

"after escaping from being hunted down, I went back to the man that forced me to become a werewolf, and begged him to turn me back, but it wasn't possible, after months of just being miserable, Sid and the rest of his group came and wiped out the man and his newly formed group, but he spared my life, and let me be part of his group."

I smile and think to myself.

"Sid just keeps suprising me."

I look over to see that Sid and Drulog are coming back, and then Sid yells out.

"everyone come gather around, Drulog is going to reveal our plan to finally wipe out the loyalists."

then we all gather around both Sid and Drulog,

then Drulog shouts.

"we are going to do one big attack, now that they are a huge number of you seperatists, the focus for you guys will be to simultaneous attack all loyalist tribe, to spread their forces thin, I will make contact with the orc army and they will also make sure that the loyalists spread their forces, while Mine and Sid's are going to storm the king's castle in New Tresron and take the fight to them!"

a loud roar a cheers erupts all over the encampment, I think to myself.

"I hope this it, once this is over I need to find a way to contact my parents and Rosie."

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